Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 846 - The West End is boiling

Liu Ning had received the transfer orders of Yuanri's soldiers a long time ago. He knew their situation very well, but he was definitely familiar with them.

Luther also knew that the task assigned to him by his superior was a little vague, but he didn't expect it to be so tricky.

Luther, who immediately changed his expression, looked seven points more sincere, and even made up for the courtesy.

But the impression of Yuanri's soldiers on Luther was already extremely bad. Qing Zhixun and Hong Xixiu were both their idols.

The strength and level were there. Liu Ning sent a colonel, which was already a problem.

However, this instantly ignited the fighting spirit of Yuanri's soldiers.

Before, I was thinking about not letting them lose face too much, but now I secretly decided to slap them in the face, and I have to beat them thoroughly!

If you don't beat them, you're a grandson!

Liu Ning's gang is really looking down on people.

I thought Liu Ning was just because the family atmosphere was too strong, so he liked to make excuses.

At present, it seems that it's not just like this, they simply don't take the alliance rules seriously.

Qing Zhixun didn't say anything. He looked at Luther for a long time, until beads of sweat appeared on Luther's forehead, and then he slowly said: "Colonel Luther, please lead the way."

Luther lowered his head, and when he heard his voice, he trembled and said, "Please come this way."

"Take us to the West District first, and wait until the people in the West District are arranged, and then take us back to the East District." Luther had just summoned the hovercraft, and heard Qing Zhixun's words again, and quickly reset the arrival location.

"Okay, okay." Luther gave his men a look.

After receiving Shangguan's eyes, the men changed the coordinates bitterly.

Qing Zhixun and Xi Xiu got on the same hovercraft. After sitting firmly, his momentum subsided. Xi Xiu knew that he should have been on the verge of anger just now.

But he still restrained himself.

"The West District of Liuning is the most mixed, and you are assigned there, which means that Basia has given you the most difficult team in Liuning." Qing Zhixun tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and rationally analyzed the situation that Xi Xiu was about to face.

"I've guessed it." She was transferred to Liu Ning with the best warriors of Yuanri, and Basia couldn't possibly separate the elites in his hands.

It would only be some teams that he couldn't use or were not very strong.

Stop her from leading the team to complete the task.

In his eyes, there was only his own interests, and he would not consider how to do the best for the alliance.

However, it was still beyond her expectation that Basia would give her those people in the West District.

The West District should be another force behind Liu Ning.

It was also the reason why Basia couldn't take over the West District. They were extremely uncooperative with Basia and even dared to disobey Basia's orders.

First of all, Basia's style of doing things was indeed unpleasant and unacceptable, and secondly, Basia actually let it go without any punishment.

After a long time, the West District became an area that Liu Ning's warriors would not step into.

"You already have a way to deal with it." Qing Zhixun knew that he didn't need to worry too much, but he was still worried that she would get hurt.

Xi Xiu shook her head, "Let's go check out the situation first."

She just felt that these people might have other purposes. As long as they didn't betray the alliance and didn't do anything to harm the citizens of the alliance, she believed that she could still "subdue" them and use them for her own benefit.

"If you need help, just say it directly. Wang Zichun and Fan Zhengan are both trustworthy people." Qing Zhixun stopped there.

Wang Zichun's subordinates were basically trained by him. Fan Zhengan has served for ten years. Not only is he experienced, but he is also loyal to the alliance and has excellent ability to do things.

Uria and Buhet can deal with other people's provocations, and Ah Xian standing there is a deterrent.

Their team is enough to deal with these troublemakers in the West District.

"Okay, thank you." Xi Xiu raised her head, her eyes calm and calm.

Qing Zhixun smiled helplessly: "You're welcome."

Compared to the situation she had to face, Qing Zhixun faced a more complicated situation.

He himself was from a noble family, and more than half of Liu Ning were. In addition to the marriage between Basia and the Wang family, the children of the Wang family will soon enter Liu Ning.

At that time, Qing Zhixun will be able to fight the two families alone, take Liu Ning back, and return to the alliance.

When the hovercraft stopped over the West District, the whole West District was boiling.

On the ground, a group of people surrounded a person and looked up at the sky, "Boss, boss, it's rare, there are people from the West District, and there are quite a few."

After saying that, they laughed excitedly, they all thought that these were little white rabbits delivered to the door, and they could be rubbed at will.

The rough man called the boss spit out the grass roots in his mouth, "Boys, listen to my orders, and give our future partners a welcome ceremony."

"Welcome, welcome..." The ground became lively in an instant, and these people even gloated.

The hovercraft soon arrived at the ground in the West District and stopped at the widest training ground.

Qing Zhixun and Xi Xiu took the soldiers off the hovercraft, and Luther and his men shrank in the hovercraft without moving.

Xi Xiu glanced at Luther's expression and was sure that he was not wrong. There was fear in his eyes, and his eyes drifted to the man in the lead.

Before the other party noticed him, he asked his men to close the visual window of the hovercraft.

You can only look out from the inside, and the outsiders can no longer see what is going on inside.

The rough man in the lead walked forward, holding hands and looking at Qing Zhixun and Xi Xiu, making a "tsk tsk tsk" sound.

"I didn't expect that the couple who came here turned out to be a couple. They look like they could go to Mingyunxing to perform." After finishing speaking, he glanced back, and the others immediately burst into laughter.

However, Xixiu directly stated his name and file: "Alivik, he has served in Liuning Fortress for twelve years, and his position is only senior colonel at the moment."

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Alivik's men looked at the young woman with a dead look on their face.

She had only served four years, as can be seen from the badge affixed to her shoulder.

He is really a young and energetic person.

No beating from the fortress.

How naive.

Arivik's men wanted to step forward, but he stopped him.

Because he remembered the information he had secretly obtained, Yuanri Station would send people over to take over the task of investigating the Hovian people.

It was a major general who came.

It is said that she is a woman.

After four years of service, she reached the position of major general. It was impossible to rely on her partner's family background like other senders.

Therefore, Alivik believed that the woman in front of her who exuded confidence had two skills.

Also, he had already seen the Anvil man behind her who was silent and just watching everything in front of him quietly.

Her blond hair and golden eyes are hard to ignore.

Also, she was Liu Ning who came with her partner, and the person standing side by side with her should be a member of the Qing family.

Still a hybrid of Anvil and humans.

It is said that this mixed-blood beat up all the children of the aristocratic family when he was a boy.

The strength will definitely not be low.

At least three levels higher than his current level, possibly more.

Still a ruthless character.

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