Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 8 - Bizarre life experience

Wei Lanshan didn't watch anymore, and she stopped watching 99's real-time surveillance video. She wanted to stop the emotions spreading silently in her heart.

Despite this, she still did a few things during her break that Wuyuan didn't understand.

When Sixi needed to change the energy source, she used her authority to upgrade Sixi.

99 was just confused about how Sixi gained so much knowledge all of a sudden, but she guessed that it might be because she was older and could know more things.

She never thought that Wei Lanshan would do something that was inconsistent with her status.

The days in space are extremely boring. Every three Tiananxian days, 99 will experience a heart-rending and painful torture, which lasts for two days.

No one could relieve her pain, so 99 could only hold on. She was on the verge of death several times, but Wei Lanshan rescued her.

This inhuman torture lasted until she was four years old.

During these three years of experiments, in which drugs were continuously injected and various genetic tests and recombinations were conducted, 99 once thought that she could not hold on any longer. Her body was on the verge of collapse several times. The pain was so painful that life was worse than death. .

There were more and more testing items, and the use of drugs became more and more frequent and complex, but in the end she got through it and relied on her tenacious willpower to survive. I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

Sixi told her stories, played music, and told her happy things to comfort her when she was in pain. He also taught her to study, gave her nutritional supplements, and played with her.

Ever since she could speak and communicate with others, Sixi has been with her.

If it weren't for Sixi's existence and her mind to sneak out and play, 99 would probably have gone crazy or become a fool.

During these four years, Sixi taught her language, the most basic alliance language, and writing, all the knowledge that must be mastered in the infant stage. Sixi divided her into several stages and systematically taught her lessons.

There is also some advanced knowledge, and 99 has learned all the things in its chip.

99 glimpsed a corner of the world from Sixi's chip.

After learning language and writing, 99 has a better understanding of this vast world.

At the end of the second star year, that is, after the age of 99 and four, Wei Lanshan got a happy result.

After 99 survived the last set of drug tests, all the M-virus in her body had disappeared, and her mental and physical strength were not damaged. Moreover, her mental strength showed a tendency to spread further.

Wei Lanshan stared at the testing instrument with a look of disbelief on her face. She checked it five times and found that the instrument was not broken.

She used her own authority to check a lot of information, but there was no relevant record. There was no information showing that the mental power would extend beyond 3S.

People in the alliance have always believed that 3S has reached its peak. In the 2802 years of the alliance's history, there has been no case of exceeding this limit. In addition to the chaotic period of 6000 and 8802, there are no relevant records.

Wei Lanshan walked out of the laboratory, closed the door, and looked at the lively 99 in the space, and a crazy idea came to her mind.

She did not immediately tell Ye Yunhan that the experiment was successful, but stayed alone in her room for three days. No one knew what she did in the room. When Wei Lanshan walked out of the room, she had a broken cauldron on her face. courage.

When Wei Lanshan stepped out of the room, she had a different mentality.

She went to the laboratory where 99 was located, shared the experimental data with Lin Zeye, and asked them to follow the steps and drug formulas, as well as the order of adjustment of the experimental subject's genes, additions, deletions, and overwrites. After that, she destroyed the laboratory where 99 was located. Everything in the lab.

She took the initiative to speak to 99: "You stay here and don't run around. I will completely seal off this laboratory. No one can detect this place either mentally or with instruments. You are still living here recently, and Sixi will accompany you." , I will come to you later, remember?"

99 nodded. Wei Lanshan's expression was unexpectedly solemn. She didn't know what happened for the time being, but she felt that it was related to her life and death.

When she was wandering around in the past few days, she knew that Wei Lanshan's experiment was successful. Success meant that they had lost their role as experimental subjects.

It’s self-evident what the result will be.

Wei Lanshan did some secret work again, and even Wuyuan didn't know what she was doing.

After doing this, Wei Lanshan sent the news back to Tianning Star. Ye Yunhan was ecstatic after receiving the news.

He, his wife Tang Yongyu and Ye Zhenwei immediately rushed to Star Q68. However, Ye Yunhan received an order to go to the front line midway, so in the end it was Tang Yongyu who took their daughter Ye Zhenwei to Star Q68.

When Tang Yongyu arrived, there was no urgency for Wei Lanshan to treat Ye Zhenwei immediately.

She asked Wei Lanshan to take her to see several other experimental subjects, and Wei Lanshan asked Lin Zeye and others to bring numbers 95-98 over.

Tang Yongyu was very satisfied. The conditions of these experimental subjects were unexpectedly good, and their mental power levels were quite good. It was a pity.

Tang Yongyu: "Are you sure that the M virus in these bodies has disappeared, rather than hidden?"

Wei Lanshan: "We have done several tests and can confirm recovery."

Lin Zeye: "Yes, this is experimental data. Ten days have passed since their last test, and there is no discomfort. Miss Ye's mental power level is strong, and her recovery will be faster."

Tang Yongyu looked at her daughter who was sitting beside her, feeling the pain in her heart.

After Ye Zhenwei fell ill, she spent most of her time in a deep sleep. Although she had talents that were envied by the entire league, if she continued like this, such talents would only be a burden to her.

As a mother, how can it not hurt? She can feel all the pain of her daughter.

Tang Yongyu: "Dr. Wei, let's get started. I leave Zhenwei to you."

Wei Lanshan: "Mrs. Ye, you're welcome. If you have any questions, you can ask them before the treatment begins."

Tang Yongyu: "No more for now. I'll ask you again when I remember."

She is currently only concerned about her daughter's treatment, and the rest will be discussed later. Anyway, this laboratory is already under her control, and no one can escape from her hands.

Ye Zhen opened her eyes slightly and looked at the unfamiliar things in front of her. She was already twelve years old and had long known that there was something wrong with her body. But this time, her mother said that it could be completely cured.

She no longer has to sleep all the time. After recovering from her illness, she will go directly to the alliance capital star Gaia to receive the best education there. Her mother said that she will become the most dazzling star in the entire alliance.

Hearing this, Ye Zhenwei had some expectations for the future. She forced her eyes open and looked at the several experimental subjects in front of her. They all looked so cute. They looked at her with nothing but curiosity.

They are still young and probably don't understand the meaning of their birth. But Ye Zhenwei felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Her life was actually saved by these little dolls, and they actually had the same bloodline as her.

During the days when she was sick, it was sometimes difficult for Ye Zhenwei to control her emotions and she would often lose her temper for no reason. Tang Yongyu always let her vent without stopping her.

Ye Zhenwei has developed an unreasonable temperament. Ye Yunhan sometimes asks her to restrain herself as much as possible, but Ye Zhenwei doesn't listen and always feels like she needs to vent all the frustration in her heart.

Seeing these biologically healthy sisters, Ye Zhenwei's heart became manic again.

She pulled her mother Tang Yongyu's hand, and Tang Yongyu understood and gave her a reassuring look.

Tang Yongyu was very worried about her daughter's health, because the last time Ye Yunhan went back, she used blocking drugs again, so her body was declining.

Fortunately, Wei Lanshan has succeeded, otherwise her daughter may not survive this age.

Tang Yongyu followed Wei Lanshan and went to the East Third District with them.

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