Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 912 – Amber Eyes

After seeing from the surveillance footage that Wu Mu and Qi Mang had reached the location of the Starry Sky Beast, Xi Xiu and the others drove their fighter planes to the other side of the Starry Sky Beast.

Wu Mu's vines stretched in the air and soon coiled into an intricate pattern.

But Xi Xiu knew that the pattern it coiled into was actually a small array, which was convenient for it to grab things, and it was all for a purpose.

Qi Mang was still in a reduced form, and Wu Mu's vines sent it to the shoulder of the Starry Sky Beast.

Qi Mang transformed its arms into sharp metal claws that could hook the scales of the Starry Sky Beast.

Then it stretched its arms all the way to the tail vertebrae of the Starry Sky Beast.

Because this beast was now crawling on all fours, Qi Mang easily reached its waist and abdomen. It quickly retracted its claws, without changing to other styles, but only changed the sharpness of the claws to make the metal claws more suitable for cutting.

The Starry Sky Beast's sense of touch did not seem to be very sensitive, and Qi Mang was now in its blind spot, so it didn't take the previous blow seriously.

When Xi Xiu saw Qi Mang's cautious look in the monitoring, she understood that this star beast was a top opponent in Qi Mang's comprehensive calculation.

Su Jinbao and Xi Xiu's fighter planes have been approaching the star beast, because the vines of ebony have been entangled on its body, and all its attention has been attracted by ebony.

The starry sky is very quiet, and almost no other sounds can be heard. The star beast relies on its powerful mental power and hearing to perceive the world around it.

The vines of ebony have been growing, and the growth is very loud, and the energy fluctuations cover the energy fluctuations of the fighter.

Ebony can grow rapidly with the help of starry sky radiation. The star beast may have seen such a strange way for the first time, so it stopped all its movements, and a pair of yellow amber eyes locked onto ebony.

The light inside looks very strange.

Xi Xiu placed a monitor on one of the main vines of ebony to capture its various data in detail.

The eyes of the star beast can be clearly seen on the screen, revealing a hint of playfulness.

This is obviously something that only intelligent creatures can do. Although the spiritual power of the star beasts is enough to become a hegemon, their living habits and fighting methods do not have the characteristics of intelligent creatures.

The reason why Jingsu classified these creatures as beasts is because they do not know how to think and cannot use tools.

For the star beasts that shuttle between various star fields and rely on capturing other creatures in the star field for food, wisdom is not so important.

Their bodies are weapons.

As long as they are strong, it is not a problem for one to destroy an asteroid.

Wu Mu quickly gave the muscle tissue of the star beast he had taken to Wu Yuan, and Wu Yuan began to analyze it using its medical system.

Xi Xiu also asked someone to send a copy to Marianne on the ground for research.

During Wu Yuan's experiment, Xi Xiu stared at Wu Mu while following Wu Yuan's movements, and the progress of both did not fall behind.

After a long thirty minutes, Wu Yuan ended the experiment and projected the data just obtained on the light screen.

After the data was read, Xi Xiu found that this creature really did not have any artificially added genes.

It can be clearly seen from the data results that its genes are very original and have not undergone any changes.

Xi Xiu knows that humans and other intelligent creatures in Jingsu have undergone genetic modification.

After the modification, marks will be left in their genes to prevent problems so that they can be directly checked and treated more conveniently.

There are no marks in its genetic data.

"Major General, it seems a bit unreasonable that the star beast has such perfect genes." Su Jinbao and Xi Xiu said.

Indeed, as he said, some fragments of the unmodified genes will have more or less defects.

Some are even obvious fatal problems, but the data of this creature is so perfect that Mary Anne is surprised.

The genes of other star beasts are more or less inadequate. It is indeed not simple for this star beast to evolve to this level.

It also shows that its strength is terrifying.

Humans and other intelligent creatures have stronger bodies than before after their genes have been modified.

But in front of these star beasts, no matter how strong the flesh and blood body is, it is just a piece of thin paper.

"Leopard, you must always pay attention to the changes in its eyes. No one knows what their ultimate skills are now. Remind all fleets to be on guard." Xi Xiu dispersed her spiritual power through the instrument. The spiritual power that was cruising in the starry sky soon encountered the star beast. Xi Xiu concealed all traces. The star beast only glanced at a distance and retracted its sight. It planned to concentrate on dealing with the difficult plant in front of it, and did not take other dangers to heart. The scales of the star beast stood up, and the weapons that Xi Xiu and others had fired before had been withdrawn. After the star beast was dragged away from the gathering place, the anesthetic in its body lost its effect. The upside-down scales emitted a light green light at a speed visible to the naked eye. After sensing the changes of the other party, Wu Mu cautiously withdrew his vines. Xi Xiu saw its action from the surveillance video and raised the danger level of this star beast by two. After telling others about this result, Li Zhengfeng and A Xian also sent her the changes of the star beast in the battlefield they were responsible for. The difference is that the scales of the star beast that Li Zhengfeng and Axian faced were not green in color.

The end that Li Xianfeng was fighting was the same amber-yellow color as his eyes, while the color of A-Xian's end was scarlet and very bloody.

As for the ones the others were fighting, the colors were all different. They couldn't figure out why there was one kind of creature, but it was completely different.

Their internal structure and secreted substances are also the same, which can be seen from the data Mary Anne gave Xixiu.

In order to obtain various data on the Starry Sky Beast more quickly, Mary Anne brought her team and a simple laboratory to the Starry Sky.

As long as Xixiu and the others get the data, they will immediately send it back to her through the robot.

All kinds of data are updated in real time.

Starry sky.

Ebony retracted the outstretched vine. While retracting it, it also grabbed a scale on the abdomen of the starry sky beast.

Because the scales of the star beast stand upright, it is easier for Ebony to move.

After the scales were pulled off, the starry sky beast seemed to feel the pain. It stood upright and swept its right claw directly over.

Ebony dodged quickly, and the seven rays on the Star Beast's back took the opportunity to slide to its tail.

The strange thing is that this guy's tail fell out after standing upright.

Moreover, it has no scales, is hairy, and is extremely weird all over its body.

Qi Gang grabbed a few hairs on its tail and planned to hand it over to Xi Xiu when he returned.

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