Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 754 - Looking for something

In this case, even if it is the Moda people's observation point, warriors with less than 2S mental strength are not suitable to appear there at the moment.


Risks must be minimized.

Xixiu and Xie Qingzhu discussed it and decided that she would take A Xian and others to the observation station first to collect relevant information.

Obtain more detailed information before the other party discovers it. Although the Moda people also provided some basic information, this creature is not an ordinary starry sky beast.

They don't dare to risk entering them to find out the information. Moreover, once they make a move, the other party may find that the current place is an illusion created by the data.

Therefore, what they currently get is only the other party's basic information.

After getting the disguise device made by the Moda people, they then found a wide star field, tricked these creatures into it, and started fighting.

The meeting ended quickly.

Xixiu sent a message to Qiu Shaorong and others, telling them to wait for news on the starship.

He told others what the Modans had discovered so far, and asked them to stay on the starship and not to leave, it was not safe.

Asik asked Xixiu and the others to be sent directly to the observation station, while Xie Qingzhu returned to the starship to take charge.

Before she left, she had asked Yi An to rush over with Anas, Bazel, and Siya, and asked them to follow Xi Xiu into the air.

He also told them to listen to Xixiu's command throughout the process and not to act without authorization.

On the way to the observation station, Ah Xian sent a message to Wu Jingyang.

Informed Anweil ​​about Moda.

Although this creature can currently only control people under 2S.

However, who can guarantee that they will not mutate in the future? The lessons of the insects were bloody and taught them a profound lesson before.

She thought it was important to give her family members in Annville a warning.

Xixiu and Axian quickly arrived at Moda Starry Sky, where a starship was transformed into an observation platform.

They launched an invisible transparent net into the air. As for what material it was made of, they didn't know.

As long as this net exists, those creatures cannot get out for the time being, nor can they send information outside.

They haven't noticed anything unusual yet.

However, it may not last long.

Moda's data is constantly increasing, and wherever there are loopholes, we will fix them.

So busy.

In this virtual space of Moda people, no abnormalities can be found within the effective time, because Moda people have been adding detailed scenes.

Xixiu looked at the Moda people's monitor. The area now looked exactly like the Moda planet.

The Moda people asked the data person in charge to simulate and build the central area of ​​the Moda planet in this star field, which is the mission target of these creatures.

These creatures thought they were on the planet Moda, but from the surveillance camera, they saw that these creatures seemed to be looking for something.

Star led Xixiu and the others and explained the purpose of these things: "There are rumors from the outside that the Moda people's wisdom comes from a mysterious object, and they can predict the future."

Xixiu has also heard of this rumor, and Axian and Anweil ​​have also recorded it.

Looking at the star field in the distance, Sida added: "These people want to get something that appears in the legend, but they might as well think about whether it really exists."

According to Sida, this legend is not true.

The real reason is that the brains of Modans are somewhat different from those of other creatures.

They are different in structure and size.

Moda people have big heads because they have two or even multiple areas of consciousness.

Moreover, these areas can handle different data at the same time without confusion.

After processing, it can be integrated again.

This is the ultimate reason why Moda people can quickly enter a field.

Xixiu didn't know how to reply to Sida's words. She knew it in her previous life.

The Moda people must have refuted the rumors at first, but the rumors did not stop.

Apparently other creatures don't believe it.

We are all the people of the God of the Starry Sky. Why is it that only your race, Moda, has such a talent?

Predict future.

How sacred this thing is.

In the eyes of the alliance creatures, this ability of the Moda people is no different from that of the God of the Starry Sky.

There was once a time when someone was crazy about getting this legendary object.

He started a war at all costs.

In the end, the Moda people won the war with difficulty with the help of powerful technology and weapons.

Since then, the Moda people have rarely interacted with other creatures.

They had the same experience as the Anvilians, and they had all lost faith in the Alliance creatures.

However, they understand better that there cannot be a devastating disaster in this star field.

Otherwise, the Moda people will also be wiped out.

So, after a long period of silence, Moda and the Alliance reached this agreement.

Moda people with outstanding abilities will only go out to serve the alliance for twenty years.

The time after that belongs to the Moda people themselves, and no one can interfere.

Later, the Alliance issued a death order. All creatures who would not hesitate to launch a war in order to obtain the secrets of the Moda people, if they encounter any crisis, the Alliance will not rescue them or provide various resources.

In addition, the Moda people have developed more weapons and technological aids, and these talents have seemingly given up their thoughts.

Judging from the fact that this rumor has not been forgotten by the Alliance people as time goes by, there are many people who want to find out.

Especially Qin Hongjun, who is too smart.

He felt that the Moda people must have something that could allow them to see the development direction of the star field in the next few thousand years.

They got guidance from this.

A Xian also knows this kind of stubbornness that no one will listen to no matter how he explains it, but instead thinks that the explanation is just a cover-up, which is very annoying.

Because, on the contrary, they will be more convinced of the authenticity of this matter.

"Everyone only wants to believe what they want to believe and will not listen to any opinions of others." Sida agreed with A Xian's words.

He nodded, "Moda has no other secrets that are hidden from outsiders. Each species has its own taboos. It's impossible to show everything to outsiders."

However, some creatures don't think so.

Axian also knows Anweil’s previous history, which is somewhat similar to Moda.

They have also been calculated by other creatures. Not only humans, but many species in the Alliance are very cunning.

Before humans came to this star field, and before Jingsu established the Jingsu Alliance, wars would break out in various galaxies almost every year.

Not all species are friendly and intimate with each other.

Everyone knows this history.

However, after the alliance was established, the convention prohibited further wars between various races.

Whoever stirs up trouble first will be dispatched by the alliance or alliance guards to directly attack the party that ignores them.

One galaxy once caused trouble.

The beating was so brutal.

Later, no galaxy dared to openly start a war.

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