Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 58 - Anvil Palace

The three of them had a good night's rest. After the Anvil star rose, the three girls packed their bags and set off in the first light of the star.

All their things are in Space Newry, and they can use the terminal to pay star coins when purchasing things. Everything is very convenient. They also rented a hover car, and the driver is 08.

Dora was surprised, because the three girls were too rich, and these expenses were actually quite large. Although the nursery would give them some overdraft star coins in advance, it should not be enough to support their entire expenses for this trip.

What Dora doesn't know is that the three little money fans work and study hard, and their income from searching for Shulai Stone on the Purple Coast every year has improved their efficiency. The income from Shulai Stone alone cannot be underestimated in the past few years. .

There is also the part-time job Xixi took at Xingwang last time. The person was very satisfied with her ingredient combination and cooking method. After paying her a salary of 50,000 star coins per recipe, he generously gave her 500,000 star coins. reward!

She had experienced the world of rich people to some extent in her previous life, and it really depends on her mood!

So Xixiu, who hasn’t bought a high-end robot body yet, is a very rich little woman.

Because Zhen is not old enough to inherit the inheritance, she has the most savings among the three, but she is the type who can see whether she can use it or not.

Not to mention Xue Fanhui, the small devices she designed were very popular and she would receive orders from time to time. She also participated in the mecha competition arena and won a lot of bonuses with her sweat.

The income of the three people over the years is enough to support their interstellar travel for several years.

Dora sent her question to Vivian, who replied with a big proud smile: "Guess!"

Seeing Vivian's expression, Dora wanted to shuttle to her immediately and have a fierce fight with her!

However, the abilities of these three girls really exceeded her expectations. She would definitely not have been able to embroider the three of them like this when she was young.

She was actually looking forward to following them and following their pace on this journey.

Xixiu and the others followed the guide and went to their first destination, Anvil Palace.

This is a small palace allowed by the Anvil royal family to be open to the public.

No one lives here, and this palace was once used for entertaining guests. It is very gorgeously designed and inlaid with beautiful gems everywhere, which is dazzling.

I marveled at the wealth and magnanimity of the Anvil royal family.

Zhen and Xue Fanhui were also attracted by this magnificent palace.

It's so beautiful.

On the dome of the palace, luminous star stones were used to draw maps of the alliance's twenty galaxies, and the main stars were made of rare blue Hades stones.

This kind of ore is only found in the Anvil system. The production is not large, and most of it is used to make jewelry.

Only a few people know that blue stone can replace energy stones. The energy contained in 100 grams of blue stone is equivalent to the energy content of 500 kilograms of energy stones.

If used on a mecha, this would be a heavyweight trump card.

Xixiu looked at this purely wooden palace. Its appearance was as beautiful as that of the Anweil ​​people. The color used in the pattern was the Anweil ​​galaxy color gold, which was consistent with the Anweil ​​people's hair color and eye color, a beautiful light color. gold.

The designer of this palace used gold to an outrageous degree. The golden light shines, and combined with the thickness of the wood, it looks unexpectedly harmonious.

The various colored gems inlaid in it refracted the light beams suspended in the palace dome on the ground, and the spots turned out to be star maps of twenty galaxies.

Oh my gosh, this is done!

Xue Fanhui was also impressed by this design. If this idea was used in weapon design, would it solve many problems?

She recorded this question and planned to give it a try after returning to Ningkui Star.

The more he looked at this palace, the more magical Xixiu felt. The civilization of the Anvil people was really much higher than that of Blue Star.

It took them two hours to follow the signs and take in the Anvil Palace.

This is just a small palace for entertaining guests. The place where the Anweil ​​royal family lives is probably more than five times larger than this.

The three of them did not regret not being able to see the palace of the Anweil ​​royal family, because the Anweil ​​royal family was notoriously mysterious in the entire Jingsu Alliance.

I only know that the royal family is named after Jing. As for the surname, there is no record in the central brain. People have also forgotten it and think that the surname of the Anweil ​​royal family is Jing.

In addition, members of the Anweil ​​royal family rarely appear in public, maintaining the mystery of the guardians, and the dusty history prevents citizens from having much curiosity about the Anweil ​​people.

Moreover, the real location of the palace address of the Anvil royal family can only be opened and entered by members of the royal family.

The three girls all felt that they were just grains of sand in the sea of ​​stars, and they were very satisfied just to see the scenery like today.

After happily exiting this stunningly beautiful palace, the three of them diverted to another attraction.

They were not in a hurry. Three weeks and months were enough for them to travel to many places.

During this period, they have to complete a report, which can be on any subject. Finally, they will live in an administrative star for about two months. This is the scheduled schedule.

So Xixiu and the others took photos of the places that impressed them most, and they also used terminals to record their thoughts immediately.

I will sort it out when I go back in the evening. I should be able to hand over a satisfactory report by then. Xixiu patted her chest and said that this will definitely not be a problem. People who have rushed through various reports in their previous lives cannot yet sort out a travel report. , that would be nonsense!

When walking on this planet, time seems to slow down. The streets of Anvil are clean and there is not a piece of garbage in sight.

The air quality is also very good. Dust removal devices are installed under the street lights. A lot of dust in the air will be sucked in, filtered, and then emitted.

I feel that the Anvil people are a race that lives in purity, that’s why they all look so beautiful.

There were very few pedestrians on the road, and Xixiu and the others could only see a few Anweil ​​people in twos and threes, all rushing to do errands, but they were still enough to amaze them.

Seeing the Anweir people again, I was still shocked. There really is a perfect race in this world. Even the common people are like this, and the royal family can't go against the will!

The three of them went to a small shop selling snacks. Such shops can be found everywhere in Anweil, and they all sell Anweil's specialties.

Their eating habits seem to be no different from humans. Now the entire alliance is using nutritional supplements or well-matched meals, which are developed based on the required energy and elements, and are the most suitable satiety for absorption.

Occasionally, some fresh snacks will appear and they will be sold out quickly.

As for Anweil's snacks, there were quite a lot of varieties, and the three of them were dazzled.

In the end, the three of them decided to buy a few kinds each and share them when they went back.

After paying and putting everything into the space button, the three pretty girls went to their destination.

After walking around the central area of ​​Anweil, the three of them returned to the hotel.

After writing down all the insights of the day, the three of them started to eat snacks. While they were in the store, they sent some to Vivian, Colleen, and Xia Li who were far away in Ningkui Star. They probably received them by now.

Little did they know that their intentions were noticed by the owner of the store. The owner was a very enthusiastic person and thought that these girls could not forget their elders when they went out to practice, so he gave them high marks.

They didn't know this until Xixiu and the others returned to Ningkui Star to get the ratings. It turned out that passers-by actually gave them ratings. They were so touched!

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