Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 885 - How to use it well

Currently, Xixiu and the others have taken over the defense of the Ningkui star system, helping them establish wartime emergencies, and when foreign wars come, they will fight with the soldiers of the Ningkui star system.

She planned to guard the first line of defense in the starry sky to prevent the enemy from entering the ground of Ningkui Star.

If it is unavoidable, try to control the number of enemies entering the ground within the range they can handle.

Alivik had been watching Gu Peidong's simulation calculations. Seeing that the time for the arrival of the mothership mentioned by Li Xixiu was getting shorter and shorter, he was a little nervous, worried that the result was not what he had guessed.

Jiang Li'an and others quietly discussed, "Liu Ning will not send a mothership, but at most ten large starships and two supply ships."

Therefore, only the forces behind Xixiu will come, and the answer is self-evident.

Although the Qing family has its own mothership, it will not carry out missions at this time.

They haven't concluded a partnership contract yet, so the Qing family's assets won't be handed over to Qing Zhixun and Xixiu so soon.

Han Fenglin nodded in agreement, and said: "The entire alliance is saying that Major General Hong relied on the Qing family to get to the position, and ignored her personal strength. How brainless these people are."

Because Deng Huabo is responsible for collecting information about the Gaia Galaxy, he has a better understanding of the mentality of the aristocratic family: "It's not like you don't know the virtues of the children of the aristocratic family. They themselves only rely on connections to get to the top, and of course they think that others are the same."

His sharp point shows that the current situation of the league is not optimistic.

Most of the people in charge of various stations and fortresses are members of aristocratic families.

There are very few people who can truly rely on their own strength to reach the position of the highest officer in a station.

It was because Qing Zhixun made reforms in Yuanri, otherwise, it would also be in the hands of aristocratic families.

The situation in each station has only changed in recent years. In the past, it would have been able to cope with a full-scale crisis for up to three months.

No more.

ANBU has been collecting these clues and assessing the strength of each station.

There is no need to worry about Hai'an Fortress because people from the Qing family are there.

The people of the Qing family value the safety of the entire alliance. No matter where they are stationed, the safety of the alliance is their top priority. The most important thing is that the children of the Qing family are strong.

People from the Boyuan family can actually do it.

So they have been in charge of several fleets of the alliance.

Those disciples who are utilitarian and have little strength are different, that's why Deng Huabo said so definitely.

The people in Alivik began to look forward to who was coming, and it was very likely that they would know each other.

After receiving Xixiu's order, Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge immediately rushed over from Yuanri Star.

Several Star Thief groups were defeated on the way.

On the way from Yuanri to the Ningkui Galaxy, the galaxy they passed was relatively peaceful for the time being.

Only some star thieves who wanted to "take advantage of the situation" appeared.

No starship was found that broke through the starry sky and arrived directly, and no shadow of the robot was seen.

Calmness also means that more violent attacks are waiting for these galaxies.

Those galaxies that have been attacked are currently being tested by the other side.

Test the alliance's fastest response, and they will make adjustments next.

The real storm is yet to come.

Li Xianfeng and Wan Youlin had nothing to do, so they came over to join in the fun.

Come here for a while, and then they will enter other star fields.

Wherever there is need, go.

They will be the strongest rescuers in the starry sky.

While Liang Jingxian and others were calculating the results, Xixiu was not idle either.

The overall situation, defense deployment, and personnel arrangements of Ning Kui Star must be sorted out and made into files. After the mission is completed, they must be uploaded to the system.

She planned to stay in the starry sky today until Feng Qiqi and the others arrived.

A Xian spent a day sorting out information on the ground, and after nightfall at Ning Kui Star, he and others went to the starry sky.

When she arrived, Feng Qiqi's starship was already very close to Ning Kui Star.

She gave Xixiu the data she had sorted out and lay down on the sofa.

She is exhausted!

Xixiu read the data one by one, and Ah Xian did not ignore the key information.

She knew that A-Xian was just too lazy!

After she scanned all the information, Feng Qiqi's starship had stopped not far from them.

Feng Qiqi showed his identity certificate, and their starship was introduced to the internal hovering field of Xixiu's starship.

Feng Qiqi, Bai Junge, and Li Xianfeng were taken to Xixiu's reception room by Qimang.

Feng Qiqi greeted Xixiu warmly, as if she hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Everyone, please sit down." After Xixiu's voice fell, the others sat down neatly.

After explaining the current situation, Xixiu gave Feng Qiqi the plan.

Alivik kept staring at Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge, one of whom was Feng Yuici's daughter and the other was Bai Yinglong's son.

The other person who followed behind them silently was a little older than them. He was Xu Fengxiang's top disciple, Wan Youlin.

Hong Xixiu's identity is about to be revealed.

Alivik's people glanced at each other quietly, but they did not expect to guess their leader so accurately.

Li Xianfeng glanced at Alivik a few times. Although they noticed it, they didn't care.

His appearance was no different from that of a robot. The people in Alivik thought he was someone's robot guard. They looked at him this way to collect data and judge whether it was safe or not.

Having heard Xixiu talk about Jiuxing's ANBU before, Li Xianfeng knew that a coincidence had happened again.

What he didn't expect was that this generation of Anbu leaders were not human.

Arivik has obvious characteristics of other intelligent creatures. He is tall, two and a half meters tall, and his eyes are red.

Only the Nadak people close to Miao Runxing have this characteristic of red eyes and red hair.

The Nadak people have good talents, and their physical strength is comparable to that of the Ora people.

Unexpectedly, ANBU would add more species many years later.

When Li Fengfeng's eyes came over, Arivik keenly noticed something was wrong.

The robot's line of sight will not be scrutinized too much. Even the most intelligent robot in the league will only act according to its own system.

It won't be so targeted.

Furthermore, because of the Robot Convention, the alliance's robot manufacturers all use prescribed procedures when making robots.

Although the central brain's control over the robot is not strict, program restrictions are everywhere in the robot's terminal.

Arivik didn't know why a robot looked so human.

While Xixiu, Feng Qiqi, and Bai Junge were talking, Li Fengfeng and Alivik had already finished their moves.

Li Xianfeng conducted a preliminary test on Alivik, and he was very satisfied with the result.

At least this person, he had calculated using his mental power and data, was a tough guy.

If used properly, Xixiu can be a great help.

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