Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 788 - Ignored details

Su Jinbao's words made Yi Mingda and the others understand why the alliance is in such an unpredictable situation now.

In the five Hanhai star systems, the Hanhai people have launched an attack, targeting Aura's energy.

The Hovians must be ready to make a move as well.

It's just that no news has come yet.

Some time ago, retired soldiers returned from various stations, fortresses, and even starships.

The alliance plans to gather all its forces for this battle that will break out at some unknown time.

Liang Jingxian found that his news channel still ignored some things, and quietly discussed many aspects with Su Jinbao.

He knew that Xixiu had a wide range of information channels, and Su Jinbao was responsible for summarizing Xixiu.

From Su Jinbao, Liang Jingxian learned more details that he had ignored before.

"I didn't expect that it was just a few pictures, and the channel contained so much information." Liang Jingxian sighed with emotion.

Su Jinbao nodded in agreement and patted him hard on the shoulder, "Work hard and train hard, so that we can stand side by side in the starry sky."

Liang Jingxian secretly vowed that he would make up for the strength he had lost over the years.

They will definitely train hard to catch up with Su Jinbao and the others.

Nan Hejia recounted his experience in Tianwei in one sentence, "Time seems to have stopped. We repeat work that has nothing to do with training and combat every day, and we receive cold looks."

This sentence alone was enough to explain her hardship, and Flora sympathized with her experience.

She stood up and hugged Minami and Ka, "Come on, Sailor Moon!"

Nan Hejia raised his eyebrows and smiled. The pain before would never happen again.

From now on, this is the path he originally wanted to take, even if he died, he would die on the battlefield.

Instead of wasting your time and will in the logistics department.

She will work hard.

Become the same person as your parents.

It was her dream to become a warrior who could defeat enemies on the planet.

The group talked a lot about the past, the present, and the future.

Everyone seemed to have returned to the joy they had at the First Military Academy.

Simple, great conversation with close friends.

A new round of training has begun.

The days at Yuan Ri's station were no different from usual. He put away the sadness of losing his teammates and put all his energy into training.

Just one more task for each group.

Xixiu let the combat robots act as teammates, letting them suddenly attack the fighting warriors to train their reactions.

This is so that once such a situation occurs on the battlefield in the future, the soldiers can handle it with ease and avoid being injured by their own people again.

The training results are pretty good.

The soldiers' vigilance has increased a lot.

After Xixiu returned to the station, he only met Qing Zhixun once. Both of them were very busy.

Compared to other galaxies, the situation here on Yuanri is not too much.

But there are still endless things to do every day, as well as various observations in the starry sky.

The mission planet of Xixiu and his team is an administrative star belonging to Yuanri three light years away from the station. Every day, team members conduct data analysis on the starry sky, and everyone takes turns.

Never a break.

Fortunately, nothing major happened on the planet of their group. Unknown creatures appeared on some planets of other groups.

Soon, Yi Mingda and the others integrated into the life of Yuanri Resident.

Days like this have been going on for more than a month, and the training progress of Yi Mingda and the others is coming to an end.

In the past month, the five of them only rested for four hours a day and spent the rest of the time training. Liang Jingxian and Yi Mingda discussed it and wanted to keep up with Su Jinbao and the others as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Xixiu designed a set of highly targeted training methods for them. This method is a quick training method summarized by Xixiu.

In terms of mental strength, they had trained together before and were familiar with the method of Xixiu.

It was only a matter of time before they caught up, and they felt extremely fulfilled in such days.

Xixiu was very pleased to see them training hard.

Ah Xian would also give them guidance from time to time without hiding anything.

The situation at Tian'ao Fortress has not changed any more. Enwit stopped the Hanhai people in the Musar system and did not let the Hanhai people enter the Aola star's airspace.

The Hanhai people were already a little anxious.

It was also learned that the Musar people secretly betrayed the agreement of the alliance and sent Musar warriors out to find loopholes in the Aura border.

If this gap cannot be opened, Hanhai's warriors will not be able to enter Aola.

All previous plans will come to nothing.

The Musar people are not of the same mind as them. They always want to do it on their own, and they don't look at the current situation of Aura.

The leader of the Hanhai people greeted the ancestors of the Musar people dozens of times. After reporting the situation, he changed the battle plan.

When this attack is over, he will settle the score with Musar.

A group of trash without foresight. If it weren't for internal fighting at the moment, he would definitely turn around and capture Musar first.

Let the Musar people be the slaves of the Hanhai people and seize all Musar's resources.

However, it is better to attack Jingsu. Jingsu has many people and rich resources.

He really doesn't think much of Musar, and Hanhai is not at the point where he is "hungry and will not choose what to eat".

As for Long Xingxue, she has been traveling around various galaxies for the past month, looking for the children abducted by the star thieves.

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that Long Xingxue found most of the children who were taken away.

Some of them have completely lost their traces, and some children will never be able to return to their warm homes again.

Whenever Long Xingxue finds some children, he will contact the alliance guards of that planet and ask them to come and take the children home.

At the same time, let the people of the Snow Dragon Group continue to search and not let go of a single clue.

They even reached the borders of several star fields. If the star network hadn't warned that there was a blind spot not far away, they might have rushed over.

What happens then?

Completely disappear from this star field.

There is a chance that you won't be able to come back.

Long Xingxue had never been to these places before, and they were not on the way to the Immortal Sun Alliance.

It is a complete no-no zone.

As for where these star fields lead to in the end, Long Xingxue had no intention of exploring.

However, all traces of the children disappeared here.

Long Xingxue contacted Wei Lanshan. Among the people she knew, only Wei Lanshan had been outside the Jingsu Alliance.

The places in Hanhai are not counted.

Wei Lanshan, who was on a mission, saw Long Xingxue's message, found a deserted star, and hid her fighter plane.

"Senior sister, what dangers will there be in the world after Jingsu Starfield?" Long Xingxue's expression was serious.

Wei Lanshan knew that her question would be useful, "It's not much different from Jingsu's star field. The dangers in the starry sky are the same."

"How likely is it to chase someone over there?" Long Xingxue told Wei Lanshan about his mission, hoping to get some advice from her.

The poor author has been working for twenty days in a row, so I can't add any updates. I just write the code every day and try to avoid typos. Maybe, there may still be some bugs that I haven't caught...

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