Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 70 -What! Vines can be clingy

After making the decision, each of them took a nutrient supplement to replenish their physical strength, and then Xixiu and the others began to explore the surrounding area, with Ah Xian following them throughout the process.

Because of the dense trees, Weijiu's protective shield could only let out a little light, and he could barely see the road conditions clearly.

Xue Fanhui reset the parameters of her lighting design, and the small machine followed their pace and provided lighting for them.

There are more plants here than where they camped last night, and those that Xixiu knows about botany are indeed childish.

So she used the terminal to take photos and record all the things she didn't recognize. She planned to sort them out when she went back and compare them with the plant encyclopedia to deepen her impression.

After a while, they moved forward for more than 500 meters and came to a small garden in the forest. Weijiu's seasons are regulated. If possible, it will be spring all year round.

The current season is synchronized with the main star of Anvil. It is early summer, and all kinds of unnamed flowers in the forest are blooming beautifully.

Some flowers were even taller than Xixiu and the others. Looking at these huge flowers, the four of them had no intention of entering the garden. They only took photos outside to record the scenery.

Xixiu's plant encyclopedia indicates that these flowers are temperate plants, but it is also possible that they are traps and other plants in disguise.

"Sister Axian, the Anweil ​​people like all kinds of plants, right?" Zhen looked at the flowers here and thought that they were planted by the Anweil ​​people themselves, so she had this question.

Among the creatures of the Alliance, it seems that only Anvil has all kinds of strange plants. Although there are some in other galaxies, they are not as widely distributed and diverse as Anvil.

"Yes, they are all so beautiful, don't you think?" Ah Xian said with a smile, his golden eyes taking in all the plants nearby.

"Yes, they are more beautiful than the plants in Ningkui Star." Xixiu agreed with A-Xian's view. The plants in Anweil ​​looked particularly watery.

After a while, Xixiu felt a breath, which was very similar to the force that visited last night.

Xixiu was very nervous because it was in the dark and she couldn't tell whether it was an enemy or a friend.

Xixiu used his mental power to filter out all the suspicious plants and trees, but found no moving objects.

Ah Xian was secretly amused in her heart. Xi Xiu looked so nervous that she looked like a child, which was much more interesting.

Xue Fanhui and Zhen were unaware.

Xixiu had to remain vigilant at all times, fearing that it would suddenly attack.

The four of them turned a corner, and there was a plant that seemed to occupy a large area. Xixiu couldn't distinguish it. It looked very plain. The color was difficult to see clearly because it was too dark in the woods, but it should be emerald green.

Xixiu and the others did not intend to go any further and were about to go back, but Xixiu felt that she was tripped by something.

She looked down at her ankle and saw what seemed to be a vine. She pursed her lips, wondering if this thing could communicate well, and asked it to let go of her gently. I wonder if a consensus could be reached?

Xue Fanhui stopped when he saw Xixiu no longer moving forward, "Xixiu, what's wrong?"

"I got caught on a vine and I'm trying to reason with it, not sure if it's possible."

Xixiu opened her big eyes, outputting her mental power, and soon came into contact with another force, but that force actually rubbed against her mental power?

It seems, well, acting coquettishly!

It feels right, just like the feeling of a cat squatting at the feet and rubbing its soft head against its owner.

Judging from the other party's signal frequency, Xixiu thought in her mind with some uncertainty, could this guy want to play with her?

"Sister Ah Xian, Wei Jiu's plant has entangled me. How can I let it go?" Xi Xiu had to find local people to solve the problem.

"Well, why don't you touch it gently?" What? Xi Xiu was sure that she heard Sister A Xian's words correctly. It's like touching a cat. Do you want to touch it?

"Sister Axian, are you sure you're not joking?"

"No, you see my expression is very serious. They will only pester that person if they like it. You will find out if you try it quickly." A Xian's tone was indeed serious.

Xixiu bent down, stretched out his fingers, and gently touched the top of the vine with his fingertips. It actually followed Xixiu's fingers and rubbed it again.

Are you sure she didn't come to the world of cultivation? How could it be, demon? This should be called a demon, even though it cannot transform.

After rubbing it, the vines let go of Xixiu as expected, and Xixiu breathed a sigh of relief. He was really too nervous just now.

When Xue Fanhui and the others saw that the crisis was over, they planned to walk back to the camp. However, when Xixiu and the others took a step forward, there was a soft sound of plants behind them.

Xixiu looked at the plant that was always following them, and didn't know why she was entangled in this little thing.

Unable to look up to the sky. She really can't feed such a big plant, she can only barely feed Sixi, ugh...

After they returned to the camp, the plant also arrived. A Xian had a smile on his lips, Xi Xiu would have a great helper in the future.

As expected, Xixiu's affinity endeared her to Anvil's creatures.

"Sister Ah Xian, why does it keep following Xi Xiu?" Zhen was also surprised.

"Well, maybe it's because Xixiu is cute?"

"Sister Axian, you are coaxing us again."

"Really? That means Xixiu's aura matches it. The plants in Anweil ​​like creatures with special auras."

"Is that so?" Xue Fanhui was not sure either. Because there is no such plant in Ningkui Planet, and according to common sense they know, exotic plants are prohibited, so they probably have to wait until their contribution reaches level six before they can access this information.

So Xue Fanhui and Xixiu listened very seriously, "Well. The reason why the alliance has set up exotic plants as a restricted area is because these guys have unpredictable temperaments. The creatures they like can follow them for life. Those they don't like will be killed if they get close to them. Kill directly."

In many tourist areas in the alliance, if a foreign plant appears, warning signs will be erected within a three-kilometer radius, and the location of the foreign plant is recorded in the central brain.

Some people who are not afraid of death always want to tame a foreign plant for their own use, so many people and creatures are killed by foreign plants every year.

This is the consequence of not heeding warnings.

A Xian also warned Xue Fanhui and Zhen about this problem.

"Then, then, it won't hurt Xixiu, right?" Zhen looked at the plant that followed them back, wanting to get a positive answer from A-Xian.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. Didn't you see that it likes Xixiu very much and wants to stick to Xixiu?" Axian also reached out and touched this little cutie.

"What is its botanical name?" Xixiu stared at the unexpected plant, trying to figure out its identity.

"The alliance language should be Ebony, and the combat power should be at level 15 currently, and it can still be upgraded."

"Ebony, herbaceous?"

"Well, no, it has vines, so it is a vine, a powerful vine. This is the seed it separates. You can also think of it as the child of that huge plant. It will follow you in the future. "Don't worry, Xixiu, it's easy to take care of and it can find food on its own."

It's still so sad, okay? She doesn't plan to take care of the family, even though it's very powerful.

But since she has followed her, she must put some thought into taking care of him. She is still a baby in the alliance.

Xixiu looked at the ebony beside her, and touched it with her spiritual power. After being discovered, the ebony stuck to it again. It was very cute, so why not just keep it? The family has a baby.

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