Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 844 - Absolutely unambiguous

Admiral Wang secretly thought in his heart, would a person like Qing Zhixun protect his partner like this and not let her suffer even the slightest grievance?

What if just because of this, Qing Zhixun secretly asked the Qing family to take away those positions that the Wang family had targeted?

Thinking of this, General Wang dug out Qing Zhixun's information and found that he was really a ruthless person.

He never let the people under his wings suffer.

Even if he suffers a temporary loss, he will find a way to regain his position and make the other party pay it back dozens of times without any ambiguity.

The Wang family missed out on those positions, and it was very likely that he had people do it secretly.

In this case, once Qing Zhixun takes control of the Qing family, he and the Wang family will definitely be at odds with each other.

Unless, he cannot take over the Qing family.

Besides, the Qing family also has Qing Shihao, so it shouldn’t be his turn.

At this time, General Wang scolded Wang Guanyu in his heart, but he did not expect that he would make enemies of the Wang family indiscriminately just because the head of the family loved him.

Well, now, something that was already a done deal suddenly happened.

Among the Qing family members, Qing Zhixun is a person who does not play by common sense and has a very cunning personality.

Unlike other members of the Qing family who were not very involved in the affairs between the aristocratic families, he had heard that Qing Zhixun had beaten all the children of the aristocratic families.

No mercy left at all.

It makes many people hate it.

But he was so powerful that no one could do anything to him. What's more, Qing Zhixun always took the wrong side of the sword, and no one from those aristocratic families could rival him.

After archiving these messages from the Wang family, General Wang slowly stood up and looked at the starry sky in front of him, feeling confused about the future for a moment.

I don’t know whether the Wang family’s choice is right or wrong.

I hope that the God of the Starry Sky will always be on the side of the Wang family and let the Wang family rise throughout Jingsu.

This marriage between the Wang family and the Xiwen family has received help from the Xiwen family in Liuning. I believe it will be of some help to the Wang family.

The Xiwen family is also an established family after all.

The foundation is still there.

Basia's son is now a colonel, and his daughter has just been promoted to lieutenant.

In terms of position, Barcia's son was superior.

If Basia's son was not very capable, he would not have agreed to let his daughter get married.

Although some married partners are happy, for them, family responsibilities are greater than personal happiness.

Although genetic engraving can be done, they will only have each other in the future, but unlike couples who have had three simulations of marriage, the degree of compatibility is completely different.

The general king himself came here like this, so he hopes that his daughter can have a normal marriage and find a partner she truly likes.

Instead of risking your life for your family's mission.

For people like them, even if they feel unhappy and want a divorce in the future, the resistance will be much greater.

The general king had no choice. This was a decision made by his father himself.

He could not find a better solution for his daughter. Fortunately, Basia's younger son was capable and worked very hard at Liuning Fortress.

Not bad looking either.

My daughter can at least accept it.

This made him feel less guilty, but he was still a little helpless.

This game of chess played by the Wang family is a bit big, and once something happens, everyone may not be spared.

He wanted his daughter to stay away from the center of things, but in the end he was incompetent.

I owe my daughter.

The Admiral King looked at the sea of ​​​​nebula outside the starship, with mixed feelings in his heart.

After a while, his thoughts were interrupted by the electronic sound "Admiral, someone is visiting"...

After 36 hours of sailing, Xixiu and their starship had arrived near Liuning Fortress.

Qing Zhixun reported their starship emblems and identification codes to Liu Ning's ground control.

Ask them to send over the access code necessary to enter the hinterland of Liuning Fortress, so that the guards of the star port will let them go.

Basia actually received Qing Zhixun's message immediately, but he suppressed his subordinates and asked them to wait four hours before giving them the access code.

He would not give face to someone like Qing Zhixun, and he was of a higher rank than Qing Zhixun, had many things to do, and was very busy.

He just didn't receive his request in time, so what could he do to him.

Qing Zhixun didn't receive the access code after thirty minutes, so he understood that Basia was stalling for time.

To be more precise, it was to show him his power.

Qing Zhixun's finger crossed the light screen and said, "Zong An, use the system to access Basia's terminal."

Basia was just feeling proud when he received a video call request. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, he was about to hang up, but was automatically connected.

This is being hacked!

The video screen unfolded, and Basia saw a strange, but somewhat familiar face.

He had just seen it a while ago, so he had an impression. His pupils shrank, but he didn't expect Qing Zhixun to dare to directly hack his terminal.

Aren't you afraid of him reporting it to the police?

After the video call was connected, Qing Zhixun looked at where Basia was, and it was obviously his office.

Qing Zhixun moved as fast as lightning and pressed the screenshot button in an instant.

When Basia saw his action, he knew that Qing Zhixun was not afraid of hacking into his terminal.

"You are not afraid that I will report this matter to the alliance." Basia's expression returned to his normal expression and his tone became calmer.

Although he likes to speak in an official tone, he still has the aura that he should have when meeting his opponents.

Qing Zhixun looked at Basia on the other end of the video call and found that his face changed quite quickly.

"Admiral Basia, I brought the soldiers to report in accordance with the alliance regulations. The fortress should be given access codes within half an hour." The remaining Qing Zhixun decided not to say anything.

Basia looked surprised: "I didn't receive the message from you. There's no way the local control wouldn't tell me."

Qing Zhixun directly sent his message records to Basia to see how long he would keep pretending.

After seeing the message, Basia pretended to check his message interface: "I was dealing with other things just now, and then I saw the message was sent."

He changed his face, and there was still a hint of apology on his face.

Qing Zhixun knew that although he was utilitarian, he still had his own scheming intentions.

Since he was evading in this way, Qing Zhixun didn't criticize him and said a few words according to his wishes.

Soon, Basia asked the local controller to issue the access code to Qing Zhixun.

Qing Zhixun entered instructions into the starship's intelligent system and showed the access code to the starport.

After the star port was cleared, the starship dived into the ground of Liuning Fortress.

After entering Liuning Fortress, the soldiers were a little unhappy about waiting in the starry sky for half an hour. They didn't know why Liuning's ground control was so tedious and not straightforward at all.

Xixiu knew that this must be Basia, Liu Ning's top general, stalling for time.

Unexpectedly, he is a person who cares about everything, and he has some understanding of Basia's character.

This time they transferred Liu Ning, which may have offended Basia.

Because of the Hovians' matter, Barcia did not complete it, so they came over to start the investigation again.

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