Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 564 - Could it be a coincidence?

As the squad leader, Su Jinbao and the others took their own people and took the stationed fighter plane to the arranged position to support the Susita people in the battle.

Xixiu rushed directly to the largest battlefield, where there were the most half-starry sky beasts.

When she and A Xian captured the scene on the ground, they saw Suo Feihua and Feng Shanshan leading the Susida warriors with their eyes red with blood.

Feng Shanshan's baby face was a little distorted, and he stared at the half-starry sky beast fiercely, his eyes could make holes in these things.

Seeing that the matter was urgent, Xi Xiu and A Xian jumped out of the fighter plane after starting the autopilot.

He drew out his sword/halberd in mid-air, and immediately killed the Half-Star Sky Beast after landing.

Suo Feihua and Feng Shanshan saw the Yuanri garrison signs on her and Axian's bodies, and knew that the friendly forces Lin Shu'an had mentioned before came to support them, so they shot them with more confidence.

It’s just that these things are really endless.

After Xixiu and Ah Xian hacked for a while, they realized that this thing really couldn't be killed.

In other words, it cannot be killed.

Even if this thing is headshot, it will grow another immediately after death.

Something is wrong with this.

Judging from their observations, the regeneration speed of this thing is very terrifying.

This is the reason why Susita's combat readiness cannot fully defeat the enemy.

Xixiu and A-Xian turned their backs and took a breather. "Xixiu, this thing can regenerate as long as it has a little tissue."

"That's what it looks like so far."

"Did you bring any growth inhibitors?"

"I brought it, but it's not enough."

There are too many.

The inhibitor she brought can only be used in a small area, and there are such creatures everywhere in Susita.

It is impossible for the accompanying biological researchers to prepare large quantities, because the raw materials for this inhibitor are very rare.

"What should we do? This is purely consuming our physical strength." Although she is not afraid, if this thing is not killed, it will cause great damage to Susita's ground environment.

The liquid on them will corrode the soil and vegetation on the ground.

These things are still carnivores.

They feed on intelligent creatures. If you don't kill them, they will kill you.

"Then don't kill them, leave them alive, then surround them with nets, and then find a solution later."

Xixiu looked around and made a quick decision.

"Then let's give it a try first."


Xixiu is less violent.

She used chains to tie all these things together so that they could not move, then threw them aside and continued to tie them.

Because Ebony absorbed a lot of radiation energy in the starry sky, he has fallen into a deep sleep, so he can't help Xixiu.

She asked Qimang and Wuyuan to open the net.

The tied half-starry sky beasts were thrown directly in, and A-Xian also grabbed the knocked-out starry sky beasts and threw them over. As long as the force was strong enough to prevent them from being scratched, bleeding and falling out of the tissue.

Shuo Feihua and Feng Shanshan were stunned when they saw their speed.

I lamented that as I got older, I could no longer compare to the nimbleness of young people.

Feng Shanshan was very surprised when Xixiu put away her weapon and picked up her long sword.

Because if she remembered correctly, she had made a knife of this type before, and as for the knife's final destination, she gave it to a little doll.

The resident soldier's sword was made of the same material as hers. Could it be a coincidence?

Or is she really that soft and sweet little girl who could make people's hearts melt?

Feng Shanshan originally wanted to go over to confirm, but was blocked by the endless half-starry sky beast in front of him.

He had no choice but to pick up his weapon and continue working.

Xixiu and Axian knocked these things unconscious and threw them into the net, and she sprinkled inhibitors in them.

After some observation, I found that even if the Half-Star Sky Beast was destroyed to nothing but rubbish, the bits of rubbish would slowly grow back, but the speed would be much slower than before.

Xiu Feihua and Feng Shanshan were very puzzled when they saw their actions. After Feng Shanshan fired several light-energy shotguns, he no longer cared about the half-starry sky beasts around him and jumped to Xixiu's side.

Staring at the dregs in the net, I saw that those things were growing again.

Little by little, it takes shape.

Slowly, it became almost the same as before.

This is why inhibitors are used.

If there were no inhibitors, the residues of these things would grow new ones in an instant.

No wonder, they can’t be killed cleanly.

"No killing?" Like her appearance, Feng Shanshan's voice sounded very cute and sweet.

"If you don't kill them, you can't kill them. They reproduce too fast, so you can only control them first. Also, you can't hurt them, you can only maim them."

Without wounds, there would be no tissue flowing out, and these things would not be able to grow new Half-Star Sky Beasts.

Xixiu answered Feng Shanshan's question, opened the terminal and analyzed the creature's characteristics and genetic sequence, confirming her guess.

Shuofeihua also discovered something was wrong.

So they used other weapons to blast these half-starry sky beasts away, and immediately used a storage net to completely wrap and compress their flesh and blood. As expected, no new half-starry sky beasts appeared.

She immediately sent the message to others on the battlefield, and Susita's warriors scolded the enemy for sending this half-starry sky beast.

How could such a perverted thing come out, where did it get it, and how did it possess this "fission" skill?

Just think about it and you'll get the answer.

It must have been obtained through shady means, an artifact.

After Shuofeihua reminded the others, everyone changed their fighting methods, and Susita's ground battlefield calmed down for a while.

An hour later, the number of Half-Star Sky Beasts in other battlefields was basically under control.

No more Half Star Beasts will be formed.

Xixiu and Ah Xian had been busy since they arrived on the ground. It was not until more than an hour later that they put the nearby starry sky beasts together.

But it hasn't been cleaned up yet.

There are so many half-starry sky beasts on their battlefield.

Upon seeing this, Xuefeihua and Feng Shanshan went to Xixiu and Axian, turned around and started fighting mode.

He Xixiu and the others took one position each, temporarily controlling the battle within a controllable range.

This kind of thing that can quickly regenerate every piece of flesh and blood was something they had never heard of before when they traveled across the star sea.

Although Jingsu's technology is indeed very powerful, many things are stipulated by the alliance law and cannot be touched.

No one is going to touch the bottom line of the league.

What they didn't expect was that after they had only retired for twenty years, someone in the alliance would actually touch the most basic bottom line and create such a creature.

The battle lasted more than two hours after Xixiu and the others joined. There were still some remaining half-star sky beasts, so Xixiu handed them over to Wuyuan and Qimang.

She wiped her hands and put away the unused chains.

He took out the long knife and cleaned it carefully. When he was about to put it away, his hand was held down by Feng Shanshan who came over.

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