Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 676 - It’s possible

He could more or less guess why Xixiu was so hesitant under the matching system.

First, she has never been attracted to anyone, because judging from her growth trajectory since she came to Jingsu, she has not met anyone who can make her heart move.

Second, the past events had such a profound impact on her that she did not want to get married again.

This result is a mixed blessing for Qing Zhixun.

He originally thought that with the matching system in place, it would be easy for him to get his wife back.


It’s hard to describe in one word.

Not only did this guy show no enthusiasm for her, he also used to go as far as he could.

It was after they came to serve at the station that the two people came into frequent contact.

Even with the blocker, he couldn't break Xixiu's heart.

If it were that easy, she wouldn't be Hong Xixiu.

Qing Zhixun was a little helpless, but he had to get a partner and raise a child. He really wouldn't be tempted at all if he didn't know Xiu.

Since Xixiu submitted the conclusion of the simulation report, he has been just like a normal person, eating and drinking when he should, and training when he should.

Not affected by the virtual scene at all.

The state of what she was doing left Axian and Flora confused.

Axian took Flora and He Yinlei, and the three of them avoided Xixiu and discussed her abnormal behavior.

A-Xian: With Xixiu’s appearance, could there be something wrong with the simulation?

Flora: No, sir, you are a very steady person.

He Yinlei: Does Xixiu really dislike the style of Sir Qing?

The three of them supported their right hands with their left hands, and rubbed their right fingers on their chins while thinking.

Perhaps, this is really possible.

A Xian: Is this really the case?

Otherwise, no human being would treat the simulation results so calmly.

He Yinlei: Xixiu doesn’t like the appearance of Sir Qing?

Qing Zhixun is actually very good-looking, and he and Xixiu look very good.

One is beautiful, the other is handsome, both have perfect looks.

Qing Zhixun's identity is also a bonus.

Flora: Does our captain like that kind of rough and handsome man?

The three people looked at each other and made some predictions in their hearts.

Put Xixiu and a rough-looking man together, and then, her heart trembled.

The contrast in that picture is so stark that I can’t imagine it anymore…

Flora: Are their simulation results good or bad?

A Xian: I don’t dare to ask…

She originally wanted to ask, but when she saw Xi Xiu's terrifyingly dark face, she hesitated.

Because she still remembers that she leaked Xixiu's information to Qing Zhixun, and Qing Zhixun's true identity...

At this moment, Ah Xian felt that it was hard to say anything.

It was because she had not judged carefully at the beginning and she deserved to be cheated by Qing Zhixun.

He Yinlei: What should we do?

They can't let their captain remain in this state. In recent days, they feel like they have become a teaching director.

All the team members were a little scared when she looked like this!

Everyone had to train with all their strength.

What I was thinking was that improving my strength might make the captain happier.

Xixiu turned a blind eye to the actions of the three people, without revealing or criticizing them.

She ate well, drank well, and tortured the team members.

She originally planned to train behind closed doors, but now the team members are more conscious, which makes her feel very relieved.

It saves her time to supervise.

Qing Zhixun's message was delivered on time every day, and this lasted for five or six days.

An insect infestation broke out on the first day of the year, and all the 909 staff went out to exterminate the insects, and everyone returned to normal.

It wasn't until he boarded the starship that Axian realized that his worries were in vain.

This guy did it on purpose!

Because the mission was not affected at all, her attitude towards Qing Zhixun also did not change.

Definitely not dissatisfied.

In this case, A Xian and the other three let go of their old mothers' worried hearts.

Until returning from the mission, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun met for the first time since the simulation.

At this moment, after Xixiu finished his report, the two of them were walking back to Xixiu's dormitory.

Seeing that Xixiu had been silent, Qing Zhixun had no choice but to liven up the atmosphere.

Qing Zhixun: "I have found some clues about the Q I met on the virtual network before, but it's still not clear enough."

The other party is hiding very deep.

And there was no way to catch him through which entrance he entered the virtual network.

During the period when Xixiu was on the mission, Qing Zhixun contacted the central intelligence brain, but there was no record of this person entering the virtual network.

He compared Q's battle data and found that his martial arts were 60% similar to those of the missing Yuan Chu Hong.

This Q may be a disciple of Yuan Chuhong, or someone very close to him, or he may be his true self.

If it wasn't me, then the two of them must have practiced together and exchanged martial arts moves and routines.

Yuanchu Hong left a lot of fragmented data in the central brain, so comparison is not difficult.

The difficulty is that the original Hong seemed to have evaporated from the starry sky, and no trace can be found at all.

Yuan Chuhong could not be found, and there were not many people around him. During the years he had been walking in Jingsu, he had not made many close friends.

Although people who knew him felt that they knew Yuan Chuhong very well, when asked about the details, they were all confused.

In Yuan Chuhong's view, these people in Jingsu only have the purpose of using them.

So, how could he have a heart-to-heart relationship with these people and reveal his whereabouts?

Xixiu raised her head when Qing Zhixun mentioned Yuan Chuhong. She had never met Yuan Chuhong, but she had met another teacher who taught Ye Zhenwei, Xue Zixian.

In the end, the Senate found nothing suspicious about Xue Zixian. After Gaia's purge, he was still serving in the First Military Academy.

However, his whereabouts were monitored, and he may have known about it, so he did not submit a complaint report.

Maybe it's because I'm not afraid of slanted shadows.

It may also be that he is confident.

"Yuan Chuhong's strength was accumulated through potions. He should have a purpose in going to Ye Zhenwei's side. Is there any news from the Elder Council?"

Xixiu remembered that when Yuan Chuhong disappeared, Gaia put the information about Yuan Chuhong on the Star Network and issued a wanted order.

Yuan Chuhong is from the Qin family, his real name is Qin Huai, and he went to Ye Zhenwei to educate her and train her into a warrior that matches her talents.

As for the purpose of going to Ye Zhenwei, no one knows yet.

Qing Zhixun integrated his information and put forward his own opinions.

The Qin family who disappeared from the Foxtail Galaxy must have gone to Qin Hongjun. The large teleportation channel they discovered can directly lead to the alien sky of the Foxtail Galaxy.

As long as they quickly establish a new channel there, they can disappear without a trace in an instant after reaching the starry sky.

There was no trace of them at all.

Qing Zhixun once asked people to try to find traces of energy deep in the starry sky, but they only traced it to the Jingsu border, and the traces completely disappeared.

So I don't know where these people went in the end, otherwise they could have found Qin Hongjun's lair.

As I write this, I forget whether the heroine in front of me has seen Yuan Chuhong. I looked through the front page and couldn’t find it. The author burst into tears and laughed.

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