Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 78 - I was provoked on the way to the capital star, let’s fight

The starship bound for Gaia left the starport, leaving the green Ningkui star behind the starship.

After entering the channel, the starship accelerated its migration. Through the window of the cabin, Xixiu saw the distant star Ningkui. It soon became a small dot on the star map. Xixiu silently communicated with this planet in his heart. bid farewell.

She will definitely come back to see Vivian and Charlie Colleen when she has time in the future. This planet is her home.

After the starship entered a stable channel, Xixiu opened the terminal and entered the starship's internal network.

It takes Ning Kui star five days to get to the capital star. She can't stay in the cabin all the time. She wants to go to the training room to exercise for two hours every day, and she can't put down her training at any time.

There is a training room specially provided for passengers on the starship. You need to pay 600 star coins to rent it for two hours. You can rent it with others, which can reduce some costs.

Xixiu quickly browsed the intranet to find information about her co-tenants, and she quickly found one who looked pretty good. She was a girl with the same age gap as her, and she should also be studying at the Capital Star First Military Academy.

After sending the message that she was also looking for a partner to pay the rent, Xixiu leaned against the window and waited.

Soon the girl replied to Xixiu and sent her location.

[My name is He Yinlei, from District 16, Ningkuixing]

[Hong Xixiu, grew up in Ningkuixing Nursery]

The two agreed to meet in the training room at two o'clock in the afternoon, exchanged names, photos, and training programs and went offline.

Xixiu put down the bed stored on the cabin wall and planned to take a rest. It was still an hour before two o'clock, so she could leave for the training room after half an hour's rest.

Xixiu arrived at the training room on time at two o'clock, and He Yinlei arrived soon after. Because they had sent photos during previous chats, Xixiu recognized He Yinlei at a glance.

"Hi, hello, Hong Xixiu."

"Hello, He Yinlei."

"Then let's get started."

The two of them entered the training room together, and after exercising for ten minutes, they started gravity endurance training. They did everything hard and seriously, and the sweat passed by as time went by.

After completing the training project, Xixiu said goodbye to He Yinlei, but met an unexpected person on the way back.

That person also recognized Xixiu, and she walked up to Xixiu, "It's really a narrow road for enemies. It's really annoying that orphans from the nursery can go to Capital Star without their parents."

This voice was clearly that of the unreasonable Cheng Yixue whom Xixiu and the others met when they went out for training. The tone was exactly the same as a few years ago. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yixue had grown older but not wiser.

She was older than Xixiu, so she should have gone to Capital Star in the same year as Xue Fanhui, but she actually stayed there for a year.

"Classmate Cheng, I have no intention of arguing with you. Don't go too far with your words." Xixiu didn't plan to meet with her because it was too troublesome and her contribution points might be deducted!

"Oh, I am no longer the Cheng Yixue I was before. This time I will definitely beat you to the ground and beg for mercy."

Xixiu, who originally had no intention of fighting, heard her say this and knew that he couldn't be kind today.

According to the alliance agreement, Cheng Yixue had to challenge her before he could legitimately compete with her, and he was waiting for her next step.

"Tomorrow morning, at nine o'clock terminal time, I will wait for you in the training room No. 5. You will receive the challenge letter before evening. Remember to bring more medical patches and special medicines tomorrow. The medical cabin is quite expensive, and you probably can't afford it. Let's raise the rent." Cheng Yixue said this in a rude and contemptuous manner.

"Classmate Cheng, I give you my exact words." Xixiu was used to seeing this kind of people in her previous life, so she didn't intend to argue too much with her. She didn't expect Cheng Yixue to be like a blood-sucking leech, unable to get rid of her no matter how hard she tried.

Now that she has made a challenge, let's take it.

Xixiu returned to the cabin, intending to take a good rest. There is no day or night in the starry sky, so you need to adjust your schedule. Fortunately, the Alliance people have strong physiques, so this sleepiness is nothing at all.

