Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 51 - I Didn't Know It Was You

Xixiu returned to her normal routine, but she worked ten times harder than before.

She has been able to control her mental power freely, and all the innocence on her face has disappeared. Now she looks like a piece of jade, gentle and restrained.

After her conversation with Vivian, she decided to put away all disguises and be her truest self.

Xue Fanhui, like her, grew up after experiencing that funeral.

The children in the nursery have been affected to a greater or lesser extent and have become harder working and more resilient.

Xixiu entered the virtual battle room, and her opponent never came back since he left last time.

The system matched her with another opponent, and she could win eight out of ten games. She wanted a higher challenge, so she went to a high-level area, planning to start by being abused and slowly grow up. When she was sixteen, her The results should be impressive.

Days like this passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, one Ningkui star year had passed since the war.

In this year, Xixiu has saved a considerable amount of star coins, plus the star coins she got from looking for Shulai Stone in the past few years. According to the price of goods in her previous life, she is already considered a middle-class person and can buy the full amount. Next up is a nice duplex building.

But in the Alliance, if she buys a high-end robot body, she can go back to before liberation overnight. Thinking of this makes her sad.

Xixiu often complains to Xue Fanhui about the price. Xue Fanhui's mechanical design is also expensive, and they both feel the same way.

However, Xue Fanhui can already go to the fighting arena, where she can quickly earn star coins.

"Xixiu, I checked the places I can go in the virtual network. After I turned fourteen, a battle arena was added. There is a competition in which you can win star coins, and the bonus is very generous." Xue Fanhui added the latest The news was told to Xixiu.

"Really? Have you gone in and watched it? Is the competition easy?" Xixiu became interested when he heard that there was a bonus.

"I haven't watched it yet. I'll tell you when I watch it tomorrow, but I guess it's a mecha competition."

Wow, although mechas are theoretical in the world of Xixiu's previous life, judging from her planet's technology, mechas look a bit like, useless?

However, here in the Alliance, mechas are the most convenient weapons to carry, and they are also armors that protect the body. When fighting in the starry sky, a good mecha can increase the chance of survival by 70%.

Mechas require mental strength of 2S to be piloted. Because mechas are expensive, ordinary citizens cannot own combat mechas.

Robots can already do daily work, and there are not many places where mechas are needed in reality.

Xixiu was about to cry but had no tears. The holes in the robot had just been filled. Mecha, she didn't dare to think about it.

Do I need to work two more jobs? Really, it’s hard to move forward without money in the league.

"Okay, tell me the rules first. I plan to think about it first. When I can go to the fighting arena, I will make money." Xixiu's serious expression amused both Xue Fanhui and Zhen.

Although they are little money lovers, they have indeed spent a lot of money recently!

Zhen will inherit the inheritance when she is sixteen, and there will be no problems in her future life. Xixiu and Xue Fanhui will have to rely on themselves.

Xixiu surfs the Internet alone in his room at night. Once he turns ten, he will no longer be restricted from using the Internet. Now Xixiu can stay up all night, as long as it doesn't delay his study the next day.

She first checked some information about the competition arena on the Internet and found that, as Xue Fanhui said, winning the competition would result in a bonus.

She made a rough calculation and found that winning five games in a row would get 70% of the rewards from spectators, plus a ranking bonus, ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 star coins.

After all, this would be a considerable amount of income, and Xixiu was very excited about it.

This made her look forward to turning fourteen soon. She planned to go to the fighting arena and kill everyone so that she could make money to support herself and Sixi.

She browsed through the most lucrative professions in the league again, and planned to find a job to support herself after retiring. She also planned to find a part-time job where she could work online.

For the mecha and robot Sixi, she wants to make more money!

After filtering through more than 100,000 pieces of information, Xixiu finally found a part-time job online.

It was probably a message from a kid from a rich family. It said that if you provide a good recipe and a simple method every week, you can get 200,000 star coins if you provide four recipes a month.

If he's satisfied with the recipes, he'll receive an additional bounty.

After seeing this message, Xixiu jumped on the bed and rolled around. This was a part-time job tailor-made for her.

That's great, isn't it?

Xixiu immediately contacted the person who posted the information and found that he was not online, so she had to leave a message.

She did all this anonymously. She had not learned programming in vain for more than a year, and she was able to come and go on the star network without any trace.

She had no intention of using the recipes from her previous life. After all, those things did not exist in the Alliance.

The reason why she took botany and zoology as electives was to become familiar with the ingredients of the alliance. After she retires, she plans to open a small restaurant or a handmade snack shop. These industries are very profitable!

After all, people are born with a taste for food.

After editing the names and methods of the several ingredients he had prepared, Xixiu clicked send after going through it and found that there would be no problems, and then quietly waited for the other party's reply.

She was very confident that she could get this part-time job, which cost two hundred thousand star coins per month, without any effort or brainpower. She was so happy that she wanted to fly.

After chatting with his brother Qing Shihao, Qing Zhixun returned to the room and received a message from the terminal that there was an incoming message.

After clicking on it, he discovered that it was something that surprised him. Someone actually researched the alliance's various edible plants and ingredients, and even made the combinations. Looking at this step, the taste should not be bad when it is made. .

Can you finally have a full meal?

Qing Zhixun left a message to the other party and found that it was sent anonymously. It was very interesting. Was he trying to protect his privacy?

But it doesn't matter, they are just doing transactions on Star Network, and if he comes up with ideas, he will pay for them, which is fairest.

He is not interested in knowing anything else about the other party. Apart from transactions, he will never interact with them too much, and the same goes for battles.

Qing Zhixun paid the 50,000 star coins for this week directly.

Hearing the message that money had been deposited from the terminal, Xixiu tossed around on the bed holding the quilt.

Ahhhhhh, Xixiu screamed in her heart, how happy could she be? She earned 50,000 yuan with just one idea. This customer will be her biggest financial backer in the future. Xixiu decided to put more thought into matching the recipes, and hug her tightly These big golden legs.

Xixiu decided to use his special skills to make the donor feel that he got every bit of the money! No! injustice! Also great value!

Xixiu was full of enthusiasm when he got up to write the recipes. In a short time, he wrote sixty recipes, all of which used food available in the alliance. They are all labeled, and the origin and purchase method of the required ingredients are also thoughtfully indicated.

She is really grateful for the eighteen martial arts she learned in her previous life, which allowed her to earn her first pot of gold in the alliance!

After doing this, Xixiu seemed to see the star coins falling on her body. This feeling was so wonderful!

Xixiu felt that it was really difficult for her to be poor again. Due to chance in her previous life, she lived a life that many people dream of after the age of 23. The hardships are not common to outsiders, but she has lived a happy life for several years.

Xixiu put her hands behind her head and looked up at the star map she had bought on a whim and pasted it on the ceiling. It was very beautiful and charming. She could actually travel through it in the future!

There are adventures and excitements, but also difficulties and dangers.

I also thought that being reincarnated in this life would completely return me to the primitive times. Alas, I didn’t want to think about it anymore.

Make money, exercise, learn culture, and become a motivated and outstanding girl!

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