Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 871 - There must be a medium

Xixiu sent the data obtained by Mary Anne and Eric back to the alliance.

After seeing the method, Qing Wenxu, Chu Xuliang, and Chu Zekuan, who had been waiting in the Elders Association office, breathed a sigh of relief.

The message was immediately sent to various galaxies, asking them to identify parasites according to this method.

The alliance also developed identification instruments as quickly as possible and placed them in public places in various galaxies.

After the instrument captures the signal, the central brain will monitor their terminal.

In this way, it will be clear which parasite leaked the alliance information.

Among citizens, the Alliance is most concerned about the parasitism of employees in various departments.

In this way, a large amount of data will be leaked, and the other party will be able to grasp the real-time dynamics of the alliance.

The soldiers are relatively safe, because they are in various stations or fortresses, and they have no chance of coming into contact with parasites for the time being.

Raisren and his subordinates were under special observation. After Qing Zhixun was sent back to Gaia in Basia, Raisren and the soldiers who were on the mission with him moved their dormitories to a closed space according to Marianne's method. .

Someone is assigned to monitor at all times.

There is currently no data to support that parasitized people can infect other people.

Mary Anne came to the conclusion that in order for parasites to successfully enter the bodies of intelligent creatures, they must have a medium.

Moreover, intelligent creatures must have wounds on their bodies.

These parasites confuse passing intelligent creatures and wait for opportunities to enter their bodies.

The parasitized person will never feel that there is something extra in his body.

This is why Degu and Teli have been arguing that the parasite can change their memory when they were attacked.

Mary Anne also discovered that the parasites in the Deguhe Special Body had completed their evolution and were already in their fourth generation.

At the beginning, these parasites were not fully integrated, and even if they obtained all the memories of the host, they would not be able to immediately become familiar with everything in the past.

That's why Leisren missed the mark.

now. At the edge of the forest on Ningkui Star, Xixiu and Thorne organized soldiers to start cleaning up the parasites underground.

People who performed other tasks also came back one after another. Alivik and the others gathered the citizens who had been to the forest into one place, leaving behind instruments for monitoring.

After three days in a closed house, they can go home if nothing unusual happens.

Originally it only took a few hours to discover the problem, but for safety reasons, Song Jing'an decided to wait a few more days.

His people were responsible for checking the situation of the people in the sealed room, and Liu Ning's soldiers also needed to find the Hovians.

When they arrived here, they discovered parasites before the mission even started. While cleaning up the parasites, they also had to uncover the Hovians.

Xixiu and Arivik left Thorne to deal with the forest, and they entered the central city of Ningkui Star.

There is currently no trace of the Hovian people, and only Irene and Julie can have some connection with Hovian.

Xixiu plans to start from here.

After Degu left, Irene went to the connection center, and Xixiu had already obtained her route and who she had met.

She planned to take Erin's path again, and maybe she would make a discovery.

Liang Jingxian has been monitoring Irene. She must have discovered this, so when she went out, she just went to meet her colleagues and have daily chats.

On the way, Xixiu asked Liang Jingxian to find out the partnership contract between Irene and Degu.

"Captain, why do we need their companionship contract?" Liang Jingxian didn't understand what the connection was.

Xixiu just wanted to find some clues, such as why they have no children. "They have been partners for fifty years, and Degu has been retired for more than thirty years. Don't you think it's strange that they don't have children?"

In Jingsu, there is no such thing as being unable to raise children, and because it is extremely convenient to have children, women will not lose their job opportunities. Therefore, there is no partner who does not have children, unless they do so when they make a partnership contract. An agreement was made.

Although Degu and Irene say they have not missed the age of childbearing, after getting married, most people will have children at a stable time.

Only a few would choose to travel and give birth after returning.

Irene and Degu are obviously not this kind of couple because their jobs are very stable.

The reason why Xixiu wanted to find their companionship contract was to confirm whether they were one of those few people.

After seeing the surveillance video, Degu already knew what he had done.

Because they had not yet found a way to separate the consciousness of the parasite, both he and Teli requested to stay in a confined space.

When there is a method, when will they come out? They don’t want to be used by parasites to do things they don’t want to do.

Degu and Teli were put in the same room, but Teli remained silent.

It was painful for both men.

De Gu looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, "Te Li, do you know all those photos taken by Julie?"

Teli shook his head quietly, "I didn't know before, but now I know."

I'm afraid that there is a deeper secret hidden behind Julie, and he doesn't dare to reveal it anymore.

Call him cowardly or ignorant, he just wants to maintain the beauty he once had in his heart.

De Gu seemed to see through his thoughts, "Te Li, do you still remember the oath we made to the star map of the twenty star systems of the Alliance after we entered the station?"

After a long silence, Teli nodded.

How could I not remember?

I just remember, that’s why it hurts.

"Degu, I once asked Julie why we don't just raise a few children after we settle down like other couples. You know, I like children very much." Te Li's voice was very sad. He felt that this In the world, I am the abandoned one.

This time it was Degu's turn to be silent.

Because like Te Li, he is one of the few people in the league who has no children after 30 years of retirement.

Teli smiled sarcastically, "Julie said that she wanted to conceive a child for me by herself, without any instruments. She said that would be a gift and the fruit of my love for her."

He still remembered that when he first heard it, all the cells in his body were filled with bubbles of happiness.

However, every time he mentioned this matter, Julie would ask him to wait, saying that he needed to take good care of his body and take various medicines...

The more I hear this, the more numb I become.

Now that things have happened, Teli finally understands that these are just Julie's delaying tactics.

How could she use her own body to give birth to a child? In her eyes, she was probably just a wooden board to cover her up.

At this time, she no longer wanted to hide it. Although she didn't know what was happening when she was awake, he would observe the changes at home, from the storage of nutrients at home, the frequency of use of robots, and the working status of her partner. Everything is clear.

Julie was ready to leave him at any time.

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