Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 917 - Abnormality of Siyun Star

Everyone knows what this means. As long as the Star Beast comes here, the citizens of the planet will have almost no chance of survival.

Not even their bones would be left.

The strength of these starry sky beasts is enough to eat these planets.

"Report to the Alliance, Siyun Star is abnormal." Xixiu immediately drafted a document and reported the situation here to the Elder Council.

They also reported their next defense and plan, and at the same time sent a message to Liuning Fortress.

After completing this, Liu Ning's people entered the starry sky of Siyun Star.

Xixiu did not ask to meet with Yarosla, and the other party did not ask to come.

After Su Jinbao contacted Gu Peidong, he had successfully locked Yarosla's location.

Arivik looked intriguing: "This guy doesn't look like he's running away, but more like he's giving directions to something."

Even though the words were not said clearly, everyone understood the meaning.

The starry sky beast was deliberately attracted by Yarosla. No wonder the starry sky beast suddenly went crazy and came here in the star field where he was fighting before.

Is it because of what signals they receive, or the frequency that they can detect.

Xixiu, Li Xianfeng, and Wu Jingxian only sensed a slight fluctuation in the starry sky, but could not determine what it was.

"The army here is directly controlled by Yarosla. We must be extra careful when entering their defense range." Xixiu explained the powerful relationship to each team.

Let them always be wary of warriors from the Siyun planet and be careful of being attacked by "one of their own".

In the starry sky, Yarosla's overly handsome face was smiling, bloody and ferocious.

"Buda, let people be prepared at all times. As long as they enter our territory, they will be killed without mercy." The pleasant voice said vicious words.

Gritting his teeth, it was as if the Alliance soldiers had an sworn hatred against him.

"Yaro, you are openly betraying the alliance!" After he issued the attack order, several local forces in Siyun sent him messages.

Many of these people are native citizens of Siyun Planet, and they love their planet.

He also knew that once the attack was launched, Si Yunxing's charges would be confirmed.

Citizens will have a hard time in the Alliance in the future.

What they couldn't accept the most was that the warriors spent energy to intercept the alliance warriors. Those starry sky beasts must have a chance to come to the ground.

Their family, partners, friends, and even themselves will become prey for the beasts.

Yarosla glanced at the message and pressed the delete button.

The existence of the planet and the small and cowardly intelligent creatures in his eyes were not worth saving at all, nor was it worth his waste of weapons.

These lowly creatures should feel honored to be the food of the star beast!

Si Yun Xing.

The local forces knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion when they did not receive a reply from Star Lord Yarosla after five minutes.

Family A: I will contact our children, give up the attack, and quickly return to the ground to participate in the defense.

They had just jointly reported Siyun's situation to the alliance.

These people believe that Liuning Fortress, which came to support, has also discovered Yarosla's purpose and may have sent the message before them.

In this case, they can recall the warriors of their own family.

Family B: Our few people are just a drop in the bucket.

The people in the army are civilian soldiers trained by Yaroslav.

Over the years, these warriors worshiped Yaroslav as a god and served him.

If their people want to come back, they may be blocked.

Family C: It’s better than us old guys struggling on the ground.

Their people can more or less hold out for a while when they come back, until Liu Ning's warriors take control of the situation.

Nearly twenty families issued recall orders and sent the information to their children.

However, nothing happened.

Their people did not respond to the message immediately, and the faces of the heads of these families in the video were very ugly.

Their people must be in dire straits.

Yarosla may have seen through the efforts he put in putting people inside over the years.

Family A: Now we can only pray that the coming soldiers can turn the situation around quickly...

The sigh disappeared deep into the radio waves.

There was nothing they could do at the moment.

Yarosla has controlled Siyun Star for fifty years. During these years, he seems to be conscientious and has made no mistakes.

The families who had been boiled in warm water realized that their power had been reduced to a shell.

They only have themselves to blame.

These people were very upset.

He regretted why he only focused on internal fighting and let Yaroslav take advantage.

Give up Si Yunxing.

The citizens of Siyun Planet were not aware of these undercurrents at all. They did not receive any notification that the Starry Sky Beast would attack the planet.

What should be done is what it should be.

Xixiu saw the activities of Siyun citizens from the images transferred from her central brain. She didn't know whether to be happy for them or worried.

"Major General, all personnel are ready to go." Alivik made a report.

"Where are the people left behind?" Xixiu asked.

Arivik raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Don't worry, they are all well hidden, just waiting to give Yarosla's people a heavy blow."

When Xixiu contacted Yarosla, her expression was serious. Yarosla always thought that she was about the current starry sky beast attacking Siyun.

He has all the information on Xixiu, including the latest information on Q's defeat at her hands.

However, it's not that he is arrogant, but that he believes that a fledgling baby, no matter how strong he is, will not have much scheming and palace power.

In addition, his past resume is perfect, even if someone from the Elder Council comes, he can escape unscathed.

However, to be safe, Yarosla also sent his own special envoy to wait for Liu Ning's people on the ground of Siyun Star.

But who knows, Xixiu and the others did not directly enter the ground.

Instead, the starry sky of Siyun Star was blocked first, so that the starry sky beast could not enter the ground immediately after arriving here.

Seeing that the defense line arranged by Liuning Fortress has been reinforced with more than ten layers, it would be difficult for his people to break through the defense line and reach the stars.

"Yaro, the person who came is a cunning human, we..." Yaros raised his palm to interrupt Buda.

"Buda, send the order, let the people from the base come back, pretend to be star thieves, and attack Siyun." Yarosla immediately changed the plan he had made before.

"Yes, Star Master." Buda is his loyal subordinate and will not question any of his orders.

They used a secret communication channel, and soon the base in Yarosla's mouth gave a reply: Read it, set off immediately.

Be concise and to the point.

Alivik's people only intercepted the second half of the signal, and they were unable to obtain Yaroslav's information because he destroyed the information too quickly.

"Major General, it seems they have reinforcements." Alivik said thoughtfully.

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