Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 744 - Weird tricks

He brought a total of five women's egg cells to the Zodiac Star, which he bought on the black market.

All I know is that these women have clean backgrounds and no genetic defects.

As for the names and galaxies of these women, he didn't ask for any of this information.

This was his plan from the beginning.

Once their daughter Ye Zhenwei recovers, these people cannot stay.

Tang Yongyu would not let these experimental subjects go back to the Ye family, and he did not want to see these children born out of wedlock.

After the Wang family told him about it, he thought about it from beginning to end.

Hong Xixiu was most likely not one of those five, because he had an intuition that Wei Lanshan, that dead woman, would act according to common sense.

Therefore, he believed that the Wang family's statement was correct. Hong Xixiu's mother must have some unknown secret.

Wei Lanshan must know, but she will not tell the Ye family.

The Wang family speculated that Hong Xixiu's mother must be related to Wei Lanshan.

They can check from this line.

Ye Yunhan currently does not have the energy to deal with this matter, but the Wang family readily agreed to his request for help.

The head of the Wang family has his own plans.

If there is any shady stain on Hong Xixiu's mother, they will have it in their hands at that time, so that they can counterattack Hong Xixiu and the Qing family.

The call with Ye Yunhan did not affect Xixiu. In her opinion, Ye Yunhan could not make any big waves at the moment.

On the other hand, the Wang family, they spent so much effort to find out her background, is it so easy?

You have to find something for them to do.

After ending the unpleasant video chat with Ye Yunhan, Xixiu set him up as a stranger.

From now on, all of Ye Yunhan's messages will be intercepted. She doesn't want to be harassed by such arrogant people from time to time.

Xixiu contacted the Jiuxing people who stayed in Gaia and were the people responsible for information collection.

Let them inquire about the Wang family's movements, and if possible, find something for them to do.

The Wang family is not an airtight family, and it is easy to get information about them.

Let them act on their own and don't be afraid of "poking trouble".

Because Jiuxing has been peaceful for so long that the family has forgotten their existence.

After hearing her words, Deng Guanghuai and Lei Qingru, who were staying in Gaia, were immediately intoxicated.

Making things happen, Lei Qingru decided to roll up his sleeves and do it right away!

Xixiu explained the matter and left it alone. As long as the relationship was not completely stalemate and the Wang family had something to do, they wouldn't have to stare at her all day.

Deng Guanghuai and Lei Qingru have been active in Gaia all year round, and she believes in their strength.

When Ah Xian saw her closing the terminal, she folded her arms and sat upright, motionless.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

He had to stay with her quietly.

"Sister Ah Xian, the Ye family, Ye Yunhan, I have to find a way to solve the problem once and for all." Xixiu suddenly said.

With Ye Yunhan's temperament, he will definitely come up with all kinds of weird tricks.

The most likely thing is that Ye Yunhan will sign his name on her birth column, and the relationship is father and daughter.

Even though she doesn't recognize it, the central brain will not forcefully add it.

However, Ye Yunhan will definitely cause trouble to the entire alliance.

Ah Xian didn't quite understand this kind of human bond, and he wasn't very familiar with the alliance method, so he could only say, "I can't think of a good way."

Xixiu shook his head, "There is no good way, as long as this possibility can be completely eliminated."

"Then, what are you going to do?" Ah Xian was worried that Xi Xiu would go to extremes.

Her origins were made public, as well as the data on Ye Yunhan and Tang Yongyu's destruction of corpses and traces after the experiment was completed, all published on the Star Network.

In this way, although she would be looked at through colored glasses, it would be better than being "harassed" by Ye Yunhan every day.

After hearing this, Ah Xian disagreed, "Xixiu, this method will have a great impact on the path you want to take in the future."

Xixiu sighed, she had not yet decided which path she would take in the future.

If this really affects her, she may retire early.

This is actually not bad. She has fulfilled her obligations as an alliance citizen and has met so many people, so she has no regrets.

A Xian knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression, "No, there is no need to put yourself at the forefront of the storm for this kind of person."

Xixiu leaned on the sofa, still holding her hands, "I have discussed this matter with Aunt Lan before, and Aunt Lan is also inclined to this approach."

She would not let the Ye family extract benefits from her, nor would she let herself become their tool.

This is her life.

She has the final say.

Those who are irrelevant should be told to go away.

Ah Xian did not expect that Wei Lanshan had already made a plan, "In this way, what Dr. Wei did back then will be known to the entire alliance."

Although she has now resigned from the position of Chief Biomedicine of the Alliance, this experiment is not allowed in the Alliance.

Her reputation would sour in an instant.

Even if she has such a high level, the Alliance people will not forgive her.

"She said that she did this, and there is nothing she dares not admit. Things like reputation are of little use to her now." Xixiu remembered Wei Lanshan's words.

She thought that at her height, she had seen all kinds of scenery.

From now on, I will live a retired life, and reputation will not be important.

However, Xixiu would not choose to take this path if he had no other choice.

In addition, there was only one way she could think of to completely shut up Ye Yunhan, and that was to make Ye Zhenwei recover.

In this way, they could first deal with Ye Yunhan, and secondly, they could track down Ye Zhenwei's situation.

During the gap between Xi Xiu and A Xian's discussion, Qing Zhixun had already contacted Qing Wenxu.

There was new progress in the laboratory after Ye Zhenwei fell into a coma for a year.

Fu Chen and the others came up with a compromise method to treat Ye Zhenwei based on the technology revealed in Avlan's consciousness.

The Senate also approved this plan.

It will probably take a few days for Ye Zhenwei to recover.

Fu Chen has completed the operation.

After learning the news, Qing Zhixun immediately dialed Qing Wenxu's video call, "Grandpa, regarding the Ye family's affairs, I plan to ask the people I put there to find something to do for Ye Yunhan."

He told Qing Wenxu that Ye Yunhan knew Xixiu's identity from the Wang family.

There are also Ye Yunhan's plans and what he and Tang Yongyu did back then.

Qing Wenxu didn't expect Xixiu to suffer so much. What's rare is that even though she encountered so many bad things, she didn't grow crooked.

Ye Zhenwei's character is something that an old man like him can't stand. Only people like Chen Huan regard Ye Zhenwei as a treasure.

Talent is important, but a warrior's character and conduct are equally important.

Don't look at the surface.

When Ye Zhenwei came to Gaia, the family jointly held a welcome party for her, and when she invited him, he simply threw the invitation aside.

Didn't even look at it.

According to the Qing family's information channels, no matter how well Ye Zhenwei's character was hidden, they still discovered something was wrong.

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