Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 576 - Going on a mission together

That video was regarded as a belief by Feihua Tuan. Even if they die, they will take down the gangsters.

"The leader of the star thieves hundreds of years ago will also become an immortal robot?" Shuofeihua didn't quite understand this point in time.

"Well, before this span, we thought it was five hundred years as the boundary, but later we found out that it was not the case. The people behind it started planning a long time ago, and it is estimated that the time will go back further."

Xixiu told her some of Qin Hongjun's deeds and the time when he appeared.

"How could there be such a person?" Shuofeihua was very angry.

This kind of person is simply a thousand times more hateful than the leader of the Star Thieves. His goals and methods can no longer be described with just a few fingers.

These behaviors are unheard of in the entire capital.

The conversation between Xixiu and Suo Feihua was transmitted to Lin Shuan in real time so that he could adjust his command.

The alliance may soon announce what Qin Hongjun did. This part is for which the alliance already has conclusive evidence. Those incidents that are still ambiguous will be put on the Star Network after the investigation is clear.

"Why would he do this?"

Feng Shanshan has completed the modification design of the weapon, and she has left the rest to her robot assistant.

"I don't know the specific reason, but the Qing family of the Elder Council has sent soldiers to look for clues about Qin Hongjun."

Xixiu did not directly say that Qin Hongjun was Qin Jian's other consciousness. It was not suitable for more people to know about this matter at the moment.

They previously thought that only by finding Qin Jian could they unravel the source of Qin Hongjun's thoughts.

It was because there was no one in Beijing who was familiar with Qin Hongjun. Only Qin Jian might know some of his other thoughts.

Otherwise, he would not be so panicked and want to kill Qin Hongjun.

He must have discovered some of Qin Hongjun's plans that could destroy the alliance, so he wanted to find a solution.

In the end it didn't work out.

was countered by Qin Hongjun.

Only by finding Qin Jian and understanding Qin Hongjun from him will it be extremely helpful for future battlefields.

At least they can know some of his habits and the origin of this destructive idea, so they can make corresponding arrangements.

Also, the central brain wants to find Qin Jian, after all, he is its creator.

"By the way, since the program of the immortal robot is equipped with the alliance's top martial arts, we will not have an advantage in the battle."

Although Feng Shanshan's own martial arts skills were excellent, no one would be confident that he could win against the martial arts skills of the best in the league.

No matter how powerful Xi Xiu and A Xian are, they can't resist all the robots.

"Sister Shanshan, I have a complete decryption of martial arts here. Susita's warriors can put it into their own terminals. During the battle, they can open the terminal and capture the opponent's movements in real time. The program can also predict the opponent's next steps. moves."

This is a black technology developed by Wu Jingyang to make up for the lack of martial arts skills of Anvil warriors.

After Xixiu saw it, she thought it could be used in training. She asked Wu Jingyang to make some changes. This program was more suitable for soldiers to use when a large-scale war broke out.

All 909 team members have this program installed, which can be of great help to them when they encounter strong opponents.

"Who are the top ones in the simulation league?"

"No, it's cracking."

She and A-Xian had studied these people's martial arts, and when they were bored, they tried to figure out how to break their moves.

It took them a lot of time at night.

It would be no exaggeration to say that this program is a "secret recipe" that combines a lot of hard work from her and A-Xian.


Feng Shanshan was speechless.

Perhaps this is the difference between genius and mediocrity. They know how to think and like to think.

"Ahem, idle time is idle, just do something you like." Ah Xian is really not modest at all.

All right.

Feng Shanshan kept his mouth shut. The Anweil ​​people had always produced talented people.

His mental strength is different from that of ordinary people, and his brain circuitry is probably also different.

I have never seen any Anvilian like fighting so violently and fiercely.

She doesn't have the beauty of an Anvilian at all, although she is very beautiful when she fights.

Feng Shanshan is still more interested in Xixiu.

Xixiu transferred the program to Shuofeihua, and it was up to them to decide whether to use it or not.

Shuo Feihua contacted her friend Lin Shuan and told him the cracking procedures of Xixiu and Axian.

"Give it to all the warriors out there fighting on the ground, they'll definitely need it."

Lin Shuan did not hesitate. He judged from Suo Feihua's expression that the soldier from the station, Lieutenant Hong, was an old acquaintance of his partner.

At least for now, she has been of great help to Susita. She is a person who knows how to do things and can do things well.

Moreover, the Anvilian standing next to her was like a reassurance.

Susita's soldiers quickly loaded the program. Su Jinbao and the others received Xixiu's message at the same time and were responsible for showing the Susita people how to use the program.

It's getting closer to early morning.

Li Yuanting didn't dare to blink and kept staring at the light screen monitoring the starry sky.

There are no fluctuations.

This is really unreasonable.

Xixiu and Axian also kept their eyes open, their gazes always fixed on Su Xida's sky.

It is not a full day for the satellite at this time, so only a little light can be seen.

Susita's satellite is relatively far away. It is only as big as the mouth of a bowl from the ground. There are no humans on the planet closest to Susita.

In this area, it can be said that only one planet, Susita, is inhabited by intelligent creatures.

Although the satellite is not fully illuminated, the night sky in Susita is exceptionally beautiful.

The stars on the black screen are like diamonds that refract light, twinkling all over the sky.

"Xi Xiu, hasn't the data from Axun come out yet? It's already approaching the time when they last attacked Su Xida."

"Wait a minute, it's not that fast."

The analysis of data needs to be combined with the environment and various factors at the time. Qing Zhixun said before that the results can be obtained in the early morning, which is already super fast.

"All right."

A Xian can only wait.

"You usually go on missions together?"

Feng Shanshan was a little puzzled. With the strength of this Anweilian, she could lead the team alone, but instead of leading the team, she followed the strongest one.

"Yes, I went to Yuanri Station because Xixiu went there. I am not subject to the station's control." A Xian curled his lips and said very proudly.

Feng Shanshan knew some of the rules of the Anweil ​​people. All of them would only study at the Second Military Academy and did not have to serve in various alliance stations. They would only guard Anweil.

Only when there is a crisis in the alliance will they form a team to support them. At other times, they are very leisurely.

"A lot of things have happened in the league recently."

"Well, a lot, more than you can imagine."

"How do you say it?" Feng Shanshan asked provocatively.

"Gaia just completed its purge not long ago, and arrested many people from aristocratic families and sent them to the strictest detention place."

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