Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 802 - They will imitate

Xu Zhuming found them as the animal's nerve center, sent the location to Xixiu, and asked her to attack that location directly to give it a try.

See if you can find a way to temporarily dull them.

Or, kill directly.

Xixiu guessed it was unlikely.

Because they are still a part of the plant, the central nervous system of this part is not yet known where it is, and what role this part plays is not yet known.

Still, she gave it a try.

She dispersed her mental power and attached it to the injections. These injections originally had tiny needles that could break their skin.

In just a few seconds, the injection was accurately inserted into the center of the back of these things' heads.

The drug was released very slowly, and these things didn't feel much of a threat, so they didn't care.

Also, they seem to have discovered the benefits of eating the other half of their body.

All of a sudden, these things started to attack his body one after another.

No need to split them open again, they tear themselves apart.

Then, wolf it down and swallow it.

After swallowing it, they thought they would immediately be full of blood again, or even reach higher levels. However, after waiting for a long time, they did not find that they had gained new power.

These things did not estimate the efficacy of the injection that had just entered their bodies.

Although it is true that eating one's own body can obtain more energy, the growth rate is much slower.

Energy and growth showed negative numbers.

Xixiu ignored the things that were eating him and set his sights further away.

There are still some companions there who have been watching from the outside.

His eyes were full of inquiry and curiosity.

With the help of the ebony vines, Xixiu jumped to the sky above these things.

She used the terminal to scan and record the situation here, hoping to find the one among them who gave the orders.

However, to her disappointment, no one in particular appeared.

Xu Zhuming's call came in, "Captain Hong, their animal and plant central nervous systems can switch freely."

Xixiu asked: "What else?"

Xu Zhuming: "They have the ability to imitate."

Xixiu's face became more solemn.

She hurriedly asked: "How to imitate, what to imitate, skills?"

Xu Zhuming was not sure, so he only gave Xixiu what he was sure of, "Everything can be imitated, even the voice of the speaker, body language, etc."

This requires a very developed brain, but this kind of thing doesn't look very smart.

"In other words, the reason why they don't attack people now and let us beat them is because they are learning?" Xixiu said cautiously.

Xu Zhuming's voice came over again, "Theoretically, that's it."

"Then, can they imitate Ebony's skills?" Xixiu was worried about this issue.

"It stands to reason, but it's hard to say what level it can reach." Xu Zhuming was not very sure.

Judging from the current data, imitating actions is their most important task at present.

As for whether it can imitate the opponent's talent and skills to a tenth, it is still difficult to judge.

Xixiu looked at Wumu not far away, immediately connected to Axian's video chat, and told her Xu Zhuming's discovery.

And Ebony, a little lazy one vine at a time, knocked these things away without eating them.

It was clearly not interested in this half-animal, half-plant thing.

Although it eats meat from time to time, it doesn't like things with a complicated smell.

What it likes most is starry sky radiation.

Xixiu returned to Wumu, communicated with Wumu, and told it that these things could imitate its skills.

After Wu Mu understood what Xi Xiu meant, he rubbed her with the vine and told her not to worry.

Let’s take a picture one by one. Many things in Yinzhi are just imitations, and the essence of them cannot be obtained.

Xixiu thought about it, and that was the case.

The bodies of alien plants are far more complex than those of other intelligent creatures, and their skills cannot be learned by imitation.

The battle continues. Since these things have been learned, the battle time must be shortened.

Xixiu shoots at the fastest speed, and his position is very precise, and he basically never misses the target.

She was in mid-air, firing condescendingly, and Jiudan was doing the same thing.

Wu Mu knew that Xixiu's outer mecha would soon lose its effectiveness and needed to be replaced all the time.

It felt that this was too troublesome, so it made a move that surprised Xixiu.

It divided itself into two plants, one of which was directly wrapped around Xixiu's body, becoming a humanoid plant mecha to protect Xixiu.

Another one went to the ground. It covered these things under its own vines, and then strangled them, destroying the central nervous systems of these things.

Only the position above their heads was saved and left to Xixiu for processing.

Ebony's vines can basically grow one by one. The strength of these things is currently not at the same level as Ebony, and they are completely suppressed by Ebony.

After the two machines Qimang and Wuyuan joined the battle, they also carefully avoided the white liquid on these things.

On the other side, Ah Xian looked at the things emerging from the ground and felt the extremely unpleasant aura on them.

Shiding's data system has been running, "Wu Jingda, why does this thing seem to be similar to the things that appeared in Anweil ​​before?"

Although it cannot sense the breath in the air, it has various capturing instruments.

As long as the substances in the air are put into its collection system and analyzed, a conclusion can be drawn immediately.

Ah Xian: "Yes."

These white things are similar to the black liquids discharged by the star beasts.

This kind of breath is probably used to restrain certain special creatures. At present, it seems to be aimed at Anweier again.

Ah Xian immediately sent the data obtained by Shi Ding back to Anweier.

Wu Jingyang started to deal with it immediately after receiving it, and Anweier entered an emergency state again.

They had successfully solved the previous corruption breath and found a way to deal with it.

This white liquid this time is not the same substance as the corruption breath, but it has the same influence on the Anweier people.

A Xian thought to herself that she must be careful to avoid it when she fights later.

Shi Ding hated things that would hurt the Anweier people. After a burst of shooting, he found that this thing stood up again.

Like bamboo shoots after rain.


It landed directly on the ground, stepped on it with a big foot, stepped these things into the mud, and crushed them several times with his feet.

Until these things merged with the soil, Shi Ding withdrew his feet.


Until the whole area turned into mud color.

Ah Xian was not in the mecha, her mental power was all over the area at this moment.

This white thing would only have some effect on her if she got touched.

If she didn't get touched, she would at most feel uncomfortable, but would not be inconvenienced.

In this battle, Ah Xian did not use a halberd, but used weapons to shoot like Xi Xiu.

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