Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 87 - Martial Arts Test (Additional update, thank you God of War for your recommendation vote

Ah Xian knew Yi Xixiu's temperament and would definitely feel that the tuition fee was too much, so he sat on the bed and made a video call with Xixiu.

Xi Xiuzheng didn't know how to return the star coins, and felt sad.

"Sister A-Xian, are all your family members so proud?"

"Haha, Xixiu, just keep it, add it to your retirement salary, and save some more. You can use it to buy a starship in the future. I will also invest for you when the time comes, and we can drive a starship and go out for fun together. No need to give my dad any witchcraft. Jingshuo saves money! Don’t refuse Anweil, you deserve it.”

Ah Xian's face is like an elf, but the words he speaks are so heroic!

"But, there are too many...I" Xixiu was cut off by Ah Xian before he could finish, "Xixiu, you may not know what kind of help you have for Anweil. I believe that when the crisis comes, Come, all Anvilians will remember your achievements."

Although the people of Anvil firmly believed that the God of the Starry Sky would not abandon them easily, Xixiu's selflessness and hesitation shocked even Wu Jingxu.

The Wu family has passed a resolution to engrave the name Hong Xixiu on the nameplate of the ancestors of the Wu family. Descendants of the Wu family will remember this name for generations to come.

Even for the nobles of the Anvil galaxy, this is a supreme honor, not to mention that Xixiu is still a human being

Xixiu agreed to teach the secret skills very simply, without any hesitation or any conditions. It was just like an ordinary chat, you take it or not, I take it.

For Xixiu, it really is that simple. Ah Xian thought that she was open-minded, but she couldn't be as calm as Xixiu. She also asked if she needed help in the future and tried her best.

"Sister A-Xian, it's not that exaggerated. Just don't tell anyone else when the time comes."

In fact, she knew very well in her heart what kind of existence the Anweil ​​clan had for this star field. If the Anweir people died, this star field would disappear, and everyone would die by then, including her, Hong Xixiu.

"Okay, accept it, and be at ease with it. You know, this is the confidence given to you by the Anweil ​​people! From now on, Hong Xixiu will be the benefactor of the entire Anweil ​​galaxy." Axian patted his chest and said.

Xixiu thought for a moment and felt that it would be hypocritical if he refused again.

"Okay. Good night, sister Axian."

"Yeah, yeah, good night, Xixiu~"

A-Xian lay back on the bed and said in his heart, "Xixiu is such a cute child." Then he closed his eyes and started practicing Jingxin Jue.

The aura around her suddenly calmed down, and her mental power slowly dispersed. After a while, it began to spin like a tornado. After several repetitions, A-Xian's mental power actually broke through.

In the darkness, Ah Xian opened his golden eyes, and the shock in his heart could not be expressed.

She thought she would never break through her mental power again in this life. Now that she could do this, how terrifying would Xixiu's mental power be...

A Xian felt that none of this was important. What was important was that Anweil's crisis could be easily resolved.

Ah Xian slept particularly peacefully that night. After learning that the crisis was coming, he had never felt more peaceful than before.

Life in the school was extremely tight. Xixiu and the others had passed the Mechanical Principles test, and three months after entering school, they had their first martial arts test.

This morning, it was already early winter in Gaia. After Xixiu got up, she changed her clothes, took a tube of energy-enhancing nutritional supplements, and then opened the bedroom door. Enwit was already dressed and ready to go.

"Good morning, classmate Hong."

"Good morning, Enwit-san."

"In the competition later, be sure not to show mercy!" Because Enwit was tall, he and Xixiu stood side by side. Xixiu's height of 1.8 meters actually made him look a bit petite, so his words sounded a bit cute. Cute.

"Okay. Please also ask Enwit to attack with all your strength." Xixiu agreed.

The two partners reached a consensus, and A Xian just opened the door when they went out.

"Good morning, Xixiu."

"Good morning, sister A-Xian."

