Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 818 - Anvil Gene

Ah Xian will do it if he thinks of it.

She took the copy of her consciousness and went straight to the place where the golden individuals gathered.

Those individuals were overjoyed when they saw her taking the initiative to send her to their door.

In their knowledge base, there is no introduction to the intelligent species of the alliance.

Therefore, I didn't know that the people coming were the Anvilians, and they were the most powerful ones. They were just newborn calves and were not afraid of anything.

In the past few days of fighting, those who have gained evolutionary energy have seen their own shortcomings and are not united.

So these few decided to join forces.

Those loose sands are unreliable and can only rely on themselves. As long as one of them can evolve into a leader, the loose sands can be united.

The one with the most golden parts said directly: "Surround her and grab the copy. After that, we can each rely on our own abilities."

No one objected to what he said, because everyone knew it would save time.

They didn't even think about why this man came straight to them, thinking that it was fat meat delivered to their door.

Some of the fast ones are already making preparations.

These individuals attempt to separate their animal parts and completely transform into plants.

Give it a try.

The two leaves above their heads grew slender vines, which then reached into the stomach of their companion next to them and helped them pull out their internal organs.

The scene was extremely bloody.

Seeing these things so cruel and direct, Ah Xian didn't understand why he had to get them out.

Isn’t it good to digest it directly in the body?

This also saves time.

They can all be pulled out, and it shouldn't be difficult for the secreted substances in the body to dissolve them.

For these creatures, their bodies are imperfect and many designs look useless.

Also, the time of their birth is too short, so short that they have no time to undergo natural baptism and produce substances that can dissolve the internal organs, unless drugs are injected from outside.

Soon several were successful.

There were also a few whose bodies softened and merged with the white liquid after their organs were pulled out without activating the central nervous system.

Became part of the white liquid.

These things continued to pull the next one as if nothing had happened.

The ones that transformed into plants were a little different from those A Xian had encountered before.

They are evolving to look like ebony.

The leaves on the top of the head have grown many vines, which can be waved freely, and have also turned into a very dark dark green, which is very close to the pure black of ebony.

It seems quite lethal.

They threw out the vines and headed straight for A Xian. The vines broke through the air and made a "cracking, crackling" sound.

A Xian turned sideways and hid.

After recording all the transformation processes of these things, Axian pressed the send button and let Shiding enter the battlefield.

Night Soul Grass did not go to the ground because the ground was covered with white liquid.

Instead, it turned into slender grass leaves and wrapped around Ah Xian's wrist.

After sensing the smell of plants in the air, Night Soul Grass stretched its leaves to the ground and stirred the white liquid with the leaves, as if to determine something.

Then, it jumped off A-Xian's wrist and plunged into the white liquid.

A Xian didn't take it to heart.

The corrosiveness of these white liquids is of no use to the Night Soul Grass. If the Night Soul Grass wanted to, it would not be a problem to eat them all.

Those individuals who turned into plants were first surprised and then frightened when they saw the Night Soul Grass.

Because the night soul grass seems to be using the poison secreted by them to bathe and feel very happy.

A Xian took advantage of these things to attract his attention and fired directly.

Such things have no martial arts skills at all, and she doesn't want to waste her time fighting them.

The straightforward thing is to feed them bullets.

A burst of fire was blocked by these plants. Ah Xian quickly avoided the bullets they blocked and continued shooting.

The bullets she avoided, she directed with her mental power, flew back behind the newly fired bullets.

These plants are not yet very proficient in their own skills and have always fought back instinctively.

Their movements are Ebony's usual slapping and destroying, repeated over and over again.

After about six rounds of shooting and blocking with Ah Xian, these plants finally understood the point.

They grew all the vines they could, and then swung them towards A-Xian.

He planned to tie A-Xian's hands and feet, drag her down, and throw her into the white liquid.

And she has a big shell that melts away together.

Ah Xian's scattered mental energy had already noticed their plan, and she easily avoided the hundreds of vines, and even trimmed the tips of the vines neatly.

The vines fell on top of the white liquid, and gray smoke emitted.

The green eyes of these plants showed surprise. They didn't expect to be able to fight like this, and they learned another skill.

Plan to use it later.

After turning into a plant, the pain almost disappeared, and the tips of the vines quickly healed and new vines grew.

Going back and forth several times, Axian was occasionally attacked by their vines, but was blocked by the outer protective suit.

After a few times, these things began to become anxious. Their bellies were empty and they were eager to evolve, and they gradually lost the rules they had in the first place.

A Xian found that their vines were almost twisted together and completely inseparable.

This made their attack speed much slower. When they wanted to pull out the cane, they found that they could only cut it off.

The new vines require energy.

The more they lose vines, the faster they lose energy.

It is estimated that for another ten minutes, it will be difficult for them to sustain themselves if they are unable to eat and replenish themselves.

The eyes of several individuals changed at this time, and the golden color became richer.

Just like when Anvil people use certain abilities, the gold in their eyes will become purer and thicker. In this regard, their appearance is very similar to Anvil.

This made A Xian's doubts deepen.

If every individual can be like this, are Anvil's genes mixed in the genes of these things?

However, Xu Zhuming did not notice this.

Anvilian genes are not so easy to obtain.

Unless it is those seniors who have not returned to Anweil, their bodies have been taken away for research!

Thinking of this, Ah Xian felt like his lungs were going to explode.

The person behind the scenes was none other than Qin Hongjun. This crazy person used Anweier people for experiments.

The genes of the Anweir people were also put into the body of this creature.

Do you want to build a team specifically to deal with Anweil?

Apart from that, Axian couldn't think of any other reason.

After turning into a rich golden color, the strength of these individuals in swinging the vines became much stronger.

Ah Xian would be hit by vines from time to time, and the protective suit would probably last for thirty minutes before it would be completely scrapped.

She had been recording the data of these things when she first started fighting, trying to find the connection between them and Anvil.

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