Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 728 - Aerial Training Ground

They went directly to the east above the station.

When they reached the sky, the robots in the East District were undergoing final adjustments.

The scene is not chaotic at all, the robots are constructing according to the data in an orderly manner.

All buildings in the sky are suspended, but there is no need to worry about falling.

These building materials have been processed.

Although it looks like a thin layer, its endurance is amazing. It is the result of the alliance's scientific research in recent years.

The material used to make the foundation is filled with small bubbles, which can completely lift the building above it into the air.

After Xixiu and A-Xian's hovercars stopped, the two set foot on the training ground.

After setting foot here, Xixiu found that it was somewhat similar to the place where she found Avran in Mingyun.

The principles are similar, but the materials are different.

She intercepted the materials there and gave them to the accompanying materials team for analysis.

It is not a technology product produced by the alliance.

Walking on it, Xixiu felt the same as walking on flat ground.

Not a single sway.

Like walking on flat ground.

Because of the previous battle with Avlan, Xixiu found that they had too little training in aerial combat. After arriving at this place, she thought of giving the soldiers such a training topic, "When the training starts, let them go first Try floating in the air."

A Xian nodded: "This training is indeed necessary. It was only when the war came that I discovered that I was not proficient enough in many items."

In the future, once they encounter Qin Hongjun's robot army, they will probably need to fight in the air.

It will also be a challenge then.

Qing Zhixun built this aerial training ground as soon as possible to allow the soldiers to train in aerial combat.

Judging from the current situation in Hanhai, the other four galaxies are likely to be dispatched in the near future.

It is still unknown whether they will choose to come to Yuanri. It is only a matter of time before Hanhai attacks Tianao.

With Tian'ao's combat readiness, Han Hai and the others would not look down upon him.

However, if Hanhai has foreign aid, the strength of Tian'ao Fortress may be a little tight.

The troops at Tianwei Station and Aola Station cannot be moved because their responsibility is to protect all planets in this system.

Tianwei and Aura are both large galaxies, and the number of administrative stars is about 4,000.

It is inevitable that the local forces of the galaxy will not take care of things. If the vast sea attacks the administrative star, they will have to send out their strength to reinforce it.

There is no energy in Yuanri, and even human resources are very few.

The chance that the Inquela Four Galaxies would choose to come here is very low, which can also buy them some training time.

If the Tian'ao Fortress is in a tight situation, soldiers will be dispatched from other galaxies where there is no war to support it.

Based on the current situation of Yuan Day, it is very likely that he will win the lottery.

Qing Zhixun mentioned this matter to Xu Hesong, the highest officer at the Yuanri station, and Xu Hesong had already been mentally prepared for this.

Therefore, the aerial training ground project has not been hindered at all.

The construction progress is very fast, and in two days, all the projects of this training ground will be put into use.

This training ground is very large. The project is the same as the underground training ground, except for the additional facility of suspended combat.

"The field of view in the air seems to be wider." A Xian stood beside a training pillar with his arms folded.

"Well, it feels quite exciting. You can hear the wind during training." Xixiu stretched out his hand and felt it.

The surrounding area of ​​the training ground is only closed when the soldiers need it.

It is usually open.

Therefore, Xixiu could feel the wind passing through.

"Come on, let's go for a spin." Axian took Xixiu's hand.

Originally, the two of them happily looked at the field and prepared for the two days of training.

As a result, he met Zhang Xiaoxiang and other children of the aristocratic family.

This time, Zhang Xiaoxiang was uncharacteristically not coming forward to say anything sarcastic. Instead, other children from aristocratic families took the lead.

One of the Wang family members, Wang Guanyu, who had been serving at the station for five years, stopped Xixiu and A-Xian because he had more seniority than Xixiu and the others.

"Hey, look, this is our Major Hong, so majestic." Wang Guanyu's tone sounded disgusting.

Xi Xiu and A Xian stopped. When they saw this group of people, they decided to take a detour, but they didn't expect them to follow them again.

Just to say something that doesn't hurt?

"Captain Wang." Xixiu glanced at this man's nameplate and made sure that he had never come into contact with this man before, let alone had any enmity.

Xixiu continued, "You have to give me a reason for blocking my way."

She looked intently at the group of people in front of her, and she didn't miss any of the expressions on the faces of these monsters and monsters.

"I just want to discuss things with you." Wang Guanyu was deeply hostile to this woman who entered the station two years after him.

"This, please follow the station's procedures to initiate a challenge. I will not accept other verbal challenges." Bi Kuang, she can do it too.

Wang Guanyu really looks down on such timid people. It's just a discussion, why is there any need to do that?

The reason why the station has this rule is to prevent some soldiers from launching challenges at will because of personal grudges.

Xixiu doesn't care.

You can fight if you want, we'll follow the rules.

"A person who is so timid can actually be promoted to major. I'm afraid it's not because of nepotism." Wang Guanyu said in a strange tone.

This is not the first time Xixiu has heard this. Such words will not make her sad, right? The facts speak for themselves.

"Everyone can talk nonsense. I argued with Second Lieutenant Zhang behind you before. Do you want me to say it again?" These people are really annoying.

Even so, she didn't want to fight with them, it was boring.

Her strength is really several steps ahead of theirs, and she is like boiled water in a fight.

"Tsk, if you can, you can silence everyone." Behind Wang Guanyu was the Wang family, who thought he was powerful.

After he came to Yuanri, he liked to challenge other soldiers in the station. Many people had a bad impression of him.

Seeing his attitude of not letting them leave without fighting today, Xixiu woke up Wuyuan and said, "If you want to challenge me, you must defeat my robot first. If you can't defeat it, I will not challenge you in the future." I’ll see you again.”

Even if he launches a challenge through the station's system, with today's agreement, she can ignore it.

Wang Guanyu felt insulted.

The veins on his neck were clearly visible, and he made a move directly, but Xixiu dodged it sideways.

Wuyuan had returned to normal size. After receiving Xixiu's order, he immediately stopped in front of her.

Wang Guanyu saw that he could only fight Hong Xixiu after fighting the robot, so he also awakened his robot.

Although I heard that Hong Xixiu's robot is very powerful, his is not bad either.

Wang Guanyu's men pulled him back, but he ran out very quickly...

Did not have time!

Seeing him taking action, the others also gathered around and separated A Xian and Xixiu.

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