Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 862 - Where did you go again?

Xi Xiu turned on the light screen and magnified the layout of the factory. She found that there were very few people, and most of them were robots.

In this way, the task would be simpler.

This factory is similar to the factory where she worked part-time before. The layout is similar, and the location of the robots and the location of the intelligent creatures are also fixed.

She clicked on the work area of ​​the intelligent creatures. There were a total of twelve people, no other intelligent species, all humans.

Xi Xiu had obtained the information of these twelve people before she set off.

Two of these people were warriors who had served in the alliance for ten years. After retiring, they both applied to work in Ning Kui Star.

The service place of these two people was Liuzhao Station, not far from Ning Kui Star.

The other ten people were ordinary citizens.

After graduating from Education Star, they came here to work according to the assignment of the Central Intelligence Brain.

The archives can withstand scrutiny, and the genetic information of the ancestors is not related to the Hovians.

After the manager of this nutrient processing factory retired, he promoted these two retired warriors to administrators.

Responsible for the procurement, customization and order contact of the ingredients needed for the nutrient.

It looks like the work is easy and simple, with no technical content.

These two people were teammates before.

They could have gone to better jobs, but they chose a more peaceful life.

It is worth mentioning that the partners of these two people are staff members of Ning Kuixing who are responsible for the review of tourists' entry information.

The scene that Xi Xiu saw before, the staff took pictures of Alivik and Kong Lingxue, and the woman was the partner of one of the administrators.

It all seems too coincidental.

Tourists must first submit an entry request on the star network for entry, which requires various information.

The program set by the central intelligent brain will filter the information once, and the second time it will be manually reviewed by the staff of the planet.

As for why it is manual, it is because they are worried that some people will falsify in order to legally enter the planet.

There are some black markets in Jingsu where normal IDs can be bought, and they will apply for fake identities to sneak into the planet.

Manual verification is a random selection of questions.

The staff will contact the applicant and look for clues from the other party's video positioning and the answers to the questions.

If there is a slight mismatch in the information, their application will be returned.

Over the years, many "travelers" who want to enter the planet with fake identities have been found.

Su Jinbao and Ona sorted out the important information, while Xi Xiu looked up the family situations of the partners of the two retired soldiers.

She looked very carefully, not missing any small details, for fear that these places might contain key information.

The two women, one named Irene and the other named Julie.

Julie was the woman who took the photo.

The surnames of the two people were very common, and there was no abnormality.

So Xi Xiu looked for information about their parents and recorded ancestors, and found that Irene's mother had some connection with the Elida family.

The genetic information of the Elida family was somewhat similar to that of the Hovian people who first left Jingsu.

In the database of the central intelligent brain, Xi Xiu used the system to calculate the direction of genetic development and determined that they were related to the Hovian people.

And Julie's brother, the partner was a woman who had some relationship with the Xiwen family.

A small part of the genes of this female ancestor overlapped with the Shixi family of Hovian.

Although it was a bit far, the two lines were barely connected.

When Julie's partner approaches Reisren because of their relationship, he will not be suspected.

How did Reisren and his companions find the traces of the Hovians? Xi Xiu could not find this record from the report he received.

At present, there are doubts about these two retired soldiers and their partners, but Xi Xiu can't think of how they can "deal with" Reisren.

Where did the real Reisren go?

It has been more than a month since they returned from the mission, and it is impossible to find the previous traces.

Xi Xiu calculated the time Reisren spent on Ningkui Star. They stayed here for a total of two months.

And during these two months, Reisren went out many times.

It is impossible to record who he met and what he said every time.

Even if there is a record, Reisren will not provide it to them now.

This road has been blocked.

So they can only start from these four people.

Xi Xiu adjusted the work and rest schedules of the two retired soldiers and found that their working and leaving time were extremely fixed.

After returning home, they hardly go out.

There is something very strange.

After settling down in Ning Kuixing, these two families have lived here for more than ten years.

But, they have no children!

Xi Xiu thought this problem might be their breakthrough.

The nutritional supplements and nutritional meals of these two families are also ordered, and the robots will deliver them to their doorsteps.

Only a few timelines are not right.

Among them, Irene's partner left work early several times two months ago and went to a forest far away from the factory.

Xi Xiu looked at the route. It takes more than ten minutes to drive from the factory to there, and it is completely opposite to his home.

He had never been there before.

She marked the coordinates and marked them on the map. After a while, the trajectories of the two people became clear on the map.

Su Jinbao exclaimed: "The trajectories of these two people are actually the same, but they are staggered."

On the map, the place where Irene's partner De Gu passed by, Julie's partner Te Li will pass by ten days later.

Xixiu sent the trajectories of these two people to Liang Jingxian through their special contact channel, "Xiao Jing, find out the surveillance along their trajectories."

Liang Jingxian started working after receiving it. Alivik and Kong Lingxue listened to Liang Jingxian's instructions and connected to the monitoring along the way.

Liang Jingxian soon obtained the surveillance information. He submitted an application to view the surveillance, and it was approved in just thirty seconds.

At the same time, the signal that his application was approved was also captured by others.

"Hey, the other party really got fooled." Liang Jingxian was very happy.

Arivik looked at his light screen, which showed that their signal had been intercepted.

"I really can't wait." Arivik sarcastically said.

Kong Lingxue: "This shows that we were targeted as soon as we arrived."

Qiu Shaorong agreed, but he had a different idea: "This also shows that the other party has penetrated very thoroughly. They have masters lurking in."

Their movements can be spotted in such a short time.

"They only moved once and then withdrew." Liang Jingxian quickly locked the position before the opponent withdrew.

Liang Jingxian sent the location to Xixiu, "Captain, this location is probably fake and is a bait thrown by the other party."

Since they were able to realize that their trajectory was discovered so quickly, they would definitely take action to deal with the aftermath.

And this location is most likely a bait to test them.

Even if you go there, you won't gain anything. The network wants to move too fast.

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