Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 786 -Bright and cute

Everyone here agrees with what Nan Hejia said. This is the only way for them to grow up.

Only through the wind and rain can they see the most beautiful rainbow.

Flora lowered her eyebrows and gently stirred the juice in front of her eyes.

The lemon-yellow juice swirled. She removed the spoon and the juice gradually returned to calm.

She gently rubbed the rim of the cup with her slender fingers and sighed softly: "Hejia, the battle is not easy. Each of us was injured this time, and some soldiers died."

Flora's words were extremely sad. Although entering the First Military Academy, such a life was already destined.

However, Jingsu has not seen such a fierce battle for a long time.

It was only this time that Flora truly understood the terror of the enemy.

She was reminding Nan Hejia and the others, and she was also reminding herself to train harder.

Flora was on the battlefield and was attacked by her teammates, who almost succeeded.

Thanks to her agility, it took a lot of effort to avoid the opponent's sneak attack.

This is inseparable from daily training, so many years of hard work, and the supervision of captain Xixiu.

At that time, she thought that the 909 team member was sleepy, so she drove the mecha and suspended it in mid-air to rest.

It may also be that he is learning from others to fight.

So she didn't pay much attention.

He focused all his attention on the tentacle creatures, leaving only a trace of mental energy to observe the movement in the air.

About ten minutes later, she vaguely noticed something wrong in the air.

When she turned around, she turned her body sideways and quickly shot down the opponent's weapon that was attacking her.

However, the mecha was still severely damaged by the exploded weapon.

She herself suffered injuries to her abdomen.

A hole was almost blown open.

She knew very well how lethal the weapons equipped on the mecha were.

If it hadn't been for a layer of mecha and several layers of protective clothing, she would have told him it was there.

She and the team member usually interacted with each other and were relatively familiar with each other.

So when he saw her floating in the air, he was completely unprepared.

In this battle, most of the wounded warriors were hit because of this.

Flora's words made everyone feel sad. This battle was probably the one they least wanted to remember in their lives.

Some of those rescued soldiers have even submitted applications for transfer.

They thought they could make it through.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't bear it just after I came back, and I didn't want to erase my memory and pretend nothing happened, so I had no choice but to leave.

They will live with the guilt of killing their teammates for the rest of their lives.

Nan Hejia has already seen the battle from the station's system.

In the video, the sacrificed soldier lay covered in blood in the dilapidated mecha, making no sound.

His eyes were full of surprise.

Although they already knew that tentacle creatures could control their mental power and were very careful about it, they still didn't notice it.

Nan Hejia also saw that some soldiers' mechas were blown into powder, and even their bodies were not recovered.

She shook Flora's hand, as if to give her a touch of warmth: "Let's work together to avenge the sacrifice of our teammates on the battlefield in the future, and kill all those disgusting things."

Flora had calmed down and raised a smile that reassured Nan Hejia, "I know, this is a battlefield, how can there be no sacrifices."

Nan Hejia's voice became a little heavy: "We all understand that war cannot be without sacrifices. I have had this awareness since I started serving. However, I did not expect that we would encounter an unprecedented crisis."

Yi Mingda had taken them on several missions before, but Ye Zhenwei deliberately made things difficult, not only not equipping them with enough weapons, but also not notifying them of the retreat.

Several times, they narrowly escaped death, not to mention the hardships.

They suffered a lot of injuries, but they never complained. Many people in Tianwei Station knew about it, but no one would speak to them.

Why are they under Ye Zhenwei's hands and not getting Ye Zhenwei's attention? It must be because they are not strong.

They think that I Mingda and others are occupying the latrine and not doing anything, and have not made the contribution they should make.

Fortunately, they survived those dark years, otherwise, they might not have come to Yuanri Station with their lives.

He Yinlei didn't expect that she would see things so maturely and have a strong psychological quality, so his affection for her exploded instantly.

The four girls talked about other things in private, including partner issues that everyone was interested in, and their decision to resume their previous training schedule tomorrow.

Nan Hejia strongly urged them to take him with them, "I'm not afraid of hardship or tiredness."

Flora patted Nan Hejia: "This is the kind of team member we want!"

Nan Hejia showed the happiest smile since coming to Yuanri, bright and cute.

Hearing Flora mention training, Yi Mingda, as a representative of several leaders, first said: "Although we have not forgotten training in the past few years, there must be something wrong with the methods. Our strength has stagnated for a long time, so we want to keep up." With everyone’s pace, it may take some time.”

It’s not that they don’t want to work hard, it’s that they simply don’t have the time.

Xixiu thought for a while and replied to Yi Mingda: "There should still be some time for everyone to train. You should just ignore everything for now and concentrate on training."

She planned to train with them for a period of time. She saw the strength of Yi Mingda and others when she read the transfer report just now.

At Tianwei Station, because of Ye Zhenwei, they were so busy every day doing some insignificant things that they had no time to train.

Even if they spend time at night to train alone, it is unrealistic, because Ye Zhenwei arranged every minute of their time.

Target them alone.

Everyone in Tianwei Station knew about this, but no one said anything.

What kind of existence is Ye Zhenwei?

It was too late for them to fawn over.

They all hope to be noticed by Ye Zhenwei and join her team.

I will definitely be successful in the future.

If I Mingda and the others said this, they would definitely be called "hypocritical" by others.

But Yi Mingda and others gritted their teeth and persisted. Even if the entire station did not understand, they did not say a word.

Because we all know it’s useless.

It can be said that the five of them were ostracized in Tianwei before. After Ye Zhenwei's accident, the situation improved.

However, they will not have greater development in Tianwei.

Therefore, when they learned that there was a possibility of transfer this time, they applied immediately.

Unexpectedly, I got approval and came to Yuanri.

Along the way, several people seemed to see the light of day, and their motivation was rekindled.

Although they were a little uneasy, their uneasiness disappeared after seeing Xixiu smiling at them.

Here in Xixiu, they should find their place.

Xixiu stretched out his hand, shook hands with the five people in Yi Mingda one by one, and said happily: "Welcome to join us, let us work hard together!"

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