Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 588 - I’m not ruthless enough

Lin Shuan was a little nervous at this moment. Could it be that Li Yuanting told her about this problem, so she immediately gave the plan?

"Training methods of martial arts and mental strength." Shuo Feihua said with difficulty.

"Captain Feihua, let the children accept it. It's not a valuable thing."

In her mind, she had received help and guidance from Feihua Tuan.

Now that she is capable, it is only natural to repay the help she received.

Moreover, the training method is not a secret that is not passed down to others.

She would record all of this just in case she needed it.

Maybe these things will be useful to others.

When she left Belka, she also gave Alyssa a share.

As long as they persist in practicing according to her training intensity, it is impossible that they cannot improve their strength.

Sometimes, the reason why your strength stagnates is because you are not cruel enough to yourself.

"Besides, you also taught me a lot of experience in the past, but these of mine are insignificant."

When she said this, Xixiu's memories were opened. It was Feihuatuan's enthusiasm that infected her, making her feel that the world was also beautiful, and eliminating her panic when she first entered this world.

"Okay, thank you Xixiu." The experience of a strong man is a valuable asset for young children.

"Children, thank you sister quickly."

After getting Suo Feihua's permission, the children happily accepted the gifts and thanked Xixiu and A-Xian.

"There is one thing you must do to accept my gift~" Xixiu raised a finger.


I agreed without asking what I had to do. Children are children, innocent and cute.

However, as the oldest one, Lin Ziyi was not entangled.

"Sister, can you first tell me what must be done?"

That's right, don't be fooled by your sister, so he blinked his bright eyes, all staring at Xixiu, waiting for her reply.

"That is, you must train hard and diligently. Don't be afraid of hard work. I will check regularly. Remember?"

At that time, as long as the children are connected to the virtual network, she can check their progress at any time.

"Remember." The voice was loud.

Among these children, only the older ones understood the weight of the gift they had received.

Lin Ziyi knew it himself.

Mother and father did not relax in their training, and could even be said to be very strict.

However, they have tried many training methods with little success.

Their strength has never been improved and has stagnated at two years ago.

The same goes for mental strength.

Although their talents were not too low during the test, the reason could not be found.

This sister is so strong, how will the training methods she has used herself be different?

There are differences between Xixiu's methods and other methods in the alliance. The important thing is that those who train will share their experiences.

Any confusion encountered during the training process will be expressed.

Some of them she discovered on her own, and some of them were taught to her by her martial arts teacher in her previous life.

After receiving the gifts, the children left happily.

Shuo Feihua looked like he was about to speak but hesitated.

"Don't worry, Commander Feihua, Xixiu's training methods will be useful. Since the soldiers of 909 followed her, their strength has improved so much that they are in the clouds in no time."

A Xian is not exaggerating. The progress of 909 is obvious to all.

In the past, these soldiers who came out of other military academies had always complained about their talents. It was because of their talents that they could not enter the First Military Academy. They gave up on themselves too much.

Xixiu asked them to change their perspective. If he was a talented warrior, wouldn't he need to train?

Strength is never obtained out of thin air.

The soldiers of 909 have made great progress after two years of training, which illustrates the importance of methods.

"It's not as exaggerated as what she said. It will definitely be useful if it works." Xixiu was not modest.

Mental training methods have always been passed down from generation to generation, and no family will make them public.

They were studying at the First Military Academy. When Zheng Shengchun was in class, he also started from the basics, relying on his own perception and practice.

As for how to realize it, no matter who teaches it, it is very ambiguous.

There is no precise entry point.

Therefore, students practice blindly and cannot find a way to break through for a long time.

In the Xixiu method, there is a very accurate entry point for spiritual power. Children can grasp it immediately and find that somewhat mysterious feeling.

She regarded this as a reward for spending more than ten days together, but after gaining strength, she not only saved Susita, but also gave Susita a future.

Suo Feihua wouldn't say these words in front of too many people. She only said them in private to a few people who were familiar with Xixiu, such as Suo Feiyue and Feng Shanshan.

The dinner ended happily.

The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

Xixiu felt a harmonious atmosphere. People in Suxi were very enthusiastic and loved to laugh.

That kind of joy from the heart infected the soldiers stationed there.

After the dinner, everyone gathered in the square in the central city to watch the show.

It was Seymour and Sika who recorded it, the scene of Avran's performance.

The place was crowded with people.

It was clear that this performance could be released through a virtual network, but Avran did the opposite.

She told her fans that the live performance was more powerful and she would give them her best performance live.

Therefore, Seymour and Sika left Susita with the warriors who liked Aiflan.

Xixiu and Axian did not join in the fun.

She always felt that the time when Seymour and Sika left Susita was too coincidental.

"What is Xixiu thinking about?"

In front of her was a document brought back by Seymour and Sika. Aiflan in the picture was very beautiful.

"This Aiflan, her eyes are very similar to those of Chen Yuzong's mother."

Axian turned his head and looked at the huge light screen in the air. A young woman was projected on it. She was really pure and beautiful. When she looked at people seriously, her eyes could make people find a pink bubble.

"This artist is very courageous."

This unconcealed look, the meaning of which could not be more obvious.

I think Axian also discovered it.

"Captain Feihua, the timing of this Aiflan's appearance is too coincidental. I have never heard of her name in Gaia before."

A rising star, Gaia must be the first to know.

Because most of these artists in the Mingyun Galaxy are cultivated by the Gaia family.

The profits in this industry are huge, so the artists in Mingyun Galaxy have always been operated by the same few companies.

No one would be willing to share such a cash cow, so why did Avran appear only in Susita's network and become completely popular on Susita's planet? There must be other reasons.

"About four months ago, Seymour and Sika accidentally saw her performance video, and it was out of control from then on."

Four months.

This is probably a trap set by others long ago, just waiting for Seymour and Sika to enter.

"Didn't you send someone to investigate?"

"Her file is very clean, and there is nothing wrong with it."

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