Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 524 - Bought the planet

She had discussed with Xu Fengxiang and the others before, so they sent a small fleet to the frontier fortress Ningkui Star. They said they were going there to explore, but in fact they wanted to find a new energy star.

There are many planets in Ningkui Star. Because it is located on the frontier, many planets are not inhabited by intelligent creatures, and they are still in their most primitive state.

Because of Tianwei's energy problems, Jingsu has been looking for alternative energy stars in recent years, but none of them are ideal.

Some families have devoted all their efforts to secretly search for it. Although Aura is also rich in energy, based on the current consumption of the entire alliance, the energy of Tianwei and Aura galaxies may only be able to support it for another thousand years.

Jingsu must prepare for a rainy day.

The reason why Xixiu chose the planet Ning Kui is because of its special geology.

She used to go to the beach at the nursery to look for Shulai stones for sale. The beach there was different and the geology was also very strange.

Jingsu must have done some detection on Ningkui Star, but there are very few detection records on other planets on Ningkui Star.

There are very few intelligent creatures here, and many people don't like to live in such an environment.

Conditions are harsh and vegetation is sparse.

With Tianwei's entire energy galaxy, and no matter what, Aura, no one would think of going through hardships to find a new energy star.

In addition, Energy Star has a special feature, the vegetation there is extremely rich.

Therefore, no one will pay attention to the bare Ningkui planet.

However, Xixiu discovered from the local historical and linguistic system of Ningkui Star that long, long ago, other planets in Ningkui Star were not bare.

On the contrary, the vegetation in this galaxy is extremely lush, and the trees are green and black.

The sudden change in this situation is because there was a fusion in that star field.

For unknown reasons, the planets were attracted to each other. After the collision and a big explosion, the plants on them disappeared instantly.

The planet has become a mere commander, and no one wants to change the environment there.

The strange thing is that the test results here have never detected any radiation leakage.

Later, Xixiu asked Wu Jingshuo this question, and then he realized that at the moment of the collision, some kind of closed protection mechanism might be formed.

That's why Xixiu asked the people from Jiuxing to search for that star field.

These records were passed down orally by the local people of Ningkui Star and have not entered the central brain.

Xixiu also learned about it accidentally.

But she wasn't so sure.

Because the people from Jiuxing didn't gain much after going there.

The surface of the planet in Ningkui's star field was too hard, and the instruments they brought could not detect any useful information.

She discussed the problem with Xu Fengxiang and the others, and everyone's unanimous suggestion was to drill and explore deep into the earth's surface.

However, this process must be done very carefully, because if there is really energy, it must be ensured that the energy is not leaked.

Once discovered by other families, their people may not be able to steal it from the other family, and it would not be a good idea to make wedding clothes for others.

Finally, Xixiu made a risky decision, that is, to buy those planets in the name of Jiuxing.

Li Xianfeng was speechless when he found out. He had created Jiu Xing before, and the star coins everyone had worked so hard to earn were almost wiped out overnight.

That feeling is so sour and refreshing.

"I didn't know you were so crazy." After Li Xianfeng found out, he went to Xixiu directly.

"Betting." In fact, her essence is no different from that of a businessman.

"Are you so sure there is energy there?"

"Intuition, there are so many kinds of ores produced there." It's incredible.

Unlike the gems from Jinke Star, almost all the ores from Ningkui Star can be used to make other things, and are raw materials for many weapons and daily necessities.

In a galaxy with so many ores, even if you don't find the energy stone, you won't lose money if you buy it.

Her abacus was very precise, and after listening to it, Li Xianfeng felt that it seemed to be quite reliable.

He had never thought of investing in a few planets like this before, and he didn't know if it was too late now.

"Can I still buy it now?" Li Xianfeng also wanted to buy one for fun.

"The ones hanging on the Star Network are basically not good anymore. The other families have bought all the ones they like."

This means that he has no part in it.

"Wait for the results of the planet over Ningkui Star to be transformed. If you like it, senior, you can go directly there."

Anyway, it is already Jiuxing's private property, and all production profits go into Jiuxing's account.

"Oh, give me the coordinates of those planets and I'll take a look."

This might really work. Then he can apply to guard the planet and no one will know who he is.

Xixiu was still happy when she thought of these things, and she felt very relieved when she saw the message coming from Ning Kui Star in front of her.

The person responsible for drilling on the planet sent pictures of suspected raw energy stones.

After they drilled the surface, they found transparent ore at a depth of three thousand meters. The robot tested it with the instruments it carried and found that the energy purity was about 60%.

Although it is not as pure as Tianwei's energy, it is only five percent lower than the purity of Aura energy stone, which is already considered a very high purity.

As long as it goes through three more processes, these ores can be made into energy stones.

After sending this news to Li Xianfeng, Xixiu curled her lips. She realized that her luck had really exploded after coming to Jingsu.

Of the ten planets purchased, only two have not mined raw energy stones.

The total amount of energy raw stones on these eight planets is about half of the total amount of Aura, which is already a very huge amount.

As long as Jiuxing sells these rough stones in the future, it will be able to support several generations.

When Li Xianfeng saw the message she sent, the pictures of the raw energy stones were really eye-catching!

He could only hold his forehead and sigh. He thought that his luck was good enough after coming to Jingsu, but he didn't expect that this girl was even worse than him. This was probably going to be unbelievable.

However, with the backing of these energy stars, Nine Stars will not face energy crises again in the future.

The use of starships and weapons requires energy, and the maintenance of many active systems on Shang Yuexing is also inseparable from energy.

After receiving the data, Li Xianfeng gave Xixiu a thumbs up and praised her for her unique vision.

This matter was only mentioned among the top management of Jiuxing, and the star coins spent on buying planets were earned back in an instant.

Xu Fengxiang and the others were even more stunned. Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge became excited when they received the pictures.

It would be a good idea to follow Xi Xiuqian. They even had the energy they were in short supply, and the weapons were supported by Anweil. These two tight supplies were strongly guaranteed. They just had to fight hard at the front.

In the past, I was afraid that the energy of Jiuxing would not be replenished because the battle line was too long, which would affect the outcome of the battle. But now there is no need to worry at all.

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