Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 667 - Parents must hold certificates

He wanted to give her the wedding she had always dreamed of, so he spent all his free time on it.

Before knowing Xixiu's identity, he would not pay attention to such topics that felt far away from him. Even if he encountered them while studying, he would automatically ignore them.

It wasn't until Xixiu agreed to simulate the virtual scene that he made up for the necessary basic knowledge.

Qing Zhixun also turned on soothing music, and the soothing gentleness and spiritual power danced together.

Xixiu didn't expect that Qing Zhixun actually liked this style of music. Everything about him revealed the contradictions in him.

Qing Zhixun explained the original intention of creating the music. Xixiu had read this report before.

So I chatted with Qing Zhixun about the story of this piece.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly.

Their hover car has arrived over the city.

Qing Zhixun parked the hover car in the square of the medical hospital. There were very few cars there and there should not be many people there.

In general couple simulation scenarios, this would not be chosen as the first test.

And they also avoided the peak period.

The other people who got the matching results have already decided, and everyone is going for the romance.

This scene will only be considered after the sweetness of the first scene has passed.

Unlike the two of them, they go straight to the point.

After entering the medical hospital, the robot received them. Qing Zhixun and Xixiu entered their IDs on the light screen that popped up on the robot, and were then transported to a room.

There was a kind-faced female medical staff waiting for them, and her comfortable voice sounded at the right time: "Welcome you two, I will take you two to study together in the next course. You can call me Linda."

"Hello, Dr. Linda." Xixiu and Qing Zhixun both greeted Linda.

Linda looked through the information submitted by Qing Zhixun, paused briefly, and then spoke again: "Let's start with the method of selection."

Linda introduced the pregnancy methods to the two in detail, the pros and cons of each method, the details that need to be paid attention to, and the corresponding parenting model.

After deciding to have a child, they still have to learn the most important lesson, and they must graduate before they can apply for an incubator.

In Jingsu, parents must hold a certificate before they can work.

This is to prevent some people from being in a hurry and neglecting to take care of their babies after becoming parents, and to prevent the situation of not taking their children seriously.

Although you can buy nanny robots, parents must give their children the care they need.

Since you have decided to give birth, you must fulfill your own responsibilities.

This exam can be said to be easy or difficult, because many courses are meant to accompany growth, which takes time.

Therefore, many couples choose to have children after retiring. When they are stationed, they basically have no time to take care of them.

After Xixiu heard this, she felt that if she had children, these wouldn't be a problem.

The premise is that there must be!

Qing Zhixun smiled the whole time.

Now all he could think about was what his and Xixiu's child would look like, and he even sketched it in his mind.

If Xixiu's current appearance is reduced, a super cute female doll will appear.

However, he only made a brief sketch in his mind and listened carefully to Linda's explanation. He would use this knowledge in the future.

Linda admired the couple.

First of all, both of them were very calm, neither surprised nor puzzled. It was obvious that one of them had done a lot of homework before coming.

The other one probably has a character that doesn't change his face even when stars are destroyed.

Such a partner is sensible and able to listen to suggestions, and she will not be too tired to lead.

After Linda finished explaining, she was worried that the two of them had remembered something clearly, so she asked thoughtfully: "Is there anything else you two need me to explain?"

Qing Zhixun obviously had more questions: "Excuse me, Dr. Linda, when is the best time to apply for an incubator?"

"This depends on your own arrangements. Generally, after two people decide to conceive, they apply to the medical institution where you live three months in advance." Linda explained patiently.

After that, he also explained the different functions of each incubator to Qing Zhixun, and told him the selection method and precautions.

Xixiu listened silently, and by the way, ahem, I really just remembered it by the way.

Either don't do something or do it well when you do it. This is her principle.

If there is such a future, she will take her own responsibility.

Qing Zhixun asked a lot of detailed questions, as if the matter had been put on the agenda.

Linda was very pleased with the importance he attached to this matter. Men rarely take into account so many aspects.

The meaning revealed in his words is that he will take on most of the tasks of taking care of the children in the future.

After listening to Linda's explanation, Qing Zhixun suddenly became enlightened.

He never thought there would be such an opportunity before, so he never paid attention to it after coming to Jingsu. Until he reunited with Xixiu, his obsession became more and more intense.

"Thank you Dr. Linda." Qing Zhixun gave Linda full marks and added comments.

"You're welcome. If you still don't understand, you can consult some medical centers on the Star Network, and there will be professionals to answer your questions." Linda's tone was the same as at the beginning.

Both Xixiu and Qing Zhixun keenly discovered that she was not data in the virtual world, but a real doctor of genetics.

It's just that she doesn't use her real name in the virtual world.

"When it comes to pregnancy, you should put your partner's ideas first," Linda pointed out.

Because many women increasingly don't want to have children, the alliance put incubators on the agenda.

After it was finally developed, it did not change women's minds.

Most women think that raising children is too difficult, and it takes a lot of energy to accompany their children to grow up. If they leave it all to a robot nanny, their contribution points will be deducted.

Therefore, many women choose to have only one child. After the child grows up and can leave home and start their own life, these partners can live their own lives.

They see this as liberation.

The alliance's population has declined sharply in the past fifty years, and even if the alliance has introduced numerous generous incentive policies over the years, it is of no use.

Birth rates are falling.

She has been searching for the root cause for many years, asking many partners who chose this simulated scenario, and getting different answers.

Incubators can allow women to gain relative freedom, but women are still unwilling to spend more time with more children.

The reason is that they do not get help from their partners in this relationship.

Finally, Linda asked a question that was not related to this simulation: "How many children do you plan to have in the future?"

Xixiu obviously couldn't answer this.

Because she didn't even think about it.

While she was thinking about how to formulate a verbal answer, Qing Zhixun didn't hesitate for a second and reported a number that shocked Xixiu.

9.18 Don’t forget the national humiliation

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