Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 546 - It’s hard to tell the winner

The space here is too narrow. The robot warriors brought by Wuyuan and Qimang are all of ordinary size and fighting, and there is no more space to display.

When Parasite discovered the robots, he was still a little curious. He really didn't understand where these guys came from.

However, they moved a little slowly and quickly entered a fighting state.

Their fighting methods are extremely strange.

Wuyuan discovered that their bodies could rotate 360° without any blind spots.

Also, their bodies are very, very soft, and they won't be hurt at all if you hit them with a punch, even if they don't have protective clothing.

The battle between Wuyuan and these guys was in a stalemate, and it was difficult to determine the outcome for a while.

Unintelligent creatures have unintelligent ways of fighting. They only attack in one direction and are not afraid of hurting their body. After all, it is not their own body. If it is broken, it can be replaced with a new one.

Robots also have tempers.

Wuyuan was a little annoyed by these guys, but he couldn't just cut off their heads.

Because Xixiu gave the order.

Once their heads are cut off, it will be terrible if these things parasitize other Belkas.

At this time, Wuyuan misses Ebony very much. That guy's vines are so useful.

Its robotic arms are not equipped with chains, otherwise it would be able to tie these things up.

The parasite has no worries at all about consumption.

After Wuyuan was discovered, the parasite sent out a signal, which was a low-frequency coherent sound that the robot's system could capture but could not decipher.

When Xixiu saw the video, he discovered the advantages of the parasite's body and quickly adjusted his battle plan.

"Leopard, Hu Yingyi, you two immediately take twenty people and take the screened Belka people out of the ground and hand them over to the soldiers on the ground. If they don't leave, knock them unconscious and carry them out."

She also issued orders to the soldiers remaining on the ground, asking them to meet at the entrance of the cave and to be careful in their actions.

The people on the ground were Yang Jiuqing and Tara Xia. With Tara Xia here, Xixiu didn't have to worry too much.

"Yes. You should also be careful."

"Alyssa, you and your father should go to the ground with the others."

But Alyssa shook her head firmly, "No, I want to learn how to fight here."

They have lost too much time and must race against time to absorb knowledge.

She decided to follow Xixiu.

Andela was dragging his body and was basically unable to help in the battle.

He also understood that if they left now, they would not become a burden to the soldiers stationed there.

His legs were chopped off at the knee level, and he had to walk on wooden supports for many years. Other Belka people also suffered this torture.

Either their legs were chopped off, or their hands and feet were chopped off, or they lost their eyes and ears.

Andela's generation has been trapped by parasites since childhood. When they were born, their "fathers" had already moved underground.

It is impossible for the parasite to teach them martial arts, mental training methods, or even survival skills.

This was to destroy Belka completely.

Su Jinbao and Hu Yingyi brought some of the Belka people who had been screened out of the ground.

As expected, not all Belka people were willing to step out of the darkness. Su Jinbao and Hu Yingyi decisively knocked these people out and let the robots take them out.

He took the people directly to Tarasha's location, handed the people over to Tarasha, and asked Tarasha and the others to set up a disinfection and isolation place.

These Belka people on the ground need to be disinfected and cleaned, and then the resident doctor will check their health.

Xixiu and Ah Xian both felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts. They felt that the Belka people's plight was worthy of sympathy, but they didn't quite understand why so few people resisted under such cruel oppression.

Some people are actually willing to survive in such an environment and don't want to see the scenery on the ground.

When Andra told several tribesmen, no one believed him. Even now, they are still a little doubtful.

That's why Xixiu asked Su Jinbao and the others to knock out the Belka people who refused to leave.

After successfully sending some of the screened Belkas out of the ground, Xixiu and the remaining warriors teamed up with the robot to sprinkle the outside of the parasite's nest with medicine to prevent them from escaping.

After re-issuing instructions to Wuyuan and other robots, Xixiu led the rest of the soldiers and went straight to the headquarters of the parasite's nest.

"Alyssa, don't stay too far away from me." Xixiu put on a set of spare mechas for Alyssa, which Xue Fanhui gave her just in case. She prepared ten sets in total.

"Yes, I will."

He also told Alyssa about several weapons of the mecha so that she could use them when she encountered danger. It was too late to teach the rest of the operations now.

"You have to pay attention to your own safety. I may not be able to take care of you during the battle."

She could only let Ebony wrap Alyssa with vines, and then release a ray of mental power, so that she could detect the danger around Alyssa in time and facilitate rescue.

Alyssa bit her lip. She knew that she was redundant at the moment, but she desperately wanted to grow and learn.

Xixiu understood her heart.

So she didn't have to leave.

She calculated that Alyssa would not be a burden to her, otherwise she would have been knocked unconscious and taken away.

Alyssa followed Xixiu into the parasite's lair. This was her first time here.

There was an indescribable smell in the lair, and Xixiu could smell it from afar. He helped Alyssa turn on the mecha's air filtration and circulation system, otherwise this "extraordinary" smell might make people suffocate.

A Xian couldn't bear this kind of environment.

Before the person could get close to the parasite, he used his mental power to directly twist off the head of the oncoming parasite.

Seeing something crawling out of the Belka man's body, he activated his weapon with his mental power and cut the thing in half.

Her violence and gore surprised Alyssa.

Because, in the stories Alyssa heard, the people of Anvil were gentle and elegant, and they paid attention to beauty in doing things.

But the one in front of her, except for the golden color she saw inadvertently, was different from the Anweir people her father had described to her.

Although Xixiu's fighting style was much gentler, it was still bloody, but she didn't let the parasite's heads fly everywhere.

Instead, she let her plant extend its vines into the head of the parasite, digging in and out, and pulled out the parasite.

Xixiu moved very quickly. As soon as the vine caught the parasite, she used an isolation vessel to put the parasite inside.

Caught a live one.

Not interested in studying them for the time being, Xixiu placed the isolation container in Niuli, a space specially used to store creatures, planning to wait until the battle was over to take a closer look at such disgusting things.

The combat effectiveness of these parasites is not weak, but this is compared to other warriors.

With the current strength of Xixiu and A-Xian, they can leave nothing behind.

Alyssa opened her eyes and kept staring, feeling incredible at the speed of Xixiu and Axian. This is probably the limit of human beings.

Suddenly, she became excited.

Is it true that as long as she works hard enough, she can do this?

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