Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 534 - Being stabbed in the heart

In order to repay her grandfather's kindness, she agreed to his dying request after graduating from graduate school.

"You are wrong. If you really just want to repay your kindness, Xixiu has many ways to refuse your grandfather's request. After all, the only thing your grandfather can't let go of is you."

Xixiu has the ability to handle these things and then find him a partner of his choice.

She could even devote her whole life to their family's business, but that didn't include selling her marriage.

But she agreed to this ridiculous request. Did Qing Zhixun never think about it?

Qing Zhixun did not expect that when Wu Jingxian became serious, every word he said would touch his heart.

He fell silent.

It was his self-righteousness that caused huge regrets. He and Xixiu did not say goodbye properly in his previous life, and he never expressed his feelings to her.

"Axun, what you are doing is not noble, but selfish. You should understand that it is difficult to suppress this kind of emotion."

He knows it now.

However, even if time could go back, he would still not change his original choice.

His body is a time bomb.

A Xian looked at his stubborn look and shook his head.

Hey, this is what people often say, claiming to be smart?

No wonder Xixiu gritted his teeth.

"Are you going to tell Xixiu?"

"Let's not talk about it for now. I can hide it for a day." He probably couldn't hide it for long.

When he enters the virtual network simulation scenario, he will probably reveal his secret.

"Yes, what you said may give Xixiu another reason to reject the matching result of the central brain."

Qing Zhixun knew what A Xian meant.

"Anyway, I can't let her become someone else's partner, so no matter how selfish I am, I finally met her again, so how could I let her leave."

This is what he owes her.

Although she may not accept it in this life to make up for it, but let him watch her being held in someone else's arms. He is not the sick man in his previous life, so how can he bear it.

"This is your business. Well, I won't help you anymore. Whether you can win Xixiu's heart again depends on you. Also, don't appear in front of me recently."


"Auntie, thank you."

Ah Xian's departure stopped, and she turned around. Looking at this man who made Xi Xiu fall in love to the extreme and helplessly reach the peak, her heart felt a little blocked.

Now that this matter has come to an end, it all depends on how Qing Zhixun handles it.

"By the way, Jingxi knows."

"Well, mom said she knew about it when I was still pregnant."

A Xian waved his hand and left.

After leaving Qing Zhixun's dormitory, he looked up at the sky and sighed.

Xixiu obviously still misses this person.

She could feel that in her feelings, she couldn't let go of this matter.

It stands to reason that Xixiu is not the kind of person who can't afford to let go. He still cares about his "ex-partner", which proves that this guy has something worthy of Xixiu's memory.

She decided to observe in secret.

She has seen to some extent what Qing Zhixun has done to Xixiu in this life.

However, Xixiu's knot will not be so easy to resolve.

She returned to the dormitory, where Flora and He Yinlei were probably chatting happily with their matches, while Xixiu was the only one looking at the data.

She walked over to Xixiu in small steps and leaned in front of the light screen to read the mission, "This time are we going to the border of the Yuanri Galaxy?"

Xixiu caught a glimpse of a trace of guilt on A-Xian's face, and guessed that it wasn't because of the matching result that she felt sorry for herself, right?

"Well, I'm making personnel location arrangements." The mission is to check a star field there. Reliable intelligence shows that a large number of strange IDs suddenly appeared there.

"Who is responsible for the energy and weapons of the starship?" This is what Axian is most concerned about.

"Leave it to Qiu Shaorong and Su Jinbao."

The rest of the entourage has been arranged by the station, and each starship has a fixed entourage.

These personnel will be responsible for the daily maintenance, repair, maintenance, and driving of the starship.

"How much has the strength of the team members improved?" A Xian has just returned and has not yet met these team members.

"It has improved by about 40% compared to when I first came to the station. It still needs to be improved."

Their strength is simply not enough to see on the upcoming battlefield.

"When I come back from the mission, I will lead a team and you will lead a team. We will train with the devil for two months."

"That's what I planned too."

"Jing Xi will probably find the Star Gate soon. I don't know what happened there."

Xixiu asked Axian about Anweil's situation and learned that Anweil ​​had completely overcome his discomfort with that kind of aura because of Wei Lanshan's friendly help.

In terms of defense, Anvil activated all military forces. All the gaps in the starry sky and in the sea were tightly blocked by them.

Anvil is trying to draw out his strength to support other star systems in Jingsu.

There are some unusual things happening secretly in every galaxy. Xi Xiu estimates that a storm is coming.

"Sister Axian, do the king and queen already know about Anweil's babies?"

When Xixiu was in the land of origin, he heard a lot of secrets. The authenticity of these things needed the help of Liujia and the others to confirm their credibility.

"Don't worry, I've already told you."

Ah Xian was a little annoyed, Xi Xiu didn't understand, she looked so happy when she went out, why did someone mess with her less than two hours ago?

"Who is angry?"

A Xian shook his head, obviously not wanting to speak.

Xixiu didn't ask again.

Everyone has things they don’t want to say.

Her intuition may have something to do with the matching results.

Only in a relaxed and pleasant environment, and by inadvertently using A-Xian's words, can we get a good answer.

Therefore, Xixiu focused on the allocation of task personnel.

Evacuation planning should also be done.

Although it may not be used.

But it's better to be cautious.

After all, life is still precious.

Not only hers, but also other people's are equally precious.

Ah Xian closed his eyes and fell asleep after a while.

When she woke up again, Xixiu had made all the preparations.

It was already dusk.

Xixiu scheduled a meeting half an hour after dinner to briefly explain everyone's tasks.

He Yinlei and Flora have come back from their date, and they are very happy.

They are obviously very satisfied with their subjects.

There was even a blush on Flora's face. She exaggeratedly said: "Oh my God, Polk's character is so fascinating~ It kills me. Although he looks very cold and hard to get close to, he is so kind to me." He was considerate and even noticed that my hair was not tied up properly. ”

This was her intention.

So, full marks.

He Yinlei is not that exaggerated, but Xie Yahong has a cheerful personality and has many common topics with her. She should not be lonely in the future as a couple.

Axian didn't ask too many details. Anvil people formed partners differently from other creatures, and their experience had no reference at all.

Xixiu is very happy for these two girls. It is a beautiful thing to have longing and expectation in her heart anytime.

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