Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 650 - The original child

It can be said that Ye Yunhan really made a good calculation. If he can be so shameless, he probably won't be able to find anyone else in Jingsu.

How could things go as he wished.

Qing Zhixun, who had been paying attention to Ye Yunhan's movements, would not agree, and Xixiu would not agree either.

For her, such a father is nothing, and there is no need to contact or even meet him again.

Moreover, she hadn't even settled the debt with him for hiring mercenaries to hunt her and Wei Lanshan, but he wanted to let her return to the Ye family?

There are no doors.

Ye Yunhan, who had a beautiful idea in his mind, applied to the central intelligence brain for the ID permission of those two children whose genetic comparison results showed that they were related after settling the matter in Tianning Galaxy.

The central intelligence brain contacted the two children and asked them about their wishes, that is, whether they were willing to give their IDs to Ye Yunhan and contact him.

The two girls were not very clear about their backgrounds. Lin Zeye and others who had led them to escape did not explain the whole story to them.

They only briefly said why they were born. As for who they were born to save, their parents didn't say anything.

However, they had met Ye Zhenwei once, and with their memory, they could remember Ye Zhenwei's appearance.

Tang Yongyu didn't shy away from it at first.

Maybe they thought they would die.

Simply stop covering it up.

Later, Ye Zhenwei appeared on the Star Network for a long time. Her information was recorded in detail on the Star Network. It was actually quite difficult for them to know about the Ye family.

So they already have the answer.

About one's own life experience.

After Ye Yunhan made this request, the two girls knew his plan.

They all know Ye Zhenwei's current situation. Ye Yunhan only thought of looking for them at this time. The purpose is obvious.

After Ye Zhenwei's accident, they had expected that the Ye family would act like this.

I have been mentally prepared for a long time.

After they were safe, Lin Zeye sent them to a nursery and bought suitable IDs on the underground black market, but there was no way to hide their genetic information.

That's why Ye Yunhan found them both immediately after applying for comparison.

In their childhood memories, there were two other girls who fled with them, but in the end they were not in the same nursery.

Although they were surprised to learn that their biological father was looking for them, after careful consideration, they both agreed to Ye Yunhan's request.

Because they remembered that escape journey, they both wanted to know the news about the others.

After all, that journey is the time in their lives that they dare not forget and cannot forget.

Moreover, they both wanted to meet Ye Yunhan for a while to see how such a person would come to see them.

After getting the ID, Ye Yunhan sent messages to the two children at Haian Fortress and Tianwei Station, and made an appointment to meet virtually.

He wanted to tell them the reason himself, hoping they could forgive him.

Prajna Orchid at Haian Fortress closed the message sent by Ye Yunhan.

After thinking for a long time, she opened the terminal again, typed in a series of numbers, and added the other person as a friend.

She kept staring at the screen after that.

It wasn't until thirty minutes later that the other party approved her request.

Prajna Lan: Uncle Lin, long time no see, are you okay?

Lin Zeye: Very good.

After half a minute of silence, Prajna Lan entered text on the screen.

Prajna Lan: Uncle Lin, people from the Ye family are here. What should I do?

When Prajna Lan and Lin Zeye separated, Lin Zeye felt compassion for the last time.

He gave them his ID so that they could contact him if they encounter any problems in the future.

Unexpectedly, it will be twenty years later.

Lin Zeye: He just wants you to return to the Ye family and fight for the Ye family.

Lin Zeye told Prajna Lan what had happened recently in the Ye family and Ye Zhenwei's situation, and finally let her make her own decision.

If you want the Ye family, you still need this sea of ​​stars.

Lin Zeye believed that Prajna Lan would find the answer. After serving in the Hai'an Fortress for two years, they were no longer the ignorant children they had been.

Whether you want power or stability, it's your choice.

Besides, they have long passed the age where they want to gain family affection. From the time they enter the service, they should live only for themselves.

However, this is just Lin Zeye's idea.

After all, in the Ye family of the Tianning galaxy, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It is normal for someone to want to try it out.

After a long speech by Lin Zeye, Prajna Lan made a decision.

Prajna Lan: Okay, thank you, Uncle Lin.

Then there was a long silence.

Lin Zeye saw that Prajna Lan's dialog box was always in the input state, and knew that she wanted to ask a question, but couldn't.

Lin Zeye: Don't worry, Tiantian is fine. For now, she is very happy.

It's just that she won't have such a long life, and her body is deteriorating, but she still lives happily every day.

that's enough.

Prajna Lan: Please give me a sweet address and I will send her something.

Lin Zeye: Okay.

Prajna Orchid: Do you know what happened to 99?

The number of Prajna Orchid is 98, and there is another 99. They all knew it at the beginning.

Just never seen it.

Lin Zeye: Dr. Wei looked at her very closely at the beginning, and none of us had ever seen her.

Therefore, Lin Zeye and the other four people did not know 99's appearance.

However, they made a guess that 99 would not be similar to Ye Zhenwei or the Ye family.

Wei Lanshan will definitely modify her appearance genes, so 99 will not be even remotely similar to the Ye family.

Even if Prajna Lan and the others were in the First Military Academy with 99, they wouldn't know each other.

Prajna Lan: Is her talent the same as Ye Zhenwei?

Lin Zeye: This question already has an answer, right?

Lin Zeye recalled Wei Lanshan's expression when he handed her the space button, so serious yet relaxed.

Wei Lanshan obviously also has compassion for the other children, otherwise, she would not have given him the space button that can load the aircraft.

They were also given anti-explosion protection devices, allowing them to escape Tang Yongyu's indiscriminate bombing and successfully leave Star Q68.

They and their four children just saved their lives.

Wei Lanshan is really hard to see through.

Prajna Lan chatted a lot with Lin Zeye and made a decision in her mind. She took advantage of the open Internet to chat with Lin Rumei for a while.

Lin Rumei is No. 97.

Prajna Lan: I don’t know if we will have a chance to see her.

Lin Rumei knew who Prajna Orchid was referring to.

The two got in touch after entering the First Military Academy, and they recognized each other based on their childhood memories.

They have been living together since then.

It was not until the order to serve that the two separated again.

Lin Rumei: I think it should be possible.

Prajna Orchid: Tiantian’s situation may not be too optimistic.

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