Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 776 -The meaning of living

A Xian held two knives in his hands and borrowed the power of the mecha to scratch all parts of his opponent.

Even if it exerts all its strength, its speed is still not as fast as A Xian's.

The fishy smell immediately dissipated.

There is a filtration system, so Axian can't smell it, otherwise, Anvil people will definitely vomit due to their clean nature.

It saw that its body was scratched and didn't care.

Just a shell.

Then get another one when the time comes.

It had heard about this great invention of its creator, so it was not worried about physical injury.

When Ah Xian saw it, a smile appeared on its lips, and it dragged its huge, bleeding body towards her step by step.

Dark brown blood dripped onto the ground, and smoke actually came out.

It dried up after a while and disappeared without a trace.

After each successful hit, Axian would retreat to a safe position to observe.

She found that its self-healing ability was much stronger than that of its kind.

The alliance's special weapons can't do much damage to it.

As it walked, it retracted all its tentacles.

Then, those tentacles retracted one by one, hiding somewhere unknown.

Only two remained.

Became a human hand.

It picked up the weapon that someone had discarded on the ground. Was it planning to compete with A-Xian in martial arts?

This kind of thing changes form too quickly.

Fortunately, it can only transform between hands and tentacles. If it could also transform into the shapes of various weapons, this might be detrimental to combat.

A Xian looked at the creature that was slowly walking over, and without any further hesitation, he accelerated in its direction.

If you can't find the answer, you won't waste time. The same thing will happen if you peel off its consciousness.

Its martial arts are not proficient, and are even a bit clumsy, but every move is precise and precise.

Unlike the martial arts of those in Qin Hongjun's camp, it seemed a bit messy.

A punch to the east and a palm to the west, but the attack didn't hit the point at all.

A Xian's attacks were more accurate.

She was already very strong.

Each time, the opponent's body was dented, and where she hit, she used her mental power to command a special weapon to make up for it.

A Xian didn't understand what this creature was thinking and why it fought in such a way.

Do you just want to challenge her?

In fact, it itself doesn’t understand it.

Just wanted to do it, that's all.

It has been a long, long time since it fought with its hands like this.

I don’t remember when it started, but there was a voice in my consciousness telling it.

To be a warrior, you must fight with both hands.

However, after waking up, it found that it had no hands.

Some are tentacles in the shape of animals.

He also consciously told it that the tentacles were what it was.

My head was buzzing with random thoughts all day long.

It wasn't until he was injected with something that his head gradually became quiet.

But consciousness is just sleeping.

After meeting this Anvilian, it felt a familiar aura from her that was engraved deep in its soul.

A Xian looked at its somewhat haphazard attack moves and was not too impressed.

But deal with it carefully.

It looked like two humanoid creatures fighting, but Axian knew clearly that his opponent was not any kind of intelligent creature.

Its martial arts skills exceeded her expectations. What surprised A-Xian even more was that its martial arts skills gradually became more organized.

A Xian's halberd was stopped by it.

She used a lot of strength to pull the halberd back.

After that, he greeted it unceremoniously with his halberd.

Even though its body was broken, it wanted to fight until the very end.

It seems that that is the meaning of its life.

A Xian did not deal with it. Although its martial arts were organized, in A Xian's opinion, they did not pose a threat.

It's also not fast enough.

No weapons, just fists.

Po Kong's fist came towards Ah Xian, but she caught it with her hand.

Ah Xian waved the halberd with one hand, and the fist that took it with the other hand was only slightly numb.

Then, with a twist, she removed its palm.

Its palm suddenly turned into a lump of soft flesh, hanging down and lifeless.

Its arms seemed to have no bones, and after the palms were removed, they could no longer use their strength.

So, it stretched out another tentacle and regenerated five fingers.

It used its new hand to tear off the injured and useless piece and threw it to the ground.

This action is done in one go.

Not even a glance.

As if nothing happened.

Once it was done, it started attacking again.

A Xian was distracted and looked at other battlefields.

Currently, she and this leader are still fighting, and the fight on Xixiu's side is almost over.

She couldn't waste time either.

In this attack, Ah Xian's fists and punches were combined with mental strength. Countless small weapons flew like drizzle towards the place where it was dented after being hit.

Cut open the skin and get in.

A Xian's weapon kept attacking its body, and when it was in pain, a consciousness-stripping device was placed on its body.

It didn't even have a chance to breathe.

After the success, A Xian immediately started the device without hesitation.

Completely strip away its consciousness.

The moment its consciousness was stripped away, it showed a look of relief.

It’s hard for Ah Xian to forget.

It closed its eyes, and there was a relieved smile on its lips.

The early morning light shines on its face, and its bright white face has a hint of pearl warmth.

A Xian watched it fall, and at the end, its mouth seemed to be two words, "Thank you."

The body of the biological leader completely softened and instantly turned into a puddle of crystal water.

A Xian was left with a sad look on his face.

She collected the leader's consciousness and put it into her own storage space.

I plan to send it back to Wu Jingyang later.

She left the area.

On the battlefield, only glistening water stains remained.

Clean and tidy.

Other soldiers also ended the battle one after another and left the battlefield.

The battle that lasted half a day and a night ended when the morning light came.

Ninety-seven percent of these creatures were dead, with some serious injuries and dark brown blood remaining. They no longer posed a threat lying on the ground.

On the battlefield, the blood shed by those creatures stank to the sky. After taking off their protective masks, the soldiers almost died from the smell.

He had no choice but to restart the mecha, hurriedly left the ground and went to the resting place.

After the battle, the Moda people in the starry sky breathed a sigh of relief.

They escaped this crisis for the time being.

After that came the battlefield cleanup which was busier than the fighting, all of which was left to the Moda people.

The soldiers at the station were already very tired.

Their physical strength was severely exhausted, and the medical robot injected them with energy repair agents.

Li Yuanting and Xixiu gathered together.

A group of people were sitting in a makeshift tent. Asik came here immediately after the battle.

He brought Moda's scientific research elite here to assist Star and the others.

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