Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 725 - Speaking from the bottom of my heart

After Xie Qingzhu finished speaking, he added, "Let them fight and train on their own, so as not to say we don't want them to play."

Xixiu nodded in agreement.

These people want to be both responsible and established, so there is no reason to let them all take over.

Anyway, they are acting according to the rules of the station. You don't have to obey orders, so don't blame the captain for not giving you face.

After all, giving face requires both sides.

The two teams discussed the training time again, everyone expressed their opinions, and the training arrangements were quickly completed.

The aerial training ground will be built in three days. They basically have nothing to do these days and can relax.

Xie Qingzhu looked at the clearly organized training schedule and had a basic understanding of the intensity of 909 training.

"Xixiu, do you usually train for such a long time?" Xie Qingzhu clicked his tongue.

No wonder everyone says that 909 is very powerful. You can see how terrifying they are from the training table.

You can really be cruel to yourself.

"Yeah, almost." Apart from training, they have no other entertainment projects.

We have too much time, and if we don’t train, how can we just stare at each other?

"Awesome, I admire you." Xie Qingzhu gave a thumbs up.

"No, maybe I am more afraid of death and don't want my teammates to make unnecessary sacrifices when going on missions, which makes people feel sad." Xixiu's calm words spoke to Xie Qingzhu's heart.

The sacrifices that occurred during this mission made her feel somewhat guilty.

In addition to the children of the aristocratic family, several soldiers who had been following Xie Qingzhu died.

"Your idea is very good. It was only after this experience that I really understood it." Xie Qingzhu was a little embarrassed. He didn't understand it as thoroughly as anyone who had just settled in the place for three years.

She is incompetent as a captain.

"This time I am exchanging training with 909, please be sure to let go." Xie Qingzhu is a very straightforward person and does not like to twist around.

If you have anything to say, you will say it directly.

Xixiu likes people like this very much.

It’s not tiring to get along.

And there will never be a situation where she says, "You have to think about it for three minutes."

There is no need to make various guesses as to whether there is an edge in the words.

"Definitely." Xixiu smiled back at Xie Qingzhu.

Xie Qingzhu and Xixiu were discussing the training plan, while the others were already high.

The snacks they brought over were all the latest styles, many of which they themselves had never tasted.

I just saw it popular on Xingwang, so I followed suit and bought it.

Unexpectedly, there was no surprise this time.

Flora ate several air-dried snow beef cubes and felt that they tasted better than nutritional supplements and meals.

Definitely a little worse than the Xixiu configuration.

She and He Yinlei said while eating: "I think if our captain retires and opens a snack factory, it will definitely become popular throughout the league."

He Yinlei nodded in agreement, "The sales of this thing are so good, our captain will only be stronger than this."

They are so confident in their beauty.

Su Jinbao and Tara Xia also decided that if Xixiu opened a snack shop like this in the future, they would use their capital to sponsor and become shares.

I just don’t know if the captain can appreciate their retirement subsidy...

After all, she is very rich now.

It is estimated that only Enwit, who has become the Star Master, can compete with him on the Star Coin.

Anais and Thea didn't understand why they suddenly talked about retirement. The span was too big.

Have they already made plans for something so long ago?

They had just met, and it was difficult to ask so directly, so Siya and the others could only wonder in their hearts.

Maybe, this is the reason why their strength has improved so quickly.

This is the legendary, take one step and see three steps?

This time the two teams got along very well.

Ah Xian didn't like hanging out with unfamiliar people, so he stayed with Xi Xiu all the time.

After Yi An and Qiu Shaorong completed the training plan, they sent it to the leaders of each group.

After receiving the reply from the group leader, they ended the short gathering.

Xie Qingzhu and Yi An were on their way back, "Yi An, what kind of person do you think Hong Xixiu is?"

Yi An thought for a while before replying, "She gives people a very real feeling. She doesn't like to beat around the bush, but if the other person beats around the bush, she will also go around in circles."

Judging from the training plan she set, she sees things from a different perspective than many others.

She set her sights further.

A lot of things were done in advance.

"Her team members all agree with her." Xie Qingzhu is indeed envious of this.

Which team doesn't have a few thorns in the side?

However, here in Hong Xixiu, apart from staying safe, these people really didn't give her any trouble.

"Team Xie is excellent." Although Yi An admired Xixiu's style, he only admired it.

He has been with Xie Qingzhu since he entered the station. He has been with Xie Qingzhu through life and death over the years, and he admires Xie Qingzhu in all aspects.

Yi An thinks there is no need to compare.

Everyone has their place.

Just do your own thing.

"I didn't say that I wasn't good, I just felt that at her age, I was still a little ignorant." Xie Qingzhu remembered what he was like when he first came to the station.

"Ahem, everyone must have such moments." Yi An was speechless.

Every soldier who first enters a station will be curious about the unfamiliar environment.

Everyone is in the same position. It would be a lie to say that we are not competitive.

"Okay, let's go back. We'll start training in three days and let them show me their true skills."


Others followed, liking these lively young warriors like 909.

Siya also expressed emotion, "Seeing them so lively makes me feel a little old compared to how boring I am."

Anas didn't believe her nonsense, "Who always says that he is eighteen years old and underage every time he talks about his age?"

"Ah, didn't I just discover this today?" Siya rolled her eyelids.

"Okay, you are old, but I am not old yet." Anas imitated Thea's tone and picked up the words she usually talks about.

The group returned to their dormitory building.

Prepare for tomorrow's farewell ceremony.

Each captain received the key points of the ceremony.

At six o'clock tomorrow morning, they will all take a suspended boat from the East District to the West District.

The captain who goes there needs to wear a black suit.

On such occasions, the dress code is fixed and this suit is issued by the station when they report.

Just so that they can wear it when encountering such occasions in the future.

No one usually prepares black clothes.

Black has always had a special meaning in Beijing.

Unlike purple.

When you see an intelligent creature in black clothes, you will understand that a relative has passed away.

Xixiu took out his black suit from the space. The women's black clothes are the same as the men's, including trousers, ties and hats.

Different from the usual suit.

The black suit will have a nameplate.

Their basic information is engraved on it, including their name, galaxy of birth, and the year they entered the station to serve.

They will bid farewell to these fallen soldiers in their purest form.

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