Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 888 - Two people are strangers

Li Xianfeng watched the ANBU people start to get busy, and he fell into deep thought again.

Xixiu told Alivik some information about Jiuxing in his possession, and the two of them told the story of Jiuxing frankly and thoroughly.

She would not interfere in ANBU matters, she was not qualified to do so.

They only hope to exchange information with Alivik and integrate the information from the two channels so that they can get the most accurate intelligence.

It will be of great help to their next actions.

Arivik agreed, this was for the best.

Li Xianfeng had no objection.

Jiuxing and Anbu were originally two different teams. He had managed them separately at the beginning, and each had its own information channels.

The way to find out information is also different.

The ANBU is even more cunning, with all kinds of strange methods.

After Alivik explained the business clearly, he said quietly: "You knew my identity during the competition."

Xixiu raised her eyes, glanced lightly, and admired him very much, "Yes."

"Where did you see it?" Alivik frowned.

"The trajectory of your mental power is the same as the method taught by the seniors and practiced by me." Xixiu simply explained the method.

She had practiced it and was deeply impressed by this trajectory.

She knew it from the beginning, but she didn't reveal her identity.

Very cautious.

Without knowing her own details, she should have been observing.

I also checked my own files.

With her current authority, she should be able to find something.

Furthermore, the Qing family and Jiuxing will also help.

Li Xianfeng sat quietly, seemingly thinking, but in fact he went to tap the central brain.

A mental body and a data body sat down in the virtual room where the two people often met, with two steaming drinks in front of them.

Li Xianfeng didn't know why this guy also imitated him, he was full of ritual.

"Drink, I mean." The central brain picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

The same goes for Li Xianfeng.

After finishing the drink, the central brain glanced at Li Xianfeng in a decent way, "Why do you have to think of me here?"

"Help investigate someone." Li Xianfeng's tone was a little sad, and he was gritting his teeth.

The person who can make him have such big mood swings must not be simple.

"Who?" The central brain was curious.

"Wang Xiankun."

The central brain began to search after he said the name.

Wang Xiankun is Li Xianfeng's cherished comrade-in-arms, and also his enemy.

The two men had competition for the position of supreme commander.

In the end Li Xianfeng won.

After Li Xianfeng won, Wang Xiankun disappeared behind the scenes and rarely acted in front of others.

At the same time, he also rejected the position of deputy coach awarded by the league.

Chase down star thieves in various galaxies.

It is another way to contribute to the alliance.

His reputation in the league is very good, and there is no negative news.

The year after Li Xianfeng's death, Wang Xiankun also passed away.

The Wang family only issued an obituary.

But there was no public farewell ceremony.

After that, the Wang family fell silent for a long time, and only history remembers this.

"Do you suspect that what the Wang family is doing now is related to him?" The central intelligence brain knows that this is possible.

After all, Li Yufeng survived in such a situation, and there was a possibility that Wang Xiankun could survive.

"The Xiwen family and the Wang family are getting married, and the head of the Wang family has designated a candidate."

Basia's son Frankie is very powerful, and more importantly, he is extremely stubborn, and the family cannot support his decision.

The Wang family wants to use the partnership contract to completely control Frankie.

Fernando, the heir of the Xiwen family, has not made much achievements in the past three years. Even with the support of the family, he has been promoted to senior colonel and it will be difficult to move forward.

Frankie is different. His strength is getting stronger year by year. If this continues, he will definitely compete for the position of heir.

If the Wang family works harder, he is likely to win. The Wang family is fighting.

This behavior coincided with that of a person in his memory.

And Wang Xiankun is a member of the Wang family.

The central brain could not directly figure out these twists and turns. After calculation, he nodded and agreed with Li Xianfeng's view.

It followed this line and checked the movements of the head of the Wang family in the past fifty years, as well as traces on the Internet.

I only found one suspicious point, that is, the head of the Wang family would change the communication channel of the terminal every once in a while.

The newly changed communication channel will have a blind area where it cannot track the signal source.

No matter how fast it is, it cannot recover the data in the blind area.

"Humans..." The central brain did not say the rest of the words.

Li Xianfeng got the clue from the recent actions of the Xiwen family. No matter how a person changes, the things that have been formed in his character cannot be changed.

Wang Xiankun was completely alienated from him because of the competition for the supreme commander, and they were strangers to each other.

After that, the two never saw each other again.

I just heard about the other party.

Li Xianfeng withdrew his thoughts, and the central intelligence brain had already found it: "Here, this is all the data I can find."

There are quite a few, tens of thousands of them.

Li Xianfeng started reading from his obituary, which was what happened after his death.

This obituary does not seem suspicious, it is normal, and it is no different from other obituaries in the league.

What puzzled him was that there was a picture on the obituary.

It's not like a photographed work, but more like a personal painting.

The picture is dark.

There were several people busy harvesting, which was the ancient farming in his memory.

There was no mechanization.

In Jingsu, there was no such way of farming. The people who planted had become robots, and there would be no manual labor in the fields.

There was also a maple tree not far away.

No one in Jingsu could draw this painting.

Only Qin Jian, or Qin Hongjun.

Because there was no maple tree in Jingsu.

Moreover, the only man whose face could be seen clearly had his eyes smiling.

Li Zhengfeng knew that this smile was not the joy of a good harvest.

It was a kind of ridicule.

The central intelligent brain looked at the painting, and when it saw this person, it also felt that the smile was too exaggerated.

"Have you offended many people?" The central intelligent brain said coldly.

"I have only offended some people because of my principles." Li Zhengfeng knew his temper.

There would definitely be friction and disagreements, but those people were not petty, and they could understand his approach after communication.

Wang Xiankun could be said to be the one who broke with him most thoroughly.

Qin Hongjun would take the opportunity to put the consciousness stripping device on his robot, how could he miss someone like Wang Xiankun?

Li Zhengfeng originally planned to communicate with the central intelligent brain again, but he sensed that there was information coming from the signal receiver on his body.

"Hello, old friend. See you on the next battlefield, I hope you will be surprised!" The tone was exactly the same as Wang Xiankun's.

Li Zhengfeng returned to his body at the moment the information popped up. Xi Xiu and others heard the sound from his terminal, wondering who would look for him?

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