Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 751 - The strongest auxiliary line

Xixiu nodded: "Indeed not."

All the intelligent creatures in Jingsu are somewhat similar to humans.

It's just that the body structure, appearance, and talent skills are different.

Except for a few special intelligent races that are not like humans, even Belka and the fishmen still have some similarities to humans in appearance.

But the creature I saw this time was obviously different from all species in Jingsu.

A Xian endured the discomfort and looked again, "They seem more like animals?"

Others also agreed with A Xian's point of view.

Only animals can have all kinds of strange appearances.

The other teams are also looking at the goals of this mission.

Their views are consistent with 909.

However, Xixiu understood that this kind of thing was definitely made by Qin Hongjun.

No, to be precise, it came from Qin Jian's idea.

Qin Hongjun should be the product of Qin Jian's long cloning career. It is impossible for him to know too much about his home planet.

The appearance of these creatures was obviously imagined by Qin Jian and simulated in the system.

Qin Hongjun, who obtained Qin Jian's system, made all these ideas come true.

Xixiu didn't dare to think about it, or how many data assumptions Qin Jian had done.

And Qin Hongjun has already made many such creatures.

The target of this mission is most likely something in Qin Jian's system.

Last time, Li Zhengfeng had found out the information Qin Jian had hidden everywhere.

The central brain of Qin Jian's system is trying to crack it.

When it cracks Qin Jian's system, they can master what Qin Hongjun currently has.

The data obtained by Li Xianfeng are probably just some of Qin Jian's preliminary ideas.

The real plan is in the system.

The good news is that the central brain of this system is only a few steps away from cracking it.

This is the only thing to be happy about among all the worries lately.

Xixiu looked at the picture and thought about how to fight after arriving at the location.

Such creatures have no advantage at all when fighting against them.

Their tentacles are so flexible.

It was obviously difficult for two people to team up to deal with these things, so she had to think carefully about the battle plan.

During the two-hour flight, everyone endured their nausea and memorized the appearance and characteristics of this creature, and saved their basic information in the terminal.

Other more detailed information can only be obtained after they arrive at the location and have to send someone to conduct detailed investigation.

Xixiu decided that they should not be in a hurry to fight after arriving for this mission.

It is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the strength of this kind of thing before formulating a battle plan.

Otherwise, the sacrifice could be huge.

Two and a half hours later, Xixiu and their two starships stopped steadily in the starry sky of the target planet.

The planet's geographical environment and other data were quickly displayed on the starship's display screen.

This planet is called Moda.

Because there is an intelligent race called Moda living here.

The average temperature of this planet is very low.

It will be even worse in winter.

And this time, it happens to be winter on this planet.

Moda people are short in stature and have snow-white skin.

Unlike other species, they have ten slender, flexible fingers on each palm.

Also, their heads are relatively large, connected to the body but surprisingly coordinated.

The eyes are crystal clear amber.

What's special is that they are present in every industry in the alliance.

The species Moda is a famous intelligent race in the Jingsu Alliance.

In order to survive in the cold home planet, the Moda clan established a complex circulation system underground.

There are almost no residential areas on the ground, just offices and factories.

Moda people usually live underground.

Even in slightly warmer summers, they won't go to live on the ground.

The robots will only be on the ground during the day during the summer when crops are being planted.

Living, living, and going to school are all underground.

Some Modans work on the ground, and they take teleporters directly to the office area.

This way, there is no need to come into contact with the cold air outside.

Otherwise their skin won’t be able to bear it.

In this data, the colors and objects that Moda people are taboo on are also marked.

Although they live in a world of ice and snow, they dislike the color white very much.

Also, they don't like other intelligent races talking about height issues.

The Moda clan does not marry other intelligent creatures. Firstly, because of racial restrictions, there will be reproductive isolation. Secondly, they believe that this will lose the gift of wisdom.

Generally speaking, the Moda clan is arrogant and a little indifferent, but they are not bad-hearted.

Judging from the fact that they have entered all areas of the league and contributed to the development of the league, they are not narrow-minded.

Every time before entering the mission planet, the soldiers have fifteen minutes to memorize various information about this place.

After this time, Xixiu asked the team members to take protective measures, and the starship was ready to dock at Moda's star port.

Asik, the star master of Moda, connected Xixiu's video call and gave them the port number of the dock.

Qing Zhixun sent the person in charge of this mission to Asik through the system of Yuanri Station.

Asik nodded politely and restrainedly to Xixiu, "Major Hong, thank you for coming to deal with the mission target."

Xixiu returned the same courtesy to Asik, "Star Lord Asik, nice to meet you. This is the duty of our stationed soldiers."

Her tone was sincere and gentle, and she didn't sound domineering.

Asik was relieved when he heard her voice. He intuitively felt that this was an easy human being to get along with.

Asik explained the precautions for entering the planet. The creature they found had been isolated in the starry sky on the other side with a protective shield.

Those creatures are temporarily unable to enter Moda.

After understanding the basic information, Xixiu sent preparation information to the team members.

Because of Moda's climate problems, they had to adjust the temperature control device before entering the ground.

Asik arranged a place to stay for the soldiers on this mission, but under normal circumstances, the soldiers lived on starships.

They will have one starship enter Moda, and another starship will be invisible and stationed at Moda's star port.

When they arrived, they kept their traces hidden and took the alliance's exclusive road.

It would take a few days for others to get the news that they had entered Moda.

These days are enough to find out about the tentacle creatures.

Asik opened the permission to enter the ground, and the Xixiu starship quickly dived, and soon reached the ice sheet of Moda.

Before the starship stabilized, its exterior color gradually turned into the same icy blue as the ice field, which was very beautiful.

After a while, the starship merged with the ice field, and the intelligent system had set the appearance of the starship to adapt to the environment.

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