Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 691 -Detached from the world

After the children went to rest, Yu Ruoruo stood next to Qin Jian with her eyes full of tenderness.

She looked at Qin Jian with admiring eyes, "Sir, this world is really so wonderful."

Qin Jian did not reply to her.

In his view, children and partners are just his accessories, and they are worthy of his cultivation only if they are valuable.

He does not need to explain his affairs to anyone, and his children and partners only need to obey absolutely.

Yu Ruoruo has obviously long been accustomed to his indifference, and there is no sadness in her heart.

On the contrary, I think he is more like a wise man.

Qin Jian fell into his own thoughts, thinking about what to do next.

After Feng Qiqi and others returned, they sorted out the children's and Yu Ruoruo's questions and sent them to Li Xianfeng.

Let him summarize the meaning behind these questions.

Li Xianfeng will be in his room, receiving and storing all the data.

Then just let the system work on its own.

He put his legs on the table, crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and replayed the past events with Qin Hongjun in his consciousness.

Compare it with the Qin Jian we saw tonight.

He discovered that the two people were indeed from the same origin.

It's really like that in some places.

Some of Qin Hongjun's ideas were even passed down by Qin Jian.

If Qin Jian had not been killed by Qin Hongjun, maybe he would have followed such a path.

Because both of them are crazy.

Qin Hongjun disguised himself very well when they met him. He was a genius in the biomedical field and had outstanding talents.

He is a very likable person.

Appearances can be very deceptive.

Qin Hongjun was not noticed by him at first, which was also due to his strong acting skills.

Later, something a little amiss finally made him suspicious.

Qin Hongjun was very fascinated by various experiments prohibited by the alliance. He was also keen on replicating living creatures for experiments, which directly led to the breakdown of their friendship.

Li Xianfeng is a very strong person.

He firmly believes that things that are not allowed to be touched by law must not be touched.

With the development of the Jingsu Alliance to this day, there must be profound meaning in enacting such a law.

However, Qin Hongjun didn't listen to him.

Go your own way.

In the end, Li Xianfeng unilaterally severed contact with Qin Hongjun.

Before death came, Qin Hongjun went to Shang Yuexing to see him.

He has his way.

After that, there was a life of unconscious imprisonment for five hundred years without seeing the light of day.

Even though he was only conscious at that time.

But loneliness and fear surrounded him.

He thought he had to "live" like that before his consciousness died.

Thinking of these past events, Li Qianfeng became very unhappy with Qin Jian, who had similar moral character to Qin Hongjun.

He could feel that although Qin Jian's eyes were lowered, they were moving around.


Although he accurately grasped the psychology of people from a planet whose civilization was far less advanced than that of the Alliance, Li Xianfeng still saw his hidden ambitions.

What Qin Jian was planning was clear to him without even thinking about it.

After living for so many years, I have never been able to live with a broader mind.

What a waste.

However, before his goal is achieved, he should choose to cooperate with the alliance.

This point will have a lot of room for manipulation. As long as it is used properly, the alliance can find Qin Hongjun through him.

You can even let the two fight among themselves.

After Li Xianfeng figured this out, he hummed a tune.

It is a kind of simple and somewhat confused folk music that I have never heard of before.

Qin Jian took his family and settled under Li Xianfeng's nose.

Every day they make different discoveries and the children try their best to absorb knowledge.

When all this unfolded before their eyes, they realized that their father's previous descriptions of them seemed too pale.

This world is so bright!

The innocence of these children made the Jiuxing warriors somewhat less resistant.

I am also willing to chat with them about daily life.

The children were also deceived by Jiuxing's warriors. For example, Yu Ruoruo was not their biological mother.

Only Qin Xiaoxiao is her child.

Qin Yuan, Qin An'an, Qin Hai, Qin Da each have different mothers.

The soldiers carefully asked where their mother had gone and why she was not with them.

The children said casually, "My father was not satisfied and asked them to go back and remake it."

At first, the soldiers didn't understand what "rebuilding" meant.

Later, when Qin Xiaoxiao saw that these people were too stupid, he said directly, "If it doesn't meet the standards, of course we will redesign it."

The child's voice was clear, but her words were not taken seriously at all, as if she just said that she didn't like the taste of today's nutritional supplement, it was that simple.

These words shocked the soldiers.

Gu Yuehua even felt creepy.

Could it be that their mothers were all created by Qin Jian?

Isn't this a little too outrageous?

When Feng Qiqi talked to Xixiu, she felt very uncomfortable and felt that her goosebumps had never subsided.

Li Xianfeng didn't feel much panic after hearing this. This person must have different ideas from others.

Otherwise, how could he live so long.

Copy yourself.

I also want to control another consciousness growing in my body.

In the past, the central brain looked up at Qin Jian from the perspective of a subordinate or servant.

Naturally, you will feel that everything about him is glittering and aloof from the world.

However, judging from the relevant information about Qin Jian that Xixiu and the others found, it appears that he is not a broad-minded person.

He is also keen on various biological experiments.

The central brain has not discovered it before, all because of the initial code.

Qin Jian can avoid it.

Moreover, Qin Jian also has another data processing system, which Li Yifeng discovered from Qin Hongjun.

At present, what they have to do is to obtain Qin Jian's previous star coordinates from the central intelligence brain, as well as the star fields he once circled.

Qin Hongjun probably lived in these places, and he "inherited" everything he knew about Qin Jian.

Li Xianfeng contacted Xixiu and expressed his opinion. Xixiu also discussed it with other Jiuxing people, and finally summarized the information and gave it to Qing Zhixun.

Let him negotiate with the Senate.

The central intelligence brain has not shown up since it found Qin Jian.

I couldn't guess its current mood, so I simply let it figure it out on its own.

It's not stupid.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such an attitude on the road. Obviously, after finding Qin Jian, he did a data comparison.

My heart is clear.

Qin Jian thought he could hide everything from heaven and earth.

He didn't expect that the information he kept in the central brain database would completely betray him.

He also said that Qin Jian's consciousness was asleep and he didn't know anything.

It is estimated that the central brain was sulking to itself at this moment, and Xixiu did not look for it.

Regarding the matching results, there is no point in looking for it, it has officially taken effect.

Unexpectedly, the central intelligence brain, which is famous for its efficiency, would also use this trick to delay the battle.

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