Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 599 - He has become a spirit, right?

Xixiu followed the sound and looked over. It was Sang Linwan, and she was whistling.

After hearing the sound she made, the star beasts gathered together obediently.

Then, these seemingly unintelligent things looked straight in the direction of Xixiu and A-Xian with their eyes that were so small that they were almost negligible.

Just now, both Xixiu and A-Xian hid their auras in order to prevent the Starry Sky Beast from noticing their location in the first place.

So, these things have been running around since they came out.

After hearing the whistle, they quickly came to the tree, hugged the tree with their paws, and began to pull up the tree one by one.


Xixiu and Axian looked at each other.

I'm afraid these star beasts have become spirits!

Although some star beasts in Jingsu are intelligent and have spiritual power, it is still rare for them to obey orders.

They always only look at their own mood, and will never be willing to be driven by humans.

But now, is it a problem with the frequency of Sang Linwan's whistle?


She was responsible for feeding these things. Before feeding them, she gave instructions to these starry sky beasts, and they would only eat according to the instructions, so these starry sky beasts listened to her whistle.

However, Sang Linwan is capable of making these things obey.

The brute force of these things was great. They stacked together and shook the trunk left and right, and soon a lot of leaves fell off the ground.

Xixiu and Axian jumped to the ground before they pulled up the tree. At this time, Feng Shanshan also rushed over with people.

Qiu Shaorong arrived with He Yinlei, Flora and Su Jinbao.

Looking at the no less than five hundred star beasts in front of them, they all frowned.

Lin Shuan received this information immediately. He, Suo Feihua and others came to the Stone Forest as quickly as possible.

There was such a big flaw here under their protection. It has to be said that it was their dereliction of duty.

"How is the situation?" Lin Shu'an asked urgently, his expression was very worried.

"We have these three people under control. Go ahead and ask. There are two more in the tree house. Five yuan will take them down."

Shuo Feihua and the others are obviously better at asking questions. This was originally their internal matter.

Xixiu and others focused their attention on starry sky beasts. These starry sky beasts are not in the database of the central intelligence brain, so their origins become very important.

It is necessary to obtain their genetic information and identify the species for biologists.

The harm of alien species is great, especially this carnivorous star beast.

As soon as Xixiu finished speaking, he saw Wuyuan running over with two young boys in his arms.

Seeing the situation at the scene, he left the person alone to accompany Sang Minjie.

Then he quickly joined the fight.

Cooperate with Xixiu to kill the starry sky beast.

Lin Shuan went to Lin Zhenzhen. He had no memory of this woman. It could be said that neither he nor Suo Feihua had any memory of this family, or their memory was vague.

After searching Susita's database, he obtained the family's biography.

But I still can't think of Susita being such a humble citizen who did something to destroy Susita's planet.

If someone comes back after their starship is hijacked and their partner dies, they will receive a subsidy every month in addition to the star coins given by the alliance.

It was to enable these families to live a better life, but Lin Zhenzhen's information showed that her partner passed away and she and her children returned to Susita.

They did not apply for any relief, and these five people did not go to work.

What do they do for a living?

Or are these people no longer the original Susita citizens?

The news that Xixiu had given them before contained information about Belka being parasitized, so they had to be cautious.

So Shuofeihua asked Tian Nuolin to take the blood of Lin Zhenzhen and do a genetic comparison.

It would be very convenient to have reagents.

Ten minutes later, Tian Nuolin compared the results obtained with the genetic information left by Lin Zhenzhen in the database.

However, what scares everyone is that Lin Zhenzhen's genes are inconsistent with those in the database. She is not Lin Zhenzhen.

Sang Linwan and Sang Minjie also have a gene called Sang Minhua, which is exactly the same as the original data.

Only the youngest, after being thrown away by five yuan to keep company with Sang Linwan and the other three, crawled to Lin Zhenzhen's side and huddled in the child with a wary face, which was different from Sang Linwan and the other three.

Among these five people, Lin Zhenzhen's genes were similar to the youngest one, and Sang Lin was three years younger, so it was 100% impossible for him to be born to Lin Zhenzhen.

This result surprised Sang Linwan. She didn't believe it.

She didn’t believe that the person in front of her was not her mother. If not, then where had her mother gone?

After the starship was destroyed, the five of them stayed together and never separated for even a second.

"Our data shows that your father and your mother only had three children. As for the youngest one, the brother you think of, he has never appeared in our database."

Tian Nuolin's words pierced Sang Linwan's heart like a needle.

"This, this is impossible..."

She didn't believe it.

She and her mother were never separated.

"This is the raw data of your family. You can see it yourself."

Tian Nuolin projected the information from the terminal, which contained the births, names, and genetic information of everyone in the Sang family.

Sang Linwan knew what this meant.

This means that she has been deceived by Lin Zhenzhen all these years, and she was tricked into raising these starry sky beasts.

No wonder she never let Sang Tiantian enter the Stone Forest. No wonder she always kept Sang Tiantian close to her when eating.

There is a root to all this.

Sang Linwan's eyes turned blood red.

Sang Minjie also looked incredulous.

"Since she is not Lin Zhenzhen or our mother, then who is she?" Sang Linwan's voice was trembling.

"You can only ask her this question."

"You find my mother, and I will explain everything clearly."

Sang Linwan lowered his head.

Facts speak louder than words, and she cannot question it.

The images given by these people do not appear to be fake.

Her father's appearance has always been engraved in her heart and she has never forgotten it.

She tried to recall her childhood, but found that her deepest memory of her parents was when she was ten years old.

The youngest brother, in her memory, was born on the starship after they left Susina.

So Susina has no data about her younger brother.

This all seems to make sense...

However, if there is no data on the younger brother, there will always be information on the mother’s physical examination after she became pregnant.

If it is a natural pregnancy, all kinds of fetal information and even images will be left behind. If it is not a natural pregnancy, there will only be more data left.

Because that means parents have to pay a lot of money to rent a birth cabin.

"He, he was born on a starship, so Susina can't have his data." Sang Linwan tried to convince himself and made a last ditch effort.

Although she already believed Star Lord Susita's words, she needed to find an outlet for her efforts over the years, so she strengthened her belief.

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