Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 723 - Bugs are intelligent

Seven hours later, and after a total of eleven hours of sailing, the four starships that were out on missions this time were safely parked at the star port where they were stationed.

It was afternoon on station time.

The soldiers returned to the ground in batches.

The East District Office has sent a message, asking the soldiers to go back to their dormitories to rest, and then have a meeting at Star Network tomorrow morning.

Xixiu and the other captains also received messages from Qing Zhixun.

Let them go back and rest first.

The report will be left until tomorrow after the plenary meeting.

This mission was particularly difficult, and Qing Zhixun had already learned about it from other channels.

They were all dealing with things on the way back and had no time to rest.

Moreover, reporting after returning is not something that needs to be done immediately.

Let them take a full rest, what happens next may be a bit heavy for everyone.

The returning soldiers returned to their dormitories in silence. There was no joy on the way back from missions in the past.

They directly summoned the hover car at the parking spot and returned to their dormitory building. Then, they used the teleportation device without communicating with the people around them the whole time.

Because I don’t know what to say…

Qing Zhixun met with the heads of the other three districts.

Two days later, they will hold a farewell ceremony for the soldiers who died in this mission.

The remains of the soldiers will be sent back to their hometowns by specialized personnel after the ceremony.

Lin Zaiqin, the commander of the Western District, had received the news of Xi Seth's death as soon as possible.

He didn't say much, he just asked people to repair the terminal that was not completely destroyed in West Seth.

Send him his combat data.

At this moment, he and his adjutant were watching the battle of Siseth.

"Felit, this insect has obviously gained intelligence." Lin Zaiqin kept staring at the compound eyes of the king insect, always feeling that the purple light flashing in the eyes was a bit strange.

Felit took a closer look and said, "It does seem like something is wrong."

Judging from the data after the bug outbreak, this bug will evolve new skills every time it appears.

However, the overall body is still inflexible, and it seems very clumsy because of its huge body.

However, to say that they are intelligent is actually far-fetched.

After Lin Zaiqin saw the video, he was a little unsure.

He contacted Marcel, the chief of the Southern District, and expressed his speculation.

He also forwarded the video of Sisese's battle to Marcel.

Marcel looked at it very carefully. He decomposed every movement of the insect, and after reassembling it at 9 times speed, he agreed with Lin Zaiqin's point of view.

This also made him and Lin Zaiqin break into a cold sweat.

In this battle in Sisese, even if they take action on their own, they may not be able to escape unscathed.

The insect's judgment is too accurate.

It was done in one go, without giving Sisese a chance to breathe.

It stands to reason that with the time difference between when the bug breaks through the mecha shell and when Sissei is captured, Sisseth has a chance to escape.

But an adult insect blocked his way of survival.

This is because the bugs have teamfight awareness.

Although the king insect can indeed command the adult insects, it cannot command it so clearly.

Can't pinpoint the specific location.

The adults formed a circle, and Sisese could not successfully leave no matter which direction he went.

What's more, after breaking open the mecha, the king insect's pincers found the location of Cisse with great accuracy.

This movement is as fast as lightning.

"Lin, my condolences." Marcel knew that Sisese was Lin Zaiqin's right-hand man.

Lin Zaiqin did not reply to Marcel. He was now standing in front of the window of his office, with the entire West District in his sight.

He and Sisese were comrades-in-arms and classmates.

Two people from the same galaxy.

We have been together since entering the military academy.

They all know that if they take this path, there will definitely be sacrifices.

Lin Zaiqin just didn't expect that it would come so quickly.

Philit left him alone.

At this time, it is better to leave the officer alone for a few minutes.

It wasn't until the soldiers who went on a mission returned to Hong Kong that Lin Zaiqin regained his former complexion.

Although he never had a good smile, he was generally easy to talk to.

However, the soldiers in the West District were afraid of his gloomy and silent appearance.

Fortunately, the weather has cleared up for the time being.

The soldiers who returned to Hong Kong took disinfection and other measures in the air and then returned to the ground in the station's suspension boat.

He went directly back to his dormitory to rest.

At this time, Lin Zaiqin came to the East District.

He sent a message to Qing Zhixun in advance and came over to discuss the farewell ceremony for the fallen soldiers.

Also, by the way, take some time to relax.

Qing San was waiting under the office building early.

After seeing Lin Zaiqin, Qing Sansui stepped forward and greeted him politely: "Sir Lin, please come inside."

The appearance of a gentleman is indistinguishable from that of a human being, and is very similar to Qing Zhixun.

It is not only the guard of Qing Zhixun, but also the steward of Qing Zhixun.

Lin Zaiqin glanced at it and replied, "It's troublesome."

Qing Sansui summoned the transmitter, pressed the number of Qing Zhixun's office, and said no more.

During this period, Gao Lengqing was three years old.

That noisy personality was forcibly changed by Qing Zhixun.

Although it would like to change back.

But it's not bad now.

Soon we arrived at the teleporter parking location.

Qing Zhixun was waiting there.

"Lieutenant General Lin, long time no see." Qing Zhixun stepped forward and shook hands with Lin Zaiqin.

"Long time no see, Major General Qing." The two exchanged pleasantries outside the door.

After entering the room, Lin Zaiqin took a quick glance at the layout of Qing Zhixun's office and found that it was simple and tidy, with no redundant objects.

Qing Zhixun took Lin Zaiqin to the sofa.

Before Qing was three years old, he took some fruits and snacks and placed them on the table.

At this moment, they poured hot drinks for Lin Zaiqin and Qing Zhixun.

After that, it quietly retreated to the side, waiting for Qing Zhixun's next instruction.

Lin Zaiqin took a sip of the hot drink, wiped the corners of his lips with a handkerchief, and said, "I came here this time to discuss with Major General Qing the farewell ceremony for the fallen soldiers."

The number of casualties in the West Zone was lower than in the East Zone.

However, the Western District sacrificed a lieutenant colonel.

Lin Zaiqin attaches great importance to the farewell ceremony. This is his attitude as a commander.

"Let's hold it as usual, and then send someone to take the remains of the soldiers to their hometowns." Qing Zhixun has already discussed this matter with other people in the East District.

"Well, Lieutenant General Marcel of the Southern District and I have reached an agreement. This farewell ceremony will be held together by the entire Yuanri Station. The specifications will be as usual. The location will be Mount Versailles Square in the Western District." Fan from the Western District Ershan Square is the largest training ground in the entire station.

Qing Zhixun agreed without thinking, "Okay, everyone above the Eastern District Captain level will go see the soldiers on their last journey."

Lin Zaiqin told Qing Zhixun about his discovery that insects are intelligent, "We were careless this time."

"No one wants this kind of thing to happen. Things on the battlefield are ever-changing." Qing Zhixun believes that Lin Zaiqin, who has served for many years, understands that on the battlefield, sometimes sacrifice only takes a moment.

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