Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 682 - Fight with yourself

During this insect-killing mission, she and Qiu Shaorong found a way to modify the robot's combat program.

They also combined their respective advantages and designed a new set of combat procedures, specially made for the characteristics of bugs.

Use it to train them, which will be helpful for the next mission.

It can be said that the current robots are familiar with each of their moves in battle.

In this way, most of the 909 team members will lose their advantage in this training.

For them, this is a big challenge.

One of the programs is a combination of her and A-Xian's fighting skills. If they pass the training of their own moves, she will switch the program over at that time.

"You should really push yourself like this." Ah Xian remembered that he used to practice martial arts, regardless of whether it was cold or hot, day or night.

Progress will make people forget the hard work of training, and when their strength breaks through, the joy will stay in their hearts.

Xixiu discussed the training plan with Qiu Shaorong and revised it three times before finalizing it.

It was already early morning when I lay back in bed.

Tiredness soon set in again.

The night at the station is very quiet. After a few hours, the biological clock wakes me up.

Qimang and Wuyuan were already waiting outside, while Flora and He Yinlei were ready to go.

They are looking forward to the battle with the battle robot, which feels like fighting with themselves.

Somewhat exciting.

In this way, they should be able to quickly discover their own shortcomings and improve them.

The two people stared at Wuyuan and Qimang. The light in their eyes was even brighter than the light refracted by the mechanical eyes of these two machines. It was explosive!

Qimang felt that his metal shell was a little cold. It looked at Flora in confusion, wondering why this human being was suddenly so excited.

Seeing it is like a bug seeing "meat."

After comprehensive calculations, Qimang and Wuyuan came to the same answer. They were probably "sold" by Xixiu, or were cheated.

As for how to sell it, you will know later.

Flora whispered to He Yinlei: "When will the captain let us try ebony?"

He Yinlei rolled his eyes at her: "If you can win Qimang today, you can probably talk to the captain a little bit."

The data loaded into Qimang's combat program has always been Xixiu's best moves.

No one dares to challenge it.

Moreover, it should have other programs installed by Dr. Wei for Xixiu.

In critical moments, it sacrifices itself to save Xixiu.

The strength cannot be weak.

As for ebony.

She currently doesn't have the courage to challenge it.

That guy looks docile, but in fact he is even more unreasonable. Their mental power cannot reach the level of communication with Ebony. When fighting, that guy will really use his full strength.

When the time comes, they will most likely be the ones turned into dregs.

Ebony is a naive and ruthless alien.

After hearing what He Yinlei said, Flora gave up the idea.

It’s better to go out with the captain from now on and be responsible for watching Ebony fight.

I can't afford to offend him, so I can only watch.


She wants to become a powerful warrior like the captain, who can walk safely in this star field even without auxiliary weapons and tools.

In the morning light, Qiu Shaorong took the others to the training ground.

They walked in neat steps, with confident smiles on their faces, and walked towards their future step by step.

Soon, a thousand people were ready.

The combat robot Xixiu applied for last night has been put in place.

In the dim light of the morning, their bodies glowed with a silvery cold light.

They are all silvery gray and have the same appearance. They can only be distinguished from the numbers engraved on the back.

Xixiu had already distributed the plan to everyone last night. When he got up in the morning, he arranged the order using the system.

Everyone is matched with a combat robot opponent, and they must first have a single battle with the robot before entering the mecha training program.

Fighting with robots can increase their fighting speed.

Metal doesn't tire.

A piece of energy stone can support them in high-intensity fighting for a month.

For humans, they have no physical limit, and their speed is more than twice that of intelligent creatures.

Xixiu, Ah Xian, and those who have not yet had their turn to fight are responsible for recording the battle situation and sending it to their teammates when the time comes.

Five yuan corresponds to Flora, and seven rays corresponds to Qiu Shaorong.

This made Qiu Shaorong a little nervous.

He had no experience playing against Xixiu, but had only seen her fighting data.

At this moment, the seven rays in front of him were loaded with Xixiu's martial arts movements.

Although the robots are not blessed by spiritual power, their speed has no limit to their flesh and blood bodies.

Qimang looked at this human being with no fluctuation in his eyes. During the battle, it was a warrior with its emotional system turned off.

There is only fighting.

Qiu Shaorong was always paying attention to its movements and did not dare to blink.

Finally, Qimang moved quickly towards his direction and struck directly without hesitation.

Qiu Shaorong took Qimang's first attack. They were wearing mechas when fighting the robot, so the hardness of their bodies was the same as that of the robot.

It won't break with one blow.

Otherwise, they would have no advantage at all in the battle with the robots. They do not have the iron arms of the Ora people.

Xixiu saw the battle between Qiu Shaorong and Qimang. Qiu Shaorong was very calm and there was no panic in his moves.

Qimang was a cold man, keeping his lips pursed throughout the whole process without revealing any emotion.

Its movements originate from itself, so it feels very novel to see the battle between Qiu Shaorong and Qimang.

So, is this what it looks like when you fight?

Probably not.

Just action figures.

When it comes to emotions, I shouldn't be so cold.

As she watched, Qiu Shaorong's battle with Qimang seemed a bit difficult.

Even if he turned on the speed skill of wearing a mecha, he couldn't match Qimang.

Although the two systems are essentially similar, there are still differences.

Even for other intelligent creatures, everyone will have different power when using the same moves, let alone a robot system that relies entirely on energy.

Qimang was born for fighting.

Wearing a mecha will, to a certain extent, enhance your defensive capabilities.

Its role is to protect the lives of soldiers.

Fighting comes second.

"Sister Ah Xian, can you change the design of the mecha so that it can take into account both defense and speed?" Xixiu pondered.

"In principle, it is possible, but the energy consumption may be quite large." Ah Xian remembered that Wu Jingyang had tried it before.

Finally gave up due to energy consumption.

The working principle of wearable mecha is different from that of robots, and the intelligent system is also different.

When the combat robot is not working, its energy consumption is almost zero.

It's different when wearing a mecha.

Energy is consumed at all times.

It is to facilitate the warrior to enter combat status at any time, and also to protect the warrior's body at all times.

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