Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 855 - Can’t say yet

The people in the West District were probably very excited to see her and tried to see if she would spar together. This guy definitely agreed!

"Don't worry, these people will be your subordinates in the future. I'm just going to help you train them in advance." After saying that, she grinned very happily. People who were not familiar with her would think that elves really came to the world.

But Xixiu knew that she was smiling like this because she found a project to kill time.

"Okay, I'm leaving." After saying that, Xixiu left the dormitory. When he went downstairs, he saw Alivik waiting there in a hover car.

Xi Xiu stepped forward and the car door opened automatically.

She got into the hover car and said "good morning" to Arivik. Arivik told her to sit still and quickly took off in the hover car.

In order to facilitate communication with Xixiu later, he entered the coordinates and clicked on automatic driving.

After a night of calming down, Alivik was now able to face this seemingly harmless young man.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked directly: "Major General Hong, your information clearly shows that you are only at the peak of 3S mental power. I can feel from yesterday's competition that you are far beyond this level."

Arivik knew there was no way to evade the test, so he never updated the information.

Even if Liu Ning officially urged him, he wouldn't care. Basia couldn't do anything to him anyway.

"Yeah." Xixiu didn't intend to tell him how to fool the testing equipment.

At least not for now.

Seeing that she actually admitted it, Arivik didn't know how to continue the topic.

Although there was no major conflict when the two parties met, overall they were not very happy.

He still couldn't figure out Xixiu's character.

"Colonel Vic, which soldiers can the Western District send out for this mission?" Xixiu planned to discuss personnel arrangements with Ali Vic.

Alivik breathed a sigh of relief. If he were asked to find a topic again, he would definitely be left in the dark.

He mentioned several of his own people, basically the ones he introduced to Xixiu yesterday.

After hearing this, Xixiu made a rough estimate of the people needed for this mission.

Alivik was a little surprised when he heard the number of people, "Are these enough people?"

He knew very well how difficult this task was. Leisren failed to complete it. Firstly, the task was really too difficult. Secondly, he guessed that this might have something to do with the Wang family behind Basia.

Otherwise, with Raisren's strength, it would be impossible for him to gain nothing at all.

"Enough. If there are too many, the target will be too big." She only plans to send fifty people to each destination for this mission.

The alliance gave her a total of ten suspected locations. Only 500 people actually went to perform the mission, and the rest were asked to stay on the starship.

Can substitute when necessary.

Or when new methods come up, let others implement them.

Alivik was worried that the soldiers in the Western District did not have much counter-reconnaissance capabilities. After all, they had not been on a mission in recent years.

"In this case, people from the West End may not be suitable for going out because they are not sharp enough." Alivik is not being self-effacing.

"It doesn't matter, there are at least two days before departure, let everyone learn." Xixiu has sorted out some skills needed for infiltration.

And how to distinguish the Hovian people from humans, she has asked the guy in the central intelligence brain to do it.

For this reason, the central intelligence brain also blackmailed her a memory about her home planet.

It should be sorted out tomorrow.

When the time comes, let the soldiers who are assigned to the mission be familiar with it thoroughly, and strive to enter the role as soon as possible.

Alivik saw that she was so confident, so it was hard to say anything to dampen her enthusiasm?

No, he wanted the mission to be completed successfully more than Hong Xixiu.

If the Hovians stay in Jingsu's system for one more day, the alliance will be in greater danger.

Judging from the intelligence he had, the Hovians planned to infiltrate the alliance and then work in various departments.

They have only one purpose in doing this, which is to steal the alliance's internal information, and then find a way to send it back to the Hovian system to prepare for Hovian's next attack on the alliance.

These Hovians are now in a transitional stage and must be found as soon as possible.

Once they become Alliance citizens, it will be difficult to find them.

Hovians are homologous to humans and share the same genes, so they can also use Jingsu human terminals.

Because Ningkui Star is closest to the border, judging from the current intelligence, there are also the largest number of Hovian people there.

Arivik knew that he couldn't say too much. Although the person in front of him seemed to be a friendly force, it was better to be careful.

I also talked to Xixiu about some things in the West District, but they were basically insignificant.

He knew very well that Xixiu had a lot of information about the Western District. What he was thinking about now was who leaked the information about the Western District.

Will this person provide more information to the other party in the future?

Alivik asked Xixiu about the most outstanding missions in Yuanri. He had not been out for a long time. He only had data on the situation outside and had never seen it with his own eyes, so he wanted to hear her opinion.

Xixiu thought for a moment and gave a simple answer, telling the characteristics of the unknown creature, the difficulty of the battle, and the speculation that these things were just test subjects.

She decided to treat these people with sincerity.

She would tell Alivik whatever information she could tell, and let Alivik tell others.

"You mean, there will be more powerful creatures appearing." Alivik was sure that he understood correctly.

"Well, this is just the beginning."

There is a greater crisis waiting for Jingsu. Xixiu did not say this, but Alivik understood it.

Could it be that the Moda people have already given a warning?

Arivik asked directly: "Major General Hong went to Moda Star to perform a mission. Did you hear it from Moda's mouth?"

"The Moda people wouldn't say this to me directly. I just judged it from the various words of their star master." She was not lying. Asik told A Xian, not directly. she.

However, the Moda people have already told the Alliance about this prediction, and many Moda people have left Moda Star and gone to Gaia.

Alivik had a meaningful look on her face. If she could judge this kind of thing, it would be enough to prove that she had many information channels at her disposal.

In addition to what the Qing family provided her, she also had a powerful intelligence system.

Which other force in the alliance has such great intelligence capabilities?

Except for the aristocratic family.

She was not born into a noble family.

After she entered the First Military Academy, she came into contact with the Anvil people and the Ora people.

Will the Anvilians become a human backing? Arivik is skeptical.

In fact, there is another group that has such a powerful intelligence capability, but Alivik doesn't believe that those old foxes will leave it completely to her.

He guessed not, at least for now.

Without full trust, those few will not reveal all their trump cards.

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