Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 835 - It’s the trajectory of life

What Wuyuan didn't expect was that Xixiu really remembered everything from his infancy.

However, Xixiu didn't take things like infancy and five yuan too seriously. After all, she had a mature soul.

There is no rule that others must be nice to her. She remembers that when she was in pain, it was Wei Lanshan and Wuyuan who helped her.

Wei Lanshan did not add the M virus to her genes at the beginning. She was born with this virus in the genetic information left by her biological mother.

Therefore, she had to endure that kind of torture as long as she was born.

This was something she figured out later.

Wei Lanshan just allowed her to be born, and the rest was beyond her control.

She was able to survive because Wei Lanshan helped a lot and she worked hard herself.

As for Wuyuan, it treats everyone the same way, so there is no need to get angry with it.

After hearing Wuyuan's words, Qimang didn't say anything anymore. Xixiu was really good to them.

She doesn't think of them as machines, like Ebony, she thinks of them as companions.

He had the same attitude towards them as Master Lan before, and even cared about them.

The energy is always sufficient, and they must always pay attention to safety when performing tasks.

She didn't want to make new bodies for them. Although she said it was because of the expense, Qimang could see the concern in her expression.

Sixi had no choice before, so she only took away its chip.

Later, Xixiu used the best materials from the alliance to make a new body for Sixi.

Xixiu deleted all the data about her infancy in the Sixi system, added a defense system and a martial arts program, but left everything else unchanged.

Xixiu treated Sixi with most of his tenderness and always kept her by his side.

After Wuyuan calculated it, it said nothing. It had changed a lot since it followed Xixiu.

As an adult, Xixiu's grace becomes more apparent, and she appreciates her behavior more and more.

Therefore, it was not unwilling to follow it, but rather a little proud.

Qi Mang seemed to be aware of this little thought, but he didn't expose it.

After interacting with Xixiu, Sixi calmed down, put the ebony back on the balcony, and put the night soul grass's nest in place.

Ever since Night Soul Grass felt that the nest made of ebony vines was very comfortable, it clung to ebony's body and refused to leave.

Ebony learned to take care of its companions. It used its own rattan to make a comfortable bed for the night soul grass, and put the soil on the bed, allowing the night soul grass to rest directly on it.

These soils are specially made by Anweil, and just a little bit is enough for them to maintain a normal life.

For them now, it doesn't matter whether they have soil or not.

But they still like the feeling of staying in the soil, like in a cradle.

Xixiu looked at everything in the room. She had lived here since she arrived in Yuanri, and more than four years had passed.

The grass and trees outside the window are very different from before. The trees are taller and there are many more buildings. The grass will now be emerald green and look very lively.

She was about to leave here, but she still couldn't let go of it.

On the way back, she told Flora about leaving Yuanri for Liuning Fortress.

Let them think about it and plan their lives. From the time they come back to the time they leave Yuanri, one month is enough for them to think about it.

If they want to transfer to be with their partner, this is their best chance.

Xixiu made it clear that he would help coordinate.

If they follow her to Liuning, they may not be able to transfer their partners there as well.

She doesn't have that much authority yet.

Moreover, the two of them don't actually have much time alone together.

If Jingsu's partner is both a soldier, they will wait until they retire before they can spend time together day and night and live together.

They are usually busier than anyone else, and they can relax and enjoy life after retirement.

When Xi Xiu said that, only Su Jinbao was the first to say that he would go wherever she went.

The expressions of the others were much more cautious, and Xixiu did not let them choose immediately.

From the time we met at the First Military Academy to the present, it has been eleven years since we all have been destined to go such a journey. I will not force them to see whether we will continue to go through ups and downs together in the future.

Everyone has their own life, their own dreams, and the life they want to live. She can understand wherever they choose to go.

Going to Liuning Fortress will be much busier than staying at Yuanri Station, so Xixiu also took this precaution in advance.

Su Jinbao doesn't care.

He made an agreement with his partner to choose a planet to settle on when his service period was over, and the other party readily agreed.

Because Su Jinbao knew that the other party was a person who was more ambitious than him and wanted to challenge the position of major.

So I was too busy every day to have a video chat with Su Jinbao, so I could only leave messages from time to time.

Su Jinbao could only express his concern, but couldn't do anything else.

Since the other party is so enterprising, he must also make progress.

If he stayed in Yuanri or went to his partner's station, he felt that his chances would not be great.

Instead, by following Xixiu, he might be able to give it a try.

He was optimistic about Xixiu's future, and he only told Liang Jingxian about this little idea.

Liang Jingxian agreed very much with Su Jinbao's vision. He did not hesitate for too long and left a message to Xixiu before Yi Mingda could reach it.

He chose to follow Xixiu to Liuning Fortress.

The previous experience with Tianwei was really terrible, and he didn't want to experience it again.

If you stay in Yuanri, who knows what kind of captain you will meet.

If someone is arrogant again, they may really have to go to the logistics department.

Yimingda did not express his position directly at the time, but before returning to Yuanri, he sent his decision to Xixiu.

Nan Hejia, Huang Chuanhu, and Xia Wentao also replied to Xixiu on the day they learned the news.

Axian looked at Xixiu's terminal message and sighed in his heart. Flora and He Yinlei had always wanted to go to the place where their partners served, and Xixiu should help them this time.

"Hug Xixiu, Wu Jingxian will always be by your side." Axian stretched out his hands, hugged Xixiu, and comforted her.

Xixiu couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not that fragile. Everyone has the end of their own journey, and no one can stay with me until the end."

In the Jingsu Alliance, only partners can accompany you until you grow old. Friends and comrades will eventually have their own lives.

It is a great blessing to be able to meet and chat occasionally.

The star field is too big, and everyone has their own way of traveling.

Ah Xian bent his head, looking confused, "When did Xixiu become so advanced?"

"This is the trajectory of life, where it gets more profound." She just looked more broadly.

Flora and He Yinlei have already set a time to get married to each other. It will be next year. It is normal to want to be together.

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