Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 704 - Turned Purple

It was originally scheduled that they could shake hands and hug Efland face to face at the meeting. In order to be closer to their "goddess", they refused to wear protective clothing.

Because they want to directly feel the temperature of the goddess.

Although the protective clothing is advertised as thin as a feather, there is no difference between wearing it and not wearing it.

But the stubborn "fans" just don't want to wear it.

Therefore, this last wave of fans became a feast for insects after the airborne meeting.

It was too late to escape.

The scene was temporarily out of control.

Xixiu and the others are still on the periphery at the moment.

The real-time video of the live meeting has been transmitted to their terminals.

Unexpectedly, the scene that worried them the most appeared.

The top officer at Mingyun Station arranged the manpower as quickly as possible, and the area they were assigned to was the southwest corner of the site.

For this on-site meeting, Avran applied for the largest one, which can accommodate 50 million people at the same time.

Ring seats are stacked one on top of another, with the top layer wrapping the site into a circle.

Mingyun Galaxy was created for entertainment and performance, and the facilities here are quite complete.

The buildings on the ground are all designed to facilitate hosting various on-site meetings.

Safety facilities are also excellent.

However, in front of this kind of insect, these have lost their advantage.

After receiving the order, Xixiu and the others took the soldiers to the southwest corner.

They had expected that the bugs would mutate again. This time, they could no longer think about decomposing the bugs.

So the difficulty factor will rise a lot.

They rushed to the southwest corner as quickly as possible to provide support, but there was still a tragic situation that Xixiu and the others did not want to see.

Almost everyone in this corner was wiped out.

Even if they have protective clothing, they can't resist the siege of insects.

Bug saliva has been upgraded.

They can quickly dissolve protective clothing.

In this way, it becomes much easier for them to kill intelligent creatures.

After eating, the bugs grow faster and their strength increases by one level than before.

Their compound eyes glowed with a strange light, and one glance showed that they were much more difficult to deal with than the previous ones.

"Everyone, please pay attention, follow the previous grouping and fight together, and try not to be left alone." Xixiu turned on the headset, and the voice reached the ears of every team member.

Each group dispersed as planned and focused all their attention on the bugs.

It was discovered that these bugs glowed with a strange purple light, and their shells changed from black to purple.

Xixiu concentrated, she took Ona with her, and the two of them dealt with an insect.

Ona's goosebumps fell to the ground when she saw this insect, which was bigger than the one she saw in the previous mission.

too disgusting.

Even if he has combat experience, he still has an inexplicable fear of these insects.

"Ona, don't be distracted, fight quickly." Xixiu noticed Ona's distraction and reminded her.

"Yes, Captain." Ona withdrew her gaze and focused all her energy on the battle.

This time they cannot use weapons to crush the bugs, otherwise more bugs will be produced.

It was too late to collect the debris in a container.

It can't be used here at all.

Xixiu planned to lure the insects in their area to a wider area outside.

The seats here in the southwest corner still have blood sprayed out after intelligent creatures were bitten into pieces.


Fighting in such an environment will make many soldiers feel a little uncomfortable.

Xixiu and the others quickly entered a fighting state, and those who survived were moved to a safe area by Mingyun's soldiers. What followed was a series of inspections.

Xixiu and Ona retreated while fighting.

These bugs, who had just eaten the "delicious food", their eyes lit up when they saw Xi Xiu.

Where would such good food be left alone?

So I chased after him.

More than ten came out in succession.

Qimang and Wuyuan fought separately, and Wumu also joined the battle this time.

It will have a lot of fun.

Until the vine was pinched by the insect's big pincers, it hurt!

But it can't speak.

Otherwise, he would definitely scream, and maybe curse a few words.

Painfully pinched, Wu Mu immediately pulled out a vine and swung it hard.

The vines hit the insect's back shell, making a "crackling" sound.

The ebony vines were very strong and pliable, and the bugs were a little dizzy from being whipped by its vines.

He was so mad that he wanted to beat this offending plant to death.

However, it found that it was tightly entangled by the nasty vines and could not move.

Its limbs were not flexible enough, so it turned its pliers at an angle and clamped down hard.

I thought I could pinch off the vine, but I didn't expect that not only did the plant not move, but it also entangled itself even tighter.

Xi Xiu didn't care about the battle between Wu Mu and Wu Yuan San, no matter what, these three would not suffer.

With these good helpers, they will kill the bugs much faster.

There will be a combat robot between every four groups, which is to protect the lives of the soldiers.

When the robot detects a critical situation, it can provide immediate rescue and can also support teams with insufficient combat capabilities.

Xixiu and Ona fought against the insects for a long time, and their physical strength was much greater than last time.

Thirty minutes of fighting failed to kill the bug, only severely damaging it.

After confirming that it could no longer get up, Xixiu summoned the processing robot.

They will drag the bugs away and bring them to Mingyun Station for unified treatment.

They are only responsible for fighting.

All subsequent processing will be done by Mingyun Resident himself, because the task is too heavy.

Bugs evolve quickly, and news comes of citizen deaths.

Those "fans" who didn't have time to move away were plotted and turned into food for insects.

Because the effectiveness of the inhibitor is much lower than last time, it is obvious that the insect's genes have been improved this time.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hongjun understood the dynamics of the alliance so well and could quickly decipher the alliance's counterattacks every time.

It always feels like he is testing the bottom line of the league and the speed at which it can overcome problems.

Xixiu and Ona finished a battle, and she took a moment to look at the situation at the center of the meeting.

There are a lot of bugs there.

The adult worm has evolved into a king worm.

Their wings glow purple.

It flapped its wings and flew up.

The wings became stronger and they no longer flew bumpyly, but flew very nimbly off the ground to look for food elsewhere.

Seeing this, Xixiu turned around and said to Ona: "For the next battle, use heavy mechas and have enough energy."

The words reached everyone's ears through the earphones.

"Yes." After hearing Xixiu's words, Ona acted immediately.

The others also discovered that the bug was flying very fast, and it only took a minute to reach them.

Following Xixiu's order, they boarded the heavy mecha collectively.

Xixiu plans to fight with Jiudan this time and not separate.

The situation was more serious than she had expected.

The highest officer at Mingyun Station was miserable and scolded the head of state.

Due to the outbreak of insect plagues in various places, many fewer people came to watch the performance in Mingyun Galaxy.

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