Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 562 - Fight independently

Lin Shuan also agreed with Tian Noolin's view that Suxi Ta was not within the scope of any fortress.

It's even a no-no-no zone.

The other party who chooses to raid here can only be enemies who have issues with Susita.

Thinking of Su Xita's identity as a resident, Lin Shu'an rubbed his brows and said, "We used to make a living in the Star Sea by arresting the star thief leaders and earning commissions. Those people must have found Feihua's foothold."

"We have almost captured those most abominable Star Thief leaders back then. Who would have such a big group of people looking for our whereabouts?"

Lin Shuan couldn't figure this out either.

The children of the Star Thief leaders probably wish that their older generation would ascend to heaven so that it would be their turn to take charge.

It is even more impossible to seek "revenge" from Feihua Tuan.

After all, it was the Alliance that offered the bounty to capture them.

Feihua only wanted to take people, but he didn't care what kind of punishment these star thieves leaders received.

"You'll know when you see the other party's head. News should come back from Feihua soon. We have to guard this place."

Lin Shu'an and Tian Nuolin were responsible for the ground protection, guarding the Suxita ground fortress.

As long as they blocked the opponent's attack, they would not be able to enter Susita's interior.

Susita is safe.

"Linda, Seymour and Sika are already on their way back with their people."

They are not stationed soldiers and cannot open the wartime passage, so their return will be very slow.

Even if there is a fast jump channel on the way, it will be difficult to come back in time for reinforcements.

"I hope Jiang Fuyu and the others can be stable. As long as those people are safe, it doesn't matter if we show off a little bit."

Lin Shu'an has been checking Su Xida's movements in all directions, acting as eyes for Suo Feihua, Suo Feiyue, and others.

Susita starry sky

Xixiu and Li Yuanting finally reunited.

"Captain Hong, Axun sent us to support."


Xixiu detailed the situation they had detected so far to Li Yuanting, "The opponent's starships totaled five, parked in five directions on the planet. We found no signs of life on the opponent's starships. "

Li Yuanting and Lin Changchang looked at each other and felt their scalps numb.

"Xixiu, you mean, they will be immortal robots?" Lin Changchang was not very sure.

"I can remove your question mark." A Xian held his hands and looked at Lin Changchang in the video.

After hearing Ah Xian's affirmation, Li Yuanting and Lin Changchang were a little surprised.

No one expected that Qin Hongjun would send out the vanguard of immortal robots so soon.

Moreover, why attack the Susita planet? Is there anything special here?

"I don't know your doubts, so I can't answer them."

Xixiu has no time to analyze it now, and this issue is not the most important.

At the moment, it is more urgent to resolve Susita's crisis, and the answer will naturally come after Susita is rescued.

"Axun said that we should obey your command. What should we do?"

"If the opponent is an immortal robot, then our robot warriors will have no advantage."

She didn't know if her robot would be hijacked by the other party's program, although Wuyuan and Qimang both had blocking programs installed.

However, Xixiu was not sure whether the other party had any new "metamorphosis" research during this period.

The risk is not worth taking at the moment.

So she recalled Wuyuan and Qimang.

"With our current manpower, we will definitely be able to deal with the enemies in the starry sky. Susita has two motherships in the starry sky. We just contacted them. They are starships responsible for sending citizens out for safety."

The population of Susita is not large. In addition to the soldiers who stayed in Susita to fight and some citizens who went out, the two motherships can load the remaining citizens.

There are also soldiers on Susita's escort mothership, but because of the concern for the lives of citizens, these soldiers cannot leave the mothership easily.

They can only be allowed to follow orders, avoid or join the battlefield, and be responsible for observing the trends on the battlefield.

"What did the other party say?"

Li Yuanting was calculating their strength and how to arrange it in the most reasonable way.

"They said, follow our command and don't worry about weapons. Their supplies are enough."

"Coupled with the four starships stationed at the station, we still have the advantage in numbers."

A Xian lowered his eyebrows in thought. This was without knowing the opponent's strength, but he seemed to be equal in number.

"So, how to fight?" Lin Changchang has never been responsible for decision-making. She is responsible for weapons and shooting wherever she points, ensuring accuracy.

"Captain Li, let's first send a small scout to investigate the opponent's starship. These robots will automatically destroy themselves after sending back information. It will take about fifteen minutes."

These fifteen minutes were enough for their warriors to surround the opponent's five starships.

The mission she was flying this time was a large starship equipped with five small starships, and Li Yuanting's was the same.

Twenty small starships sprang out from the starry sky and went to their coordinate positions according to the deployment, waiting for orders.

After Lin Changchang blasted away the protective barrier of the opponent's starship, he launched small reconnaissance robots to the outside of the opponent's starship. These small machines entered the opponent's starship through the gaps.

The other party had obviously discovered that it was surrounded, and the starship's protective barrier had also failed, but it remained unmoved.

The footage sent back by the small robot showed that the interior of the enemy starship was extremely clean, with only a few robots operating the starship.

This scene made Xixiu and the others feel that something was wrong. Who would just let the robot operate without even a trace of themselves being seen?

"This is too, too unreasonable."

A Xian exclaimed.

As more and more pictures came back from the small robots, Xixiu found that these robots seemed to be trying to start some program, but there seemed to be a small problem and they failed to start as planned.

This has led to the current silence inside their starship, which means that the immortal robot has not yet been "awakened".

"Sister Changchang, I leave the weapon to you."

Take advantage of the opponent's mistake to kill it.

"Don't worry, it will be perfect."

Xixiu stared at the launch trajectory of the weapon on the display screen, and it accurately landed on the opponent's active zone. The firelight after the explosion looked gorgeous and cruel in the starry sky.

At the moment when it accurately hit the opponent, the picture sent back by the small robot stopped at the picture of the robot successfully starting the program.

"The opponent's program is activated, get ready for battle."

This was the first time they faced the immortal robot warrior head-on, and they didn't know what the opponent's strength was.

Qing Zhixun also received the real-time picture. After comprehensively calculating the current strength of the Yuanri Station, he discussed it with Lin Zaiqin, the commander of the Western District, and sent two starships from the Western District for reinforcements. At the same time, the level of the protective barrier of the Yuanri Station was increased. Turn it up.

Xixiu felt relieved when she learned that there would be soldiers coming for reinforcements.

After the opponent's starship was exploded, densely packed robot warriors emerged from it.

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