Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 825 - Very similar to Ebony

Xixiu didn't know that Anweil ​​had such a history before.

This matter is so old that no one except Anvil himself knows about it.

Also, Anweil ​​must have blocked these messages in the first place.

At that time, the network and information transmission were far less developed than they are now, and it was difficult for other intelligent creatures to obtain this information.

It is also because of this that Axian will be a little nervous every time any creature is related to Anweil.

She used to be worried that those seniors who had not returned to Anweil ​​would be taken advantage of by Qin Hongjun, but now it seems that she is worried that the dishonest people will come back.

In that case, not only will Anvil encounter the strongest opponent, but the possibility of the alliance's destruction will also be greatly increased.

After a moment of silence, Axian's ethereal voice sounded again: "Actually, we also think this kind of sacrifice is stupid, but there is no way, Anweil's roots are here."

The smile on her lips looked a little bitter.

If no one in Anvil is willing to sacrifice, then no one will survive.

Finding a suitable habitat is not easy, and the place of origin is even more picky.

Although it can be manufactured artificially, the cost is very high.

Even if it is created, it is no longer their homeland for the Anvil people who grew up in this star field.

Murlocs are not the only ones who are nostalgic for their home planet.

A Xian Xiang Xiu understands this better.

Therefore, they used the stupidest method to protect this place, otherwise the Anvil species would disappear without a trace.

There is not even any historical record that there was ever a species like Anvil in this star field.

Because they are all destroyed.

They guard the gate of the star field just for the continuation of their own clan.

Other intelligent beings are just incidental.

"So I think you are great, not only because of your strength, but also because of your mind." Xixiu liked Anweil ​​at the first sight.

"A lot of people don't actually think that way." Axian mocked, otherwise other creatures wouldn't be hostile to Anweil.

"No matter what others think, I always think so." Xixiu's sincere words made Ah Xian feel his heart tremble.

"We are the kindest people in Xixiu." Ah Xian sighed with emotion.

From the moment she selflessly gave her the formula, Ah Xian knew that this human being had a soft heart and was also very courageous.

She traveled through time and space, probably to save the Anvil family.

"Yes, I'm so good, so when we go back, we will kill all the things developed by Qin Hongjun!" Then we will go to see the stars and the sea, which is Xixiu's current plan.

"Well, we will definitely win." Ah Xian thought of the Moda people's comprehensive calculation results.

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

By the time they returned to the camp, Iminda and several others had already arranged for the candidates to clean up the battlefield.

These creatures have caused a lot of damage to the environment here.

Before Xixiu and the others leave, they will rebuild together with the soldiers here and help them restore their homes.

When Yi Mingda came back, he opened the personnel arrangement list he had made before and let her take a look: "Captain, this is arranged according to their planting plan. Take a look and see what else has not been considered."

He arranged the manpower based on the drawings given by the other party. The forests and grasslands of this planet were all eaten up, and the soil was also destroyed.

They need to rejuvenate the soil before planting.

Previously, they sprinkled chemicals into the soil that inhibited the exchange of biological genetic information, and now they have to remove the residue.

The underground caves and transmission channels must also be blocked, otherwise they may collapse.

Xixiu glanced at ten lines and only modified a few places, "Axian and I will deal with the underground passage, and the others can stay on the ground."

She was worried that an accident in the passage might injure others.

It's better to go alone.

When the time comes, let Jiudan and Shiding fill the ground with soil, while she and A-Xian handle it underground.

Yi Mingda and Su Jinbao sent the arrangements to other people's terminals, and gathered together half an hour later to handle them together.

The underground soil will be removed by robots, and the soldiers only need to be responsible for planting plants on the ground, so they won't be too tired.

After all, they had just finished fighting not long ago.

The planet's managers also arranged for people to farm together with the warriors.

After Xixiu entered all the information about the planet into the terminal and submitted it to the station system, he went underground with A-Xian.

Wuyuan and Qimang followed, Night Soul Grass lay in the nest made of ebony vines, and ebony hung on Jiudan's arm.

The shrunken body of the big mecha entered the place where the passage was discovered together with Xixiu and the others.

Xixiu scanned with the terminal and checked the basic data here. No energy fluctuations were found. The place is now very peaceful.

The remaining energy left by the several Iminda bombings here has all disappeared.

"This passage is indeed quite old." Xixiu said after getting the data.

"Can the original scene still be found?" Axian hoped that the central brain could find some clues in the system.

Xixiu stared at the big hole in front of him, dispersed his mental energy, and inspected the place three times, but found nothing.

Then he replied to Ah Xian: "I have already told it about the situation. Maybe we can get some clues before going back."

A Xian wanted to know whether those creatures had been here before and how they got in touch with Qin Hongjun.

In the system of the central intelligence brain, the data of this planet from three hundred years ago should be found.

The environment here is not too complicated. To build such a passage, materials must be transported at that time.

If a starship enters or leaves this star field, there will be records and the owner of the starship can be traced.

As long as the data in the central brain was not erased by Qin Hongjun at that time, effective information should be available.

"Anweil ​​has also begun to track the news of these green individuals after they left Anweil, hoping to have clues." Axian has not been in a good mood since morning.

Xixiu is very understandable.

"Sister Ah Xian, are their lifespans the same as yours?" Xixiu asked.

A Xian: "It's different. Our lifespan is longer."

Xixiu: "What about the breeding method?"

Xixiu guessed that gold and green were two different forms, and there must be many differences.

Axian told her that green individuals prefer heterogeneous plants, which means their reproduction methods are similar to heterogeneous plants.

Can be propagated by seeds.

So they can exchange genetic information while traveling underground, and they reproduce very quickly.

A Xian: "After their death, the place where their consciousness returns is different from our place of origin. Their consciousness can be stored in the seeds themselves."

After the death of the green individuals, their bodies will turn into seeds. They will only settle down when they find an environment suitable for them to take root and sprout.

If not found, they can remain in seed form.

Moreover, you are not afraid of starry sky radiation.

The outer shell of the seeds is thick and hard.

Very similar to ebony.

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