Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 603 - It’s the koi carp

Wuyuan has scanned these eggs into the database, built models, and numbered the eggs. The life movements inside have been clearly recorded.

In this way, they only need to take away a few samples, and then give the data to biologists for study.

Qiu Shaorong and the others went to build a destruction storage device to collect all the dust after the weapon exploded and then destroy it separately.

This is to prevent any residue.

The starry sky beast's egg was completely destroyed by the weapon, and no residue was leaked.

They searched every corner again, and after confirming that there were no problems, Xixiu followed Lin Shuan and led the team out of the underground.

When they returned to the ground, Lin Zhenzhen and the child were placed in a device specially designed to capture the leader of the star thief.

It was quick to return to the inner city from the surrounding area of ​​the central city, and Li Yuanting had already received the news in advance.

When I saw Xi Xiu and A Xian, I sighed in my heart. Why do they encounter enemies wherever they go? Should I say they are koi carps, or are they possessed by unlucky stars?

Li Yuanting first went to see Lin Zhenzhen and the child, and found that they looked at death as if they were willing to sacrifice themselves for justice. They looked at other people like ants, so it was probably impossible to ask anything from their mouths.

You can only treat others the same way they are treated.

Let's leave this matter to Qing Zhixun.

He can't do it.

It is estimated that only a little information can be obtained.

"Second Lieutenant Hong, please report directly to Axun what happened later."

He was afraid that his brother would say he didn't like her!

"Okay, wait until I make the materials and give him the video data directly."

This matter cannot be concealed.

Susita's situation is not complicated at all, but it can give the Council of Elders a new direction, allowing them to screen the trajectories of people and intelligent creatures who share the same genes.

If you connect these trajectories together again, you might find something, which is better than searching in the dark.

If possible, it is better to deal with these people in one go than to be in constant fear.

Just afraid of being bitten one day.

Even if there won't be heavy bleeding, the opponent may bite off some scraps of flesh.

Just like Susita.

"Can you tell me a secret?" Li Yuanting moved closer to Xi Xiu, not daring to push A Xian away, so A Xian heard it too.

"What?" Xixiu didn't quite understand his brain circuit, "Please make it clear, I'm usually very lazy and laborious with my brain."

"You can come across clues every time, discover something new, is there any secret?"

Hong Xixiu's experience is truly miraculous. It feels like opportunities are waiting for her, and promotion opportunities will automatically come to her door.

Li Yuanting said this frankly, he really thought so in his heart.

From the time she came to Yuanri Station, as long as she participated in the battle, no matter how dangerous or difficult it was, she could resolve it in the end and get unexpected gains.

Not everyone has this ability.

"You should ask me about this." Axian patted Li Yuanting, who looked confused.

"Do you know the reason?" Li Yuanting asked Axian quietly, not wanting others to know.

"Of course, we Xixiu are warriors favored by the God of the Starry Sky, which is certainly different from you."

Axian looked at Li Yuanting for several seconds, her eyes kept staring at him. She was trying to determine the purpose of Li Yuanting's words.

If it was a good intention, she could ignore it, but if it was evil, she would make it impossible for him to see Gaia's star rising.

no sooner said than done.

Li Yuanting really didn't have much thought, he was just curious.

Because in his impression, the probability of encountering an opportunity on a mission with Qing Zhixun is high enough, and his future partner is even more likely than him.

This unscientific.

If these two become partners in the future, won't they take over all the dangers for Jingsu?

Xixiu thought about it and found nothing special about it.

She carried out her tasks normally, but just looked at the scenery along the way, and then met Lin Zhenzhen and a few others.

"Isn't this an opportunity that you're talking about? Whoever does this task would have discovered Lin Zhenzhen."

Sooner or later question.

When Feng Shanshan and the others told them not to enter the Stone Forest, Xixiu actually wanted to send a robot to take a look.

There must be something wrong inside Susita, otherwise how would Barry know that Feihua's lair is here.

Lin Zhenzhen has a positioning system on her body. She has been active here for so many years, and she has already drawn a map of the starry sky here and scanned it for the people behind her.

This is the information Tian Nuolin and Wuyuan got from her after untying her spatial bond.

There are pictures of the night sky in Susita, as well as maps of the positions of stars during the day, and the positions of the stars that change with each season.

"Why is it so complicated? When the people who followed Susita to rescue the starship came back, it would be over if they were simply destroyed."

Ah Xian's head is obviously in the direction of a normal person. If ordinary people could understand Qin Hongjun's brain circuit, they would probably be as crazy as him.

"Let's ask this question slowly when we catch him. Mortals like us cannot understand the state of a lunatic."

Xixiu didn't want to put herself into Qin Hongjun's role and consider his "grand career".

This kind of person's thoughts are contrary to justice. She is really a good citizen and will stick to her heart wherever she goes.

After returning to the central city, Lin Zhenzhen and the child were detained separately, and Tian Noolin and Vera's partner Xu Songnian were responsible for the subsequent interrogation.

If Lin Zhenzhen does not speak within today, Su Xita will contact the alliance guards and ask them to come and take the person away, and the rest will be handled by the alliance guards.

As long as Susita's problem is properly handled, most of this crisis will be solved.

There may still be people hiding inside, but their mission has been completed.

They will leave Susita in two days. Mingyun Galaxy Station has received a letter from Qing Zhixun in the name of Yuanri Station.

Previously, Xixiu and the others had crossed over to the Mingyun Galaxy and directly intervened in their area to deal with emergencies.

Because of alliance regulations, any stationed starship that receives a distress signal in the starry sky must go to the rescue if it is S-class.

After verifying their identities, they can directly enter the planet that sent the signal and help them repel the enemy.

This is to prevent too many regrettable things from turning a blind eye or failing to save things from happening.

Now that Xixiu and the others have completed their mission, Mingyun Station will handle the next steps, including the follow-up investigation of Avlan.

Shuofeihua looked at Xixiu who was communicating with other people, feeling somewhat fatalistic in her heart.

"If my promise to Wei Lanshan was not straightforward enough, right, we would not have received Xixiu's assistance."

"Don't think too much. It's good to have goodwill in the stars, but more often than not, it's still dangerous."

The chapter numbers were wrong starting from chapter 558. I will apply for correction later. I just found out today that the author had fainted in the toilet from crying~\u0026gt;_\u0026lt;~

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