Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 516 - Si Xi going out

Xixiu allowed it to have a normal sleep schedule. Just like humans, it was afraid that it would still get used to sleeping, so it set a sleeping time in its program.

"Does it want to be in my body?" Sixi is most afraid of the central brain.

"It says this time with you, no more taking away control."

Sixi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it couldn't accurately sense the suppression, being taken away from the control of the main program still made it a little panicked.

In its calculation database, one of the most worrying things is doing something harmful to Xixiu without knowing it.

"Then I'll go, but after I go, no one will help Xixiu do these trivial things in life."

"Okay, I can do all this myself, and there's nothing wrong with me. No one or machine can take Sixi's position, I promise."

"Oh, alright."

Si Xi felt that her programming system had been discovered by Xi Xiu. She was so embarrassed, but she was very happy.

Xixiu's expression also looked very happy, and Sixi's mechanical eyes recorded her smile at the moment in the database.

Its database contains all the information about Xixiu. With a little analysis, it can successfully play the character of Xixiu.

This is also the reason why the central intelligence brain chose Sixi to go with him. That kind of affinity is not possessed by other intelligent creatures in the alliance.

After that, Sixi will be transformed by the central intelligence brain. It will cooperate with Min'en to load the protection code into Sixi. All codes that try to modify the main program will be eaten by the protection code.

This can ensure the safety of Sixi.

Martial skills, various procedures for using weapons, and wearing mechas have been added.

Sixi became a real warrior.

At the moment when the program was loaded, Xixiu actually felt a little emotional.

After the central intelligence brain completed these tasks, it entered Sixi's program, took Sixi away, and went to the Qing family to join the Qing family.

Xue Fanhui watched Sixi leave and felt that Xixiu was really getting stronger, including the people and machines around her, and she had to work hard.

On the morning of the fourth day, Xue Fanhui left with them after verifying the identity of the institute's guards.

Xiao Wenjiu has been dealt with secretly. They don't need to do these things. The alliance guards and elders will naturally do it.

"Complex painting, cherish it."

Xixiu stepped forward and hugged her, and was held tightly by Xue Fanhui's hands. "Well, you are the same, be careful at all times. I will transport new weapons to you through special channels."

"Okay, see you next time."

Next time, I hope that everything will calm down as soon as possible so that they can have a chance to meet again.

Until then, take care of each other.

"Remember, you have to be careful about everything, sometimes it can really save your life."

Under the current situation, Xixiu reminded her earnestly that she knew Xue Fanhui was smart, but sometimes when he focused on the design of equipment, he would inevitably fail to take into account some aspects.

"I know. The lesson I learned this time is really profound. I will always wear the robot on my body."

The robot that Wei Lanshan modified for her was loaded with martial arts skills, Xixiu's simulation data, and a five-yuan medical system, with various skills.

Only the appearance has not changed, the core has been changed inside, and the other party will not notice it.

Because Wei Lanshan moved its original program to another small robot.

Xue Fanhui took the little robot and kept it in a dormant state as before. All he had to do was choose the right time to destroy it.

Xue Fanhui went back with the people at the institute without any reluctance. She knew in her heart that this separation was for a better reunion next time.

She has to work harder, strive to become stronger, and design more useful weapons for Xixiu.

After Xue Fanhui left, Xixiu and Xu Fenxiang held a meeting for nearly three hours to completely finalize Jiuxing's personnel arrangements.

Long Xingxue went out to carry out her mission, Ming Weiman was responsible for the supply of energy and food, and Xu Fengxiang and the others took one-ninth of the nine-star warriors to garrison the border.

Wan Youlin, Feng Qiqi, and Bai Junge led six-ninths of the troops to go wherever assistance was needed.

One-ninth of the Xixiuzi was taken, and the remaining ones followed Ming Weiman and were responsible for transporting supplies.

Other scientific researchers are not included in these numbers. After five hundred years of development, the number of Jiuxing people is still considerable even if we exclude those families that have left Jiuxing.

"Senior Sister Feng, before the war starts, I'd like you to go to Miao Run and provide cover for the Central Intelligence Brain and the others."

Although there are people from the Qing family accompanying him, and the people Qing Zhixun gave him must be elites, Qin Hongjun is too weird.

He has too many eyes and ears, and even though the central intelligence brain leaves with the help of the Qing family, the itinerary may still be leaked.

If that planet is discovered by Qin Hongjun, the consequences may be disastrous.

"Okay, Xixiu, you should pay attention to safety when you return to the station."

They were worried that Xixiu would be in danger if Qin Hongjun's people infiltrated the station.

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Feng Qiqi and Wan Youlin left Gaia. The starship wandered around Gaia for a few days. They stopped at several administrative stars to purchase some items and ensured that Qin Hongjun knew their whereabouts before slowly heading towards Miaorun. direction of flight.

As expected, there were several tails hanging behind them, but since they did not come forward to provoke them, Feng Qiqi and the others ignored them.

Xu Fengxiang and the others returned to Shang Yuexing to wait for the recall order. After finishing the work on Gaia, Xixiu went to Wei Lanshan's laboratory.

The last group of children's drug tests were left. The day after she left the laboratory last time, Wei Lanshan and Duan Shaoguang had already done it once on the children. Fortunately, all twenty children survived.

This is the last group of drugs. The children's condition has been very stable since the last test. Wei Lanshan is very confident about the last group of drugs.

The key lies in the character of the children.

When the children saw Xixiu, they all gathered around, and the sisters kept shouting.

Looking at the delicate little guys and hearing their immature voices, Xixiu felt that her heart was about to melt.

She encouraged the children again and asked them to remember the agreement, which was full of positive energy.

Duan Shaoguang and Liu Yao's education was very successful. These children quickly learned the knowledge they should master. They are exactly the same as other children in the alliance, and they are no longer the blank sheets of paper they were just rescued.

After playing a game, Xixiu asked them to rest and recuperate for the next test.

"Aunt Lan, Shang Yuexing's Xu Da and the others will make preparations when they return this time, but for safety reasons, they may have to stop by a few more galaxies."

Just like when Wei Lanshan took her to escape, Qin Hongjun would definitely pay attention to what was going on in Wei Lanshan's laboratory.

It was impossible to know whether the Tang family finally sent him the status of the experimental subjects, but she guessed that Qin Hongjun knew the progress of the experiment.

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