Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 65 - Cruel A-Xian

When the fox-tailed people attacked, Zhen retreated to a safe position and maintained a defensive posture.

This is what Xixiu and Xue Fanhui have told her before. When in danger, let her protect herself first and let them go first. If the situation is not right, let her go to rescue.

A Xian immediately entered a fighting state, and the fox-tailed man underestimated the fighting power of these three girls.

Especially Xixiu and Axian.

This was also the first time Xue Fanhui saw Xixiu's true strength. He was fast, accurate, straightforward and orderly, without any hesitation.

The leader of the fox-tailed man judged based on past experience that no matter how powerful a teenager's martial arts skills were, it would be difficult for him to reach a high level.

Everyone in the league learns the ninth level of physical skills, and he has learned ancient martial arts, which is his trump card.

He didn't expect that these children from the nursery and the girl he had fought with not only learned ancient martial arts, but also surpassed him in martial arts by several levels.

This girl's posture is extremely dexterous, her shots are quick, she doesn't hesitate at all, and her direction is very accurate.

The leader of the fox-tailed man became anxious, and his moves became a bit messy. The few people with him saw this and all joined the fight.

A-Xian intercepted the remaining eight people, and she went all out, intending to open the eyes of the self-righteous fox-tailed people.

Just because the Anweil ​​people don't have strong martial arts skills doesn't mean that they all aren't strong. I think Wu Jingxian is the cutie who has the title of being the strongest martial artist in the family.

Huh, she's going to kill everyone today!

It didn't take much effort for Xixiu to deal with the arrogant fox-tailed man and pinned him to the ground.

She thought this person was very powerful, otherwise why would he chase them and end up being so vulnerable? Tsk tsk.

When she and Xue Fanhui stopped, A Xian had already knocked down four of them.

Ah Xian was very angry, and the aura around his body was violent, conveying a message that people should stay away from strangers, and those who come too close would be asking for trouble.

After Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui dealt with their respective opponents, they stood there and admired A Xian's rage with Zhen and the others.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, the three of them sighed in their hearts, these fox-tailed people have offended the little ancestors today, and they didn't expect A-Xian's martial arts to be surprisingly good.

A Xian, a gentle girl, could actually hit the flesh with her punches. She was light but powerful, and once she punched out, the fox-tailed man would hold his belly and be unable to get up.

A-Xian retracted her fist and blew on her hand. It was too strong just now and there was some cushioning. She wanted to stretch her joints.

Xixiu felt pain after looking at it, and wondered if the ones beaten by A Xian were in pain.

According to Ah Xian's fighting method, these people may have broken many bones and will need to rest for several days.

Dora saw that Xixiu and the others were so relaxed and took care of these fox-tailed people before she could take action. She gained a new understanding of the strength of Xixiu and Xue Fanhui.

When the battle was about to end, the island's guard robots arrived and retrieved all the monitoring data from when Xixiu and the Foxtails arrived on the island.

I uploaded some clips to the central intelligence brain and found that these people were habitual offenders. They had blocked roads and bullied children for no reason six or seven times before in other galaxies.

After the robot got the results, it detained these ten people and handed them over to the Alliance Visitor Management Office.

Because of this incident, Xixiu and the others received 1,000 contribution points from the central brain, and the contribution points deducted from these fox-tailed people, a total of 5,000 contribution points, which directly confused them.

I thought my contribution would be reduced, but unexpectedly it was increased.

The reason given by the central intelligence brain was that these people injured several people in other galaxies because they escaped too fast and they were never apprehended. This time it was considered that they had done a good thing.

The four girls were very excited. Xixiu felt that she had done something heroic and righteous when she went out, and she felt proud.

Dora breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect that they were young, calm and not impatient when things happened, and they cooperated very well.

The four of them happily landed on Fengzhi Island. When they were about to get on the hover car to go back, they received a gift from the robot on the island, which turned out to be fresh Fengzhi.

Xixiu and the others thanked the robot. This must have been given to them by the owner of Fengzhi Island. They were so happy.

The smiles of the four people reached their eyes.

"I didn't expect sister A Xian to be so good at fighting. I admire her so much." There were stars in Zhen's eyes.

Ah Xian's aura when he beat someone up just now was so handsome that he was out of this universe.

Zhen felt that after the trip, she should practice martial arts more intensively. She was not mentally strong, but her martial arts skills could be like those of sister A Xian. She would be as handsome as Ning Kuixing.

"Hey, I'm telling you a joke, aren't you scared?" Ah Xian, who calmed down, felt a little embarrassed.

Wu Jingshuo always said that she was too violent, and sometimes it was fun to watch, but he was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to get married!

"Sister A-Xian, you are so handsome today, and that move is so smooth. Do you often get into fights?" , people should not be judged by their appearance.

"Well, I have many brothers and sisters in my family, and we are more naughty. Hehe." A Xian was actually a little embarrassed.

"The most powerful one is probably Xi Xiu. How did you master martial arts like this?" A Xian was confused. Could it be that Xi Xiu's talent is higher than what she saw?

Xixiu was a little embarrassed, but Xue Fanhui told her about her glorious history: "I spend four hours a day in the training room, and when I come back I have to train for two hours in the battle room on the Star Network, non-stop for seven years."

A-Xian clicked her tongue, Xixiu was so self-disciplined, they should still be studying cultural classes, and they had said before that they would also go to work-study studies.

There is basically not much rest time in a day.

"Xixiu, you actually work so hard." Ah Xian sighed to herself. Most of the time, she thought about how to go out and have fun. Her martial arts skills were achieved through talent. Of course, she also had hard work, but she was far from what Xixiu was. This point.

The outcome is terrifying.

"Yes, sister A Xian, you know she works so hard, what is her ambition?" Xue Fanhui started to complain.

"Be a marshal?" Ah Xian thought that this should be the correct answer.

"Yes, she said she would open a food store after retiring, and asked Zhen and I to support her." Xue Fanhui smiled, because A Xian's expression was so funny.

Her golden eyes were wide open and she kept staring at Xixiu, which probably meant, why is your consciousness so low?

"Ahem, I, I was stimulated. I thought that I would be able to return safely from serving in the future, so I worked hard like this. I really didn't think of anything else." Xixiu blushed. She seemed to be really not aware enough. ?

"There seems to be nothing wrong with this." A Xian expressed his opinion.

There is nothing wrong with this thinking, but Xixiu's idea is too simple. Although he can retire after serving for ten years, it is for ordinary soldiers.

With Xixiu's fighting prowess and her hard work, Ah Xian felt that she might be tricked!

Soldiers who have achieved meritorious service and have been promoted may have their service period extended.

But this is just A Xian's guess, it's hard to tell.

"The battlefield is changing rapidly. If you work harder, you will have more ability to protect yourself when facing danger in the future. This idea is correct." A Xian explained.

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