Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 710 - Somewhat Deterrent (Additional Updates Asking for Monthly Tickets)

It is unknown where these people will come out from and what excuses they will find to approach Avran.

Qing Wenxu explained some things to her and gave her an electronic secret order. In this way, even if someone with a much higher position than her had the secret order from the Council of Elders, she could forcefully reject their request.

Xixiu wrote them down one by one and asked Qing Wenxu a few more questions. He learned that they had arrived in the starry sky and the starship would set off immediately.

It is refreshing to have a little understanding of Qing Wenxu's style of doing things.

It would be best for him to handle Avlan's affairs.

After the video call with Qing Wenxu ended, Xixiu opened the terminal and took a look at the battle situation.

Each captain's terminal sends information in real time, in order to be able to detect the situation of the soldiers as soon as possible and send rescuers in time.

It has been more than eight hours since they entered the battlefield, and the situation is basically under control.

There is currently no news of death in her team. Only some of the soldiers were injured and have been transferred to a safe area for treatment by medical robots.

A Xian's record is impressive.

There were many bugs piled around her, alive, but with powerful inhibitors, so the speed at which they laid eggs was much slower.

With inhibitors present, the eggs cannot hatch within twelve hours. By then the battle is over, and the robot will clean up and destroy all the eggs together.

Xixiu told the other team members about his situation, asking everyone to be more vigilant and try not to get seriously injured again in the next battle.

She wanted to watch Aiflan and not let anyone get close, so she could only fight with Ebony to deal with the bugs near her.

It is currently impossible to return to the southwest corner.

He also told Qiu Shaorong to manage the team well. After the battle, he should arrange a resting place for the soldiers and do a good job of disinfection and cleaning.

Xixiu is fighting here to guard against those fans who are crazy about saving their "goddess".

It can't hurt their lives, and it can't let them get close to Avran. Fortunately, the ebony vines are enough.

Those who came were all entangled by it, and they could deal with their problems when Fu Chen and the others came over.

Some citizens with high mental strength have recovered, while others are still addicted to the temptation of Avran and cannot extricate themselves.

These people are going crazy now.

Because they saw the battle between Xixiu and Avran, they didn't expect that their goddess had such strength, and they "admired" her even more.

On the other hand, they recorded the appearance of the resident soldier who captured the goddess.

They formed a team and rushed directly towards the defensive area of ​​Mingyun Station.

Xixiu calculated the time and found that Qing Wenxu and the others were driving urgently and it would take more than six hours to get here.

Ming Yun's battle will be over in four hours.

In these two hours, she had to deal with Mingyun Resident and other people.

Given her rank, some people with higher positions than her would not be able to stop Avlan if they were to be taken away. Fortunately, Qing Wenxu gave her the secret order of the Council of Elders.

Furthermore, Qing Zhixun also took this into consideration, and after Qing Wenxu boarded the starship, he told him his worries.

Therefore, Qing Wenxu directly sent a message to the Mingyun Resident officials in the name of the Council of Elders, asking them to ensure that no one was allowed to take Aiflan away under any excuse. Otherwise, he would be dealt with according to the Supreme Resident Law.

That is treason.

This will be somewhat intimidating.

However, Xixiu still has to guard against this situation.

There are always some people who will challenge the bottom line.

So she asked Ebony to wrap Avran around tightly, and then gave orders to Qimang, sending it coordinates and asking it to come here and join her now.

Wuyuan was unable to come over temporarily because he had to take care of the injured soldiers.

Xixiu asked Qimang to kill a few more bugs on the way over.

She didn't stop here either. Before Qi Gang arrived, she and other people at Mingyun Station killed the insects in the surrounding area.

No one has asked to see the singer for the time being, which allows Xixiu to fight with peace of mind.

Qimang arrived thirty minutes later, and A-Xian was also there.

She was worried about the hidden ghosts and monsters, so she decided to come here and face Xixiu together.

Ming Yun station saw the two of them fighting and was very surprised by the strength of Yuan Ri's warriors.

Looking at their badges, one is a major and the other is a captain. It seems that they have not been in the army for a long time.

Because their badges are of a lighter color, they can judge a person's service years based on this.

A Xian ignored the looks of others and went directly to Xi Xiu's position.

I saw Avran rolled up in ebony and protected by layers of vines.

The real person is more beautiful.

Even with her eyes closed, she could still see her impeccable appearance.

She has a beautiful face and a hint of weakness, which is a look that the men in the Alliance like very much.

The soldiers stationed in Mingyun also had the same idea as Ah Xian, but after being warned, they did not dare to step forward and take a closer look at Avran.

"Xixiu, Qiu Shaorong and his people have already taken care of everything there. There are only some follow-up matters to be dealt with, don't worry." Ah Xian knew that Xixiu must be thinking about his team members.

"Well, everyone has worked hard this time." The level of combat power is too strong. This must be the first time they have encountered it since they were born.

"What about your side?" A-Xian only cares about Xixiu, and everyone else is just there.

"It's going well for the time being. Avlan is very strong. Also, she is Chen Yuzong's biological mother." This is what Xixiu guessed.

A Xian thought for a moment and understood that Chen Yuzong's mother was originally an artist.

She and Qin Hongjun gave birth to him.

But he didn't take him with him to live.

After finally learning that he had the opportunity to become the supreme commander of the alliance, he came to recognize him again, intending to take a shortcut and use his hand to control the alliance.

"Then she should be able to provide a lot of information to the alliance." Ah Xian thought of this.

The Alliance will never show mercy to its enemies.

Likewise, if they fall into the hands of the enemy, they will not be kind to them.

"Well, when Qing Qingzhixun's grandfather Qing Wenxu comes over to Mingyun, I will personally hand over Avran to them. I don't worry about the others."

There were no traces of insects in the area where Mingyun was responsible, and Xixiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Indeed." Ah Xian fully agreed with the fact that Avlan would be kidnapped halfway.

Xixiu, Wumu, Axian and Qimang caught the insects that occasionally came to them, severely injuring them so that they could not crawl, and breaking their wings.

Qimang dragged the bug away and put it aside, leaving it to Mingyun Station for unified processing.

The battle ended when night fell on Mingyun Star, and the soldiers rushed to the meeting place covered in night cover.

The 909 team members are temporarily led by Qiu Shaorong. With him around, Xixiu can rest assured at Mingyun Station and wait for Qing Wenxu's arrival.

Just hold on for the few hours until he comes.

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