Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 695 - I will never lose my love

Xixiu and the others will set off for the Mingyun Galaxy early tomorrow morning.

At this time, Wan Youlin and the others were discussing how to put these energy stones away.

Wealth is not revealed in vain.

At present, no one knows that they have obtained a batch of energy, and the purity is not bad.

Energy will be the most important material in the future, so they decided to send someone to take care of it.

This responsibility finally fell on Bai Junge. Once the war broke out, Bai Junge needed to transport energy to other people in Jiuxing.

Although Jiuxing's supply depot can meet the needs of the war, they are afraid that if the supply depot encounters danger, then both ends will be in trouble.

Therefore, one person must be left out to deal with emergencies.

Xi Xiu and A Xian never stopped to rest during the afternoon and night of Zodiac Star.

It took two hours to deal with the things Jiuxing had accumulated. Fortunately, Li Xianfeng helped deal with most of them, leaving only a small part that had to wait for Xixiu's decision.

After that, Feng Qiqi, Gu Yuehua and the others pulled them to fight again.

It took another two hours.

The daylight hours of Zodiac are very long, so even though it is already eight o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is still bright.

The brilliant whiteness reflected on the ground was different from the temperature Xixiu had felt before.

At this moment, Xixiu, Ah Xian, and Feng Qi Qi were sitting on the balcony of the lounge on the ground, looking at the scenery of the star.

The robot brought them juice and some snacks.

In order to facilitate starship travel, the snacks are really small, one bite at a time.

Melts in your mouth.

There are also some crispy ones, which make a popping sound when bitten, which is very appetizing.

Xixiu took a short rest, ate some snacks, and then opened the video of the battle with Feng Qiqi just now.

He pointed out the areas where they were not in place during the battle, which benefited Feng Qiqi a lot.

Feng Qiqi gave Xixiu all the questions she encountered during daily training, and Xixiu gave them his own answers one by one.

Not all of them are correct, some are just her personal understanding.

Seeing Xi Xiu solving the problem for them in an orderly manner, Feng Qi Qi felt even more proud.

She didn't expect that just over half a year after she separated from Anweil, Xixiu's strength would reach another level.

Even if they spent all their time training, it was still a bit difficult.

However, they will try their best.

I will definitely be able to stand side by side with her.

"Let's go have dinner." Seeing that everyone had rested, Feng Qiqi reminded them of the meal.

"Qiqi, what delicious food have you prepared?" Ah Xian's eyes lit up when he heard about the dinner.

Feng Qiqi whispered, "Senior researched it based on Xixiu's recipe and loaded the data into the robot's program. It tastes pretty good."

Ah Xian became even happier after hearing this, "Hurry, hurry, where is the restaurant? I'm going to have a good meal."

After saying that, he took Feng Qiqi and left.

Gu Yuehua and Xixiu followed behind.

This is the first time Gu Yuehua has met the real person Xixiu. "What you said is completely different from what they said."

Xixiu said softly, "Oh, what's the difference."

Gu Yuehua didn't even think about it, "You're not that cold. On the contrary, you are a very easy to get along with."

The corners of Xixiu's lips curved slightly, "You are our own people, do you want to be cold to your own people?"

She doesn't have this patience for others.

Jiuxing was already very tiring for her, and there were also a sudden increase in the number of team members recently.

Changing the location will add a lot of things.

Gu Yuehua nodded, that was indeed the case.

"Thank you." Gu Yuehua thanked her sincerely.

Since Xixiu came to Jiuxing, he has been improving Jiuxing's training plan.

Jiuxing's overall strength has improved dramatically over the years.

Xu Fengxiang and the other seniors finally obeyed the alliance's call and went to a new position.

If Jiuxing was still as strong as before, they might be worried and would negotiate terms with the elders. Xu Fengxiang would never leave Jiuxing no matter what.

"You're welcome, Jiuxing gave me a lot, and we are family." Xixiu patted Gu Yuehua.

She took over Jiuxing because she admired what these people were doing, and most importantly, Li Xianfeng's character.

"Well, it's family." Gu Yuehua smiled sweetly at Xixiu.

It's very satisfying to be recognized.

Especially, it is an honor to be treated as family by such a powerful warrior.

Li Fengfeng's identity was not known to many people, and neither did Gu Yuehua.

All I know is that the mysterious person is a senior, someone Xixiu values ​​​​very much.

Outstanding strength.

After he came, Jiuxing's appearance changed a lot. He would go to the training ground every day to check and provide guidance. Everyone was also very humbly asking him for advice, and he would explain it carefully.

Also a very good person.

Qin Jian and his family did not show up for dinner today. Wan Youlin asked the robot to deliver food to their room and asked them if they had any other needs.

It can be said that the care is very thoughtful and considerate.

Qing Zhixun, Qing Shichen and other members of Qing's family had a very pleasant dinner with the Jiuxing warriors.

This kind of happiness made both Xixiu and Li Xianfeng feel in a trance, as if this was their hometown.

Li Xianfeng held the cup and rubbed the rim with his fingers. Xixiu knew that he might have remembered the scene from the past.

Xixiu tried to divert his attention and kept immersed in the past, which was very sad.

She told Li Xianfeng about the starry sky beasts with purple eyes, such as Avlan and Hu Jingmon.

They are all topics that can attract his attention.

Sure enough, his thoughts were brought back, "Purple eyes, come from the genes of the Star Beast?"

"Besides this, I can't think of any other answer." Xixiu wanted to hear other directions from Li Fengfeng.

His experience and knowledge must be much higher than hers, and he may have other opinions.

"Jingsu only has starry sky beasts with purple eyes. This is common sense." He has not seen any others.

"During the time you were with him, did he ever say anything other than a blank body?"

Li Xianfeng shook his head, "The blank body is his obsession."

This should be the reason why he and Qin Jian failed to successfully separate into two individuals.

Qin Jian succeeded in defrauding Qin Hongjun in the first place. He had been in contact with the system for a long time and modified the data derived from the system model.

Qin Hongjun entered the experiment happily, but at the moment when he entered consciousness, he attacked Qin Hongjun.

Unexpectedly, stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

He became a drowned dog.

After that, Qin Hongjun, who had been persistent for many years, finally overcame the difficulty.

"After so many years, is it understandable that he was actually injured in the life-and-death struggle with Qin Jian?" Xixiu guessed.

"It's very possible, otherwise he wouldn't have been silent for so many years." With his character, he would have definitely started planning long ago.

In this way, he can truly achieve eternal life.

Instead of copying the body, learning from scratch every time, or living in a robot body.

Xixiu and Li Xianfeng talked about many recent events, and finally Li Xianfeng said: "Congratulations."

Xixiu paused and thanked him.

Seeing that he suddenly became a little melancholy again, she couldn't resolve the sadness this time.

Probably, I will never lose my love.

Li Xianfeng is also a person with stories...

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