Sixi and Wuyuan are both in a still state now, and Wumu is also installing green plants on the side. Xixiu gently strokes the leaves of Wumu with his spiritual power, and gets a soft response from Wumu, like a cat acting coquettishly.

Xixiu felt that she was probably raising a baby. Ebony was so cute, and she didn't know how surprising its combat power would be in the future.

Zhen sent a message that it was safe on the road. Xue Fanhui probably went to class at this time. Sister Axian had not appeared for a long time and did not leave a message to say where she was.

Xixiu was very quiet and did not disturb others. When the time on the terminal showed 8:30, Xixiu changed into light sportswear, went to the training room No. 5, and accepted Cheng Yixue's challenge.

When she arrived, she found that Cheng Yixue's mother, Xiang Manzhu, was also there. Xiang Manzhu looked arrogant, as if Xixiu didn't exist.

Xixiu didn't ask for boredom and just waited for the training room to open.

Cheng Yixue even brought a support team. She sent a message on the starship's intranet about today's challenge, and all the young passengers on the starship who had free time came to watch the battle.

When the time came, the door of the training room opened, and Cheng Yixue's relatives and friends filed in.

In accordance with the alliance convention, Xixiu asked the managers on the starship to bear witness, and then the competition began.

This competition was initiated by Cheng Yixue. If Cheng Yixue lost, she would have to contribute points to Xixiu. On the contrary, if Xixiu lost, it would be no big deal.

Cheng Yixue smiled proudly. She had worked hard in the past three years, and Xiang Manzhu bought her some medicine to improve her mental strength. During the test, her physical fitness had reached 5A, and her mental strength showed signs of breaking through to 3S. This was her biggest trump card.

Today she must avenge her shame.

Training Room No. 5 is a very large venue with auditoriums. The audience outside the venue is almost full. Traveling in the starry sky is really lonely. If there is any excitement, everyone will basically go there to join in.

When Cheng Yixue saw Xixiu standing still, he immediately made a move, as if he had seen an enemy and was jealous.

Xixiu easily received Cheng Yixue's first attack. The spectators outside the court were surprised. Xixiu was probably younger than the one who initiated the challenge, but he was calm and had a general demeanor.

Her body was light and she could receive Cheng Yixue's attacks effortlessly. It was a pleasure for the spectators outside the venue to watch her perform martial arts.

Xixiu dealt with it very cleverly, not deviating too much from her detection level, but just enough to make people think that her strength should be like this.

Cheng Yixue, on the other hand, seemed a little too impatient, and her moves were too messy, which was a taboo in competitions and also in martial arts.

If you don't have the strength to combine complex martial arts for your own use, but you have to learn so many tricks, you will easily show flaws if you lose the rules.

Sure enough, after thirty moves, Xixiu knocked Cheng Yixue to the ground.

"How is it are hiding your strength? You are cheating." Cheng Yixue, who was knocked to the ground, could only find this reason.

The audience outside the court burst into laughter. They had never seen such a sore loser.

The challenge is set by herself, and if she loses, she will accuse others of cheating. The only thing that counts is if she wins?

Xixiu did not go over and help Cheng Yixue up. This kind of person is not worthy of being called an opponent, so he does not deserve the respect of an opponent.

"Classmate Cheng. I won this round. I, Hong Xixiu, will not accept any challenges from you in the future. Please know this." Xixiu said.

According to the alliance agreement, Xixiu defeated Cheng Yixue twice in the previous trip. Although it was not a competition, it was because Cheng Yixue provoked him first, and the central brain also witnessed it.

Witnesses include the staff of the Children's Management Office. The alliance's rules are limited to three things, so Xixiu can no longer accept the challenge from Cheng Yixue and her family.

Every move she made just now was done with eight points of force. She was very sure that Cheng Yixue was going to lie in the medical cabin for the whole day.

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