"Let's go together." After saying that, Ah Xian stepped forward and took Xi Xiu's arm, and the two of them went to the underground transmission device while talking and laughing.

Enwit followed behind, listening attentively to the chat between Xixiu and Wu Jingxian.

"Sister Axian, who will you team up with later?"

"I don't know. Let's wait for Master Gu's assignment. Let's see if there are any left alone."

"What about you, Enwit can handle it easily."

"Oh, no problem."

Enwit sounded very sad behind him. Hong's physical examination report when he entered school showed that his physical fitness was 5A and his mental strength was 2S, which was obviously the same as his.

Why at the same level, with his size and the physical fitness of the Aura Star, he could still be beaten by classmate Hong? He wanted to go back and complain to the old man, whether he had not inherited the iron wall of the Aola Star to him.

Not only was he completely beaten by classmate Hong in martial arts, but he also fell behind in the mechanics class, which was really, really sad.

Are the people from Aura Star born with low IQs? Woohoo, they are still very young and not very good at controlling their emotions. The future Lord of Aola Star, Enwit, really wants to squat in a corner, draw circles and cry for a while.

When Xixiu and the others arrived at the training room, they were notified of changing partners for the test.

The training room's light screen scrolled with the groups for this test. Xixiu was assigned to Yoqila, Axian was assigned to Zhang Jixing, and Enwit was assigned to Su Jinbao.

Xixiu and A-Xian looked at each other, and A-Xian quietly asked Xixiu: "Let the water go?"

After thinking for five seconds, Xixiu nodded: "I will use 50% of my strength. Whether I win or not depends on God's will."

"Okay, I don't care. I want to win today. Fighting is the most fun."

"Sister Ah Xian, don't be too harsh and save some face for Teacher Gu." He is really an Anweil ​​person who is not deeply involved in the world. He only does things because he likes them.

However, Sister A-Xian has a strong background, and Master Gu should not be so stingy as to hold a grudge for defeating his apprentice.

Enwit and Su Jinbao were the first to take the stage. The two saluted and started the battle. Gu Jinyan was on the sidelines as the referee and kept score.

The test is conducted in fifty rounds to determine victory or defeat, and the person with the most vital parts hit loses.

Enwit has been sparring with Xixiu for a long time recently. His roommate is a good person and has shared his martial arts experience with him. Therefore, Enwit has made great progress in martial arts recently and his posture is dexterous. He has taken many attacks from Su Jinbao. .

Gu Jinyan looked on, feeling a little helpless towards Su Jinbao. He told Su Jinbao many times not to be impatient, but Su Jinbao just couldn't listen.

This is also the reason why he didn't choose Su Jinbao in the end. Martial arts are not only about offense, defense is also very important.

Enwit usually competes with Su Jinbao and is quite familiar with his methods.

Su Jinbao was surprised that Enwit, who was almost at the same level as him before, could calmly receive so many of his attacks this time.

Seeing that Enwit had been defending, Su Jinbao sped up his movements, but Enwit moved at this moment. He grabbed the gap when Su Jinbao turned around and hit Su Jinbao in the abdomen, scoring two points.

Gu Jinyan had a change of heart towards Enwit, but she didn't expect the Aola Star people to have such good understanding.

By the end of the fifty moves, Su Jinbao had been hit six times, Enwit had been hit three times, and Enwit had won.

Fifty moves didn't take long, and soon A Xian and Zhang Jixing, Xi Xiu and Yuqi La came last.

Ah Xian figured out Zhang Jixing's path right when he came on the field, so he didn't put in much effort.

Gu Jinyan turned a blind eye. He knew that Wu Jingxian was airborne, but he didn't expect that the Anweil ​​people also had children who liked martial arts, which was remarkable.

Zhang Jixing was defeated and felt a little disappointed.

Gu Jinyan saw it in his eyes and didn't say anything. Becoming his disciple didn't mean he would be invincible.

Any success requires sweat and hard work. I hope this failure will allow him to understand this truth and work harder.

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