Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 530 - Marriage Application Form

After Xixiu led the team members to train hard for more than a month, Axian returned to Yuanri station from Anweil.

Following this, there is also a marriage application portal opened by the central brain.

Both Zhen and Xue Fanhui submitted their applications as soon as the entrance opened. Xue Fanhui knew that Xixiu had made her own decision, so she did not rush her.

Only Zhen has been worried that Xixiu will miss this application. If he misses it, he will be forced to apply and he will be in trouble.

The partners who are forced to apply for a match are often hard to describe.

Xixiu understood Zhen's worries, and Wei Lanshan sent her a cheering expression.

Even Jingxi, who was out looking for the Star Gate, sent her words of encouragement, asking her to follow her heart.

Because nothing is more important than being happy.

A Xian has been beside her, including Flora and He Yinlei. The three of them have been staring at her to see when she will send the marriage application.

That posture made Xixiu dumbfounded.

"I asked, why do you never hesitate when fighting?" A Xian muttered.

"Can it be the same?" Xixiu looked at the sky speechlessly.

A-Xian thought for a moment that if it were him, fighting would take just as much energy as a partner. "It's the same for me, a partner is also a very important part of life."

In the minds of the Anweir people, the meaning of walking alone has never been more important than the reproduction of life.

"That's right, Xixiu, with your abilities and what the central intelligence brain matches you, you will definitely be as good as the commander."

Flora propped up her chin and saw that she had successfully submitted and was reviewing the queued application forms.

Xixiu didn't understand why they chose to use Qing Zhixun as an example for her. It was like that, and she didn't want to get married even more!

Flora didn't notice Xixiu's confusion when she said this. She and He Yinlei discussed it for a long time, and when they finally filled it out, she chose the iceberg type among the other person's personality options.

Just thinking about it makes me feel excited!

He Yinlei's application was quite satisfactory. It was filled out according to the most popular characters in the alliance, and it was only limited to star systems.

She doesn’t want to be too far away from home after retiring.

Therefore, the galaxy where the other party will choose to settle after retirement is very important.

"You have already filled out the form. What are you afraid of? If the other person dares to bully you, I will beat him until he begs for mercy." Ah Xian feels that among partners, whoever is stronger will listen to whoever is stronger!

Xixiu didn't hesitate anymore and finally submitted the application.

Results will be available in three days.

After submitting, she felt relieved. No matter what kind of person she matched with, she thought she would have a way to solve it.

Women’s marriage applications are submitted, and men’s applications are no exception.

Su Jinbao, Tara Xia, and Qiu Shaorong all submitted, as did Qing Zhixun.

After learning from A Xian that Xi Xiu had submitted an application, Qing Zhixun checked her requirements for a partner according to the previous agreement with the central intelligence brain.

He was dumbfounded when he saw Xi Xiu's long list of requests. In his previous life, he was actually this kind of person in her eyes?

Now she plans to find a substitute for herself in the alliance to get married?

No, she doesn't want to form a partner at all, because she understands that according to this requirement, the central brain can't find anyone who can match her.

Even if the character can be found, the strength may not match hers.

This is considered a solid move.

However, she neglected to calculate her own existence.

Qing Zhixun looked at Xixiu's application form and ran his fingers across the screen, with thousands of tender feelings in his eyes.

I hope she won’t be too surprised when she gets her match in three days.

Thinking of the expression she might have, the pain in Qing Zhixun's heart suddenly disappeared.

Was she completely devastated, was she gnashing her teeth and keeping silent, or was she just coming to the door and asking him to deny her first?

He was looking forward to it.

A Xian and Qing Zhixun have kept in contact since Xixiu submitted his application, and would report Xixiu's mood to Qing Zhixun from time to time.

Xixiu hasn't gone anywhere in the past three days and is still training with the team members. After the application results come out, they will have their first virtual life with the matched partner.

By then she will have to spend three hours on this every day, and the training time can only be made up from other places.

Get up at five o'clock every day and go to bed at eleven o'clock. Others have the same routine as Xixiu.

The results will come out tomorrow. A-Xian was lying on the bed and asked Xixiu if he was nervous, "Xixiu, aren't you curious about what kind of man the central brain will match you?"

Why was he hesitant before, but now he was so calm?

"I told it before that it must search for me in full compliance with my application requirements, otherwise I will not accept the matching result."

With her eyes closed, Xixiu felt calm.

This guy shouldn't cheat himself.

After hearing her words, the corners of Ah Xian's lips curved up in the darkness. Maybe Xi Xiu didn't know that Wu Jingyang and Zhongxin Zhinao agreed to Qing Zhixun's request.

She didn't know what price Qing Zhixun paid, but Qing Zhixun was serious about Xixiu.

Anvil people are very possessive of the people they like, and will never allow that person to leave their side.

This is the restraint of two Anvilians who are in love with each other.

Although humans are different from Anvilians, they are genetically engraved, and Axianxiang will discover the goodness of Qing Zhixun, and the two can eventually become lovers.

"Then, when we open our eyes tomorrow and the stars rise, we will know the result. I think Xixiu will have a good partner."

"We'll know tomorrow..."

Three even breathing sounds were heard in the room, two on the bed and one from Ebony.

It has grown a little, and now its vines are twitching, and its leaves occasionally move a few times, no different from a sleeping Hu Yuan rabbit.

It has a kind of cute feeling.

Outside the window of the dormitory, the satellite of the stationed planet has been launched, illuminating the ground.

The patrolling robot walked silently on the patrol road, and the starry sky was quiet.

On the second day, the station gave the soldiers a half-day holiday to receive the matching results and get familiar with each other in advance.

Xi Xiu got up slowly and washed up, using the slowest speed since arriving in Jingsu.

It made Ah Xian anxious...

Flora and He Yinlei had already opened the terminal, and now they were sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding nutrient supplements and fresh juice in front of them, planning to contact each other as soon as the results came out.

"Yin Lei, why hasn't Xi Xiu woken up yet?"

"Is she out training?"

"No way. Today is a day off."

"Then, did she oversleep?"

"Has our Hong Xi Xiu ever overslept?"

This is a world wonder.

"Then do you think she is afraid?" Flora whispered.

"How could such a powerful warrior like Xi Xiu be afraid of such a thing? You think too much."

Flora spread her hands. Xi Xiu was indeed brave and invincible in other aspects, but everyone has a side in their heart that they don't want to be seen.

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