Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 512 - Will exist forever

So far, no one has seen Qin Hongjun's true strength. Even he has never fought with him, so this unknown seems very dangerous.

Judging from his experience, Qin Hongjun's personal strength may be far superior to his.

Because, he will definitely perform various fusion surgeries on himself crazily, and even find ways to "install" the talents and skills of other intelligent creatures into his own body.

Fighting alone, if not supported by other weapons, Jingsu may not have any warriors who can defeat him.

Also, if he really realizes the backup of consciousness, there will be no difference between him and immortality. If his consciousness cannot be destroyed, he will exist forever.

This is what Li Xianfeng is most worried about.

"We know that we will not underestimate the enemy."

"More training is always beneficial."

Li Xianfeng's experience is worth learning, so Xu Fengxiang and the others have been humbly asking him for advice, including combat skills, command and strategy.

Their moods had calmed down and they were no longer as excited as before. Li Xianfeng was also very patient and answered their questions very carefully, without missing anything.

Feng Yuici asked cautiously: "We, can we keep in touch with our seniors in the future?"

"Yes. If you can't find me, ask Xixiu to transfer, or give her the question. She will know how to contact me."

He is sometimes in the virtual network, and does not necessarily stay in the machine body all the time.

There were many things in the network of the central brain that he had not discovered in his previous life.

Moreover, after the central intelligence brain told about the discovery in Anweier intelligence brain, he had reached a consensus with Min En and could access its network to find the information he wanted.

It wasn't until Xu Fengxiang and the others thought there was no problem, that they allowed Li Xianfeng to rest, even though he didn't need it.

The four people who stayed here made more detailed plans for what was to come, and arranged all aspects of Jiuxing's dispatches, and then they relaxed a little.

Chi Shengyun calmed down and suppressed his excitement, "Xu Da, I didn't expect senior to be so approachable."

After all, they were the ones who had guarded his tomb for a long time, and they knew his deeds by heart.

"Well, this is the mentality of a strong person. You and I still need to work hard in this direction."

"Xixiu's battle in Anweil ​​was very impressive. I really want to see it in person." Feng Yuici heard what his daughter said, but regretted that he could not see it in person.

"Do you think it's Xixiu who's better, or the seniors?" Yuan Wuxi, who rarely spoke out, asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"This problem will probably remain unsolved in my lifetime." Is it really possible for two people to fight?

"However, Xixiu's mental strength is obviously higher than that of his predecessors. The martial arts of his predecessors should be higher than that of Xixiu, maybe even?" Chi Shengyun accepted Xu Fenxiang's words.

"Forget it, anyway, two outstanding warriors are from Jiuxing. This is our honor. In order to be worthy of this honor, you and I both need to work hard."

After Xu Fengxiang finished speaking, the four people left and went to deal with their assigned tasks.

Li Xianfeng did not go to rest, but went to the training room to watch Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui train.

All the way here, he could hear the clash of weapons in the training room.

When he entered, he saw Xue Fanhui clenching his teeth while following Xixiu's moves.

It has to be said that these two children are both people who can be cruel to themselves.

"Let your sister take a rest. Let's have a few moves and let her see what a master showdown is like." Li Xianfeng joked.

After hearing this, Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge, who were also training not far away, immediately dropped their weapons and went aside, planning to watch. Feng Qiqi even opened the terminal to record directly.

Wan Youlin did a very good job in logistics and thoughtfully handed Xixiu a bottle of soothing drink. She had just spent a lot of effort in fighting Xue Fanhui.

We will face Li Xianfeng again, and there may be a difference in physical strength.

"Okay, but senior, please don't beat me too hard."

Li Xianfeng was a perpetual motion machine. As long as she had energy, she might not be able to win even if she fought him for six days and seven nights.

"Hey, are you so weak?"

"In front of seniors, I am really weak." Li Xianfeng joked, but he was serious, no matter how he looked at it, he was weird.

Xue Fanhui quietly said to Feng Qiqi: "Senior Sister Feng, senior won't go too far."

She was worried that Xixiu would not have the upper hand in the battle with the machine if he did not use secondary weapons.

"Probably not. Let's take a look first. Xixiu's strength may be stronger than you think."

Xue Fanhui had just learned the lesson, and it was indeed better than she thought, "Well, Xixiu has always been very good."

"You probably haven't really had a fight with her since you were a child. She was very reserved in her fight with you just now." Bai Junge directly exposed Feng Qiqi. There is nothing bad to say, everyone is on their own.

"Uh..." Xue Fanhui was extremely surprised.

"Ahem, don't be like this. Xixiu is really powerful, but she thinks that the strength she had just now is enough to fight you."

"Oh, I should be lucky that I am not my opponent with Xixiu, right?"

"We should all be grateful."

Xue Fanhui re-evaluated Xixiu in her heart and found that her sister seemed to have been completely transformed.

The talent she wanted to conceal in the past has been released.

Xue Fanhui could tell from the first move between her and Li Xianfeng that although her martial arts skills had not fallen behind over the years, the gap between her and Xixiu definitely could not be formed in a day or two.

These two people were fighting purely with martial arts, without using mental power or weapons to assist them.

Part of Xixiu's martial arts skills came from Jiuxing. These were moves Li Xianfeng was familiar with, so they were easily resolved by Li Xianfeng.

As for Li Xianfeng's moves, Xixiu is also familiar with them. After she received Jiuxing, she learned all Li Xianfeng's martial arts skills.

Thanks to her excellent memory, she can quickly pick up her moves.

The two are currently tied.

Li Xianfeng found it even more interesting.

It is not easy to encounter such a well-matched opponent in her life, and it can be seen that she spends a lot of effort in training.

The battle between the two was a textbook level. Their use of skills and the timing of their attacks were very precise. This is an experience that can only be gained through a lot of battles.

In the end, Li Xianfeng won two moves, and Xixiu's physical strength was already a little exhausted.

"Your strength exceeds my imagination. If you add mental power, I should not be your opponent." Li Fengfeng said truthfully.

He already knows that the power that the virus can unleash is not only a surge in mental power, but also a much stronger aggressiveness than ordinary people.

Otherwise, Qin Hongjun would not have spent so much energy conducting this experiment.

"Senior, I'm being humble. You have a lot of combat experience. On the battlefield, these are all things that can save your life. I still have a lot to learn. As for mental power, I always regard it as a natural talent and accident, and I will not rely entirely on it. "

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