Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 56 -Miaorunxingyuman

When Xixiu and the others returned to the room, 08 had already gone to get meals and brought back today's nutritional supplements.

After the three girls ate in silence, they still stayed in the room. Zhen spoke softly: "Xiuxiu, you, are you okay?"

"Well, don't worry, Beauty Zhen. You'll feel better after one fight. I'm fine." Xixiu raised a smile.

That's good. Zhen and Xue Fanhui looked at each other and felt a little relieved. Xixiu's aura just now was so powerful.

The room became calm again, and Xixiu was reading a novel after regaining her composure. She had recently become obsessed with all kinds of weird and weird articles about the Alliance.

Much more bloody than her time.

After all, the creatures in the Jingsu Alliance are really diverse.

Over the past eight thousand years of alliance history, humans have evolved towards their perfect form, as have other species in this star field.

Since the union of humans and Anvilians gave birth to uniquely gifted hybrids, humans have also tried to combine with other races in this star field.

It turns out that there are indeed several species that are not reproductively isolated from humans!

Among them, the most talked-about one is the mermaid of Miao Run Galaxy. Yes, Xixiu is sure and sure that he saw it right, it is a real mermaid.

When he first learned the name of this species, Xixiu went to the Star Network to look up information about this race.

An indigenous species like the Anvilians, mermaids have very beautiful morphological characteristics.

The face is no different from that of a human being. The only difference can be seen near the ears. The area connected to the ears is somewhat similar to the gills of a fish and is used for breathing.

They have two feet when they are on land, but they need a lot of water every week to stay alive.

It's not like they have always lived underwater. For thousands of years, mermaids have been accustomed to life on land. Those who still live in the sea are probably the royal family and nobles of Miao Run.

The book in her hand is about the sadomasochistic love between humans and mermaids.

She was very happy to see it, and had forgotten all the things that happened in the afternoon. At this moment, she was seeing the mermaid's unwavering devotion to humans until death.

However, the author of this book is obviously fantasy, because the central intelligence brain will not easily match humans and mermaids.

Unless the matching threshold between two people really reaches perfection, and the results obtained by various calculations in the central brain are that this person and that mermaid match, then such a couple will appear.

There are only a few cases in the history of the league where the children they gave birth to were indeed very talented, and there are relevant records in the history of the league.

Xixiu just looked at it and smiled like an aunt when she saw something interesting.

It was really, so sweet, ahhhh, it made her girly heart burst!

Xue Fanhui kept shaking her head when she saw her like this. She didn't understand how Xixiu, who was sometimes terrifyingly mature and sometimes cutely childish, could combine these two contradictory personalities into herself.

He also infected Zhen.

The reason why Zhen chose Miao Runxing before was because she wanted to see the mermaid.

"Xiuxiu, does this look good?"

"Yeah, super sweet! The mermaid male protagonist is so handsome, and the female protagonist is also beautiful." Xixiu turned the light screen over and opened the picture of the novel.

The novels of the Alliance are full of pictures and texts, which are not tiring to look at and are eye-catching. This is a great way to pass the time when you are bored.

Zhen came closer and found that the painting was indeed beautiful, and the eyes of the mermaid hero were well painted and full of affection.

"It's indeed very beautiful, ah, it makes me want to go to Miao Runxing instead." Zhen was also obsessed with her, she said while shaking Xixiu's arm.

Girls' feelings are always poetry.

Although they enter institutions of higher learning at the age of sixteen, they must take blockers before entering school, but this does not prevent them from appreciating beautiful things.

"Let's wait until later. Let's go see it all together." Xixiu also wanted to see it. After all, there are many romantic and ferocious legends about mermaids in her world.

Xue Fanhui was defeated by Xixiu and Zhen!

These two would never stop discussing the plot of the novel, as if the protagonist in the novel would be their husbands in the future.

I’m so tired. Where can I find reliable weapons?

"Girls, enough is enough, remember, match, match, match~recite it after me." Xue Fanhui looked at Xixiu and Zhen with a smile.

"Fan Hui, can you still have fun? Can't you let Zhen and I have more fantasies about the confused future? You must expose us. 嘤嘤嘤~"

"I'm afraid that you are too deep into the drama and will not be able to get out. What if you are disappointed with your match in the future? This is related to the happiness of your life."

"..." Xixiu couldn't answer. She couldn't say that she planned to learn from Vivian, right?

It is estimated that Xue Fanhui will drag her to see a psychiatrist immediately. How can she want to live alone at a young age?

Something must have happened to Vivian that they didn't know about, so she didn't have a partner.

"Oh, I know, Sister Fan Hui, Xiu Xiu and I just look at it occasionally and won't get caught up in it. These are all illusions. We use them to kill time, otherwise they will be too boring." Zhen gave Xue Fan Hui He made an okay gesture.

I was looked down upon and looked down upon in the afternoon, so I forgot all about it.

After the terminal reminded them that the rest time was up, the three of them went back to their beds, lay down and pulled up the quilt, moving quickly and neatly, just like when they were in the nursery.

Dora will check their rest status after half an hour, which may also be related to their ratings.

He adjusted his breathing, fell asleep in meditation, and gathered all his mental power.

Now she can control it well, and her mental power will not be discovered by others. This is why Xue Fanhui and Vivian have never discovered her talent.

When Dora walked outside Xixiu's cabin, she heard only breathing sounds inside. The girls were already asleep, self-disciplined and self-controlled, adding another point.

The other five groups had some minor problems today, especially Cheng Yixue's group. After coming out of the medical cabin, Cheng Yixue still felt that she was not wrong. After the staff found that they could not communicate, they followed Cheng Yixue. Anyway, this is her own life.

So Dora always likes to lead Vivian's team because it saves trouble.

Dora left quietly, and the girls in other rooms were still fighting, without any sense of rest. They finally came out, so they could toss as much as they wanted.

Going to the second cabin, Dora knocked on the door. It was Cheng Yixue who opened the door. When she saw that it was Dora, the cabin immediately became quiet. Cheng Yixue's face was not good. She hated Dora because she favored the orphans in the nursery. Cheng Yixue decided to complain about Dora after this trip.

Dora walked in and found that three girls from another group were there. She did not show her displeasure, but just said lightly: "If you think my score is not important, then you can ignore me all the way, and the rules of the Children's Management Office."

Dora's eyes swept across the six girls in the cabin one by one, and the girls lowered their heads when her eyes came over.

They were all complaining in their hearts. They were just playing and chatting. It was hard to relax when they came out. They thought that Dora's score should not account for too much, so they didn't take these rules seriously.

The rest of Dora didn't say anything more. After she left, she closed the cabin and went to check the other three groups. The situation was much better than the second cabin.

Dear fairies, if you have tickets, please come and give them to me.